Vanilla sumatrana

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Vanilla sumatrana
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Orchids (orchidaceae)
Subfamily : Vanilloideae
Tribe : Vanilleae
Genre : Vanilla ( vanilla )
Type : Vanilla sumatrana
Scientific name
Vanilla sumatrana

Vanilla sumatrana is a species of vanilla ( Vanilla ) in the orchid family (Orchidaceae). It grows as a climbing plant in Southeast Asia.


Vanilla sumatrana is an evergreen climbing plant, the leaves are arranged at a distance of eight to nine centimeters on the shoot. Their shape is oblong-oval, they have a pointed end. The petiole measures 1.2 to 1.3 inches, the leaf is 15 to 16 inches long and five to six inches wide.

The racemose inflorescence is multi-flowered, the angular inflorescence axis is 3.5 to six inches long with a diameter of about 0.7 inches. The bracts are triangular, strongly arched and about 0.65 inches long. The ovary is about three inches long. The flowers are yellowish, the tips of the petals are yellow-green, the lip is white with red markings. The sepals are lanceolate to spatula-shaped, four centimeters long and one centimeter wide, blunt-ended, and concave-shaped as a boat. The petals are similar in shape and dimensions, clearly keeled on the outside. The lip is indistinctly three-lobed, the middle lobe is slightly drawn in at the tip and so again weakly two-lobed. The lip is spread out roughly rhombic in outline, its edge is wavy. At the base it is fused with the column for about 0.6 centimeters . Sit in the middle of the lip: at the base some smooth grooves, then five transverse lamellae with scales pointing towards the base, then an elongated, hairy zone that does not quite reach the tip of the lip. The slender column becomes 2.7 centimeters long, it is white at the base and yellow further in front.


Vanilla sumatrana occurs in western Sumatra . Portères indicates sites at altitudes of 360 to 1000 meters, according to Soto Arenas and Cribb it differs from Vanilla griffithii in that it is located at over 1000 meters.

Systematics and botanical history

This orchid was described by Johannes Jacobus Smith in 1920 .

Within the genus Vanilla , Vanilla sumatrana is classified in the subgenus Xanata and there in the section Tethya , which contains all species of the paleotropic species . According to Portères, vanilla sumatrana is similar to Vanilla griffithii , which also occurs in Sumatra , but has differently shaped petals and other appendages on the lip. By Soto Arenas and Cribb, however, the latter is placed in a different family group. They name the group around Vanilla kinabaluensis as related species.


  • Le Vanillier et la Vanille dans le Monde . In: Gilbert Bouriquet (ed.): Encyclopédie Biologique . tape XLVI . Paul Lechevalier, Paris 1954.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Roland Portères: Le Genre Vanilla et ses Espèces. In: Le Vanillier et la Vanille dans le Monde. Pp. 217-218.
  2. a b Rafaël Govaerts (ed.): Vanilla sumatrana. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  3. a b c Miguel A. Soto Arenas, Phillip Cribb: A new infrageeric classification and synopsis of the genus Vanilla Plum. ex Mill. (Orchidaceae: Vanillinae) . In: Lankesteriana . tape 9 , no. 3 , 2010, p. 394 ( [PDF; 692 kB ]).
  4. In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. Volume III, No. 2, 1920, p. 22.