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Original title Fatherlands
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2016
length 86 minutes
Director Peter Kees
script Peter Kees
production Acadia Film, co-producer: Gunter Hanfgarn
camera Peter Kees
cut Peter Kees

Fatherland landscapes is a documentary film directed by Peter Kees . The premiere was on March 3, 2016 in the Babylon cinema in Berlin-Mitte . Except several times in Berlin, the film was u. a. also shown in Munich , Bamberg , Wiesbaden , Cologne , Trier , Weimar and Wolfsburg , often in the presence of the director. At some of the performances there was a subsequent panel discussion with u. a. Family judges , social workers, lawyers and mediators.


Peter Kees and his partner separate three months before their daughter is born. Contact with the mother and the future child breaks off. The director, cameraman and leading actor in personal union films himself at work, in his free time and preparing for the birth of the child in spring 2013. He only learns about the birth itself late. He then spent three years documenting how he tried to approach his daughter. Unsuccessful at first, he later receives supervised access rights and a court order several days of visiting. In order to deal with the lack of contact and to document the time when the child was fatherless, Kees wrote letters to his daughter, which he archived for the future.


The film addresses the issue of the legal status of fathers in Germany from their point of view. In particular, the lack of access rights for fathers in the event of child abduction by the mother comes up , as custody is almost always granted to the mother.

This very personal and intimate film shows the processing of the problem as a directly affected father in an unusually artistic form. There is no accusation or conviction. In some of the cinemas in which the film was shown, the discussion that followed resulted in a lively exchange with fathers who were also affected.


This section consists only of a cunning collection of quotes from movie reviews. Instead, a summary of the reception of the film should be provided as continuous text, which can also include striking quotations, see also the explanations in the film format .

“A father fights for his child: A father has had little contact with his daughter since birth because the mother does not want that: This is how Peter Kees tells his story in a film. Here he talks about impotence and fellow sufferers.

Fatherlandscapes is a long-term introspection: from November 2012 to December 2015, Kees accompanied himself with the camera. When showering, harvesting apples, gardening, cleaning windows, dancing in the living room. He documented how a father feels when he struggles to be part of his child's life. "

- Benjamin Schulz im Spiegel, March 3, 2016

“If mothers don't cooperate, it can be difficult for fathers to see their children regularly. Peter Kees was desperate - and at some point began to make a film about his situation. "

- Daniela Martens in Tagesspiegel, March 30, 2016

“Documentary shows how a father feels without his child. Peter Kees has had little contact with his child since his daughter was born. The father documents the last few years in a film he made himself. "

- Christian Pack at infranken.de, May 24, 2016

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Der Spiegel of March 3, 2016
  2. cinema dates
  3. https://www.infranken.de/regional/bamberg/Vater-ohne-T Jungs-Man-fuehlt-sich-ohnmaechtig;art212,1891014 # Presence of the director
  4. http://www.vaterlandschaften.de/Termine___Kinos.html Presence of the director
  5. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/dokumentarfilm-vaterlandschaften-es-ist-auch-sein-kind/13356138.html reference to the panel discussion in Berlin
  6. https://www.kgsberlin.de/aktuell/artikel/eintrag/art91118.html Reference to the panel discussion in Wiesbaden
  7. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/dokumentarfilm-vaterlandschaften-es-ist-auch-sein-kind/13356138.html reference to the panel discussion in Berlin

Web links