Publishing magazine

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Publishing magazine
legal form
founding 1864
resolution 1899
Seat Zurich
management Jakob Lukas Schabelitz
Branch Book publisher

The publishing magazine was a Swiss book publisher . This often operates as a publishing magazine (J. Schabelitz) . It was founded in 1864 by Jakob Lukas Schabelitz (1827–1899).


The publishing house became one of the best-known places of publication for opposition Germans who were subject to censorship in their own country. The publishing program mainly included political writings, including books by Friedrich Engels and August Bebel, as well as an anonymously written defense against anti-Semitism, which is growing stronger in Germany. The first books by the feminist Johanna Elberskirchen and the Austrian women's rights activist Irma von Troll-Borostyáni were also published here; also a volume of short stories and a novel by the writer Malwida von Meysenbug .

In the 1880s and 1890s Schabelitz also promoted the literature of naturalism and the avant-garde. He published the first edition of Arno Holz 's book of poems, Buch der Zeit . The circle of authors included the social revolutionary poets Karl Henckell , Maurice Reinhold von Stern and John Henry Mackay , whose novel The Anarchists in Germany was banned by the Socialist Law . Other well-known writers were Hermann Bahr , Otto Erich Hartleben , Oskar Panizza , Georg Herwegh and Frank Wedekind .

Since a number of books from the publishing house were banned in Germany and many of the authors supported by Schabelitz switched to more well-known publishers as soon as it was successful, the publisher had little economic success. After Schabelitz's death, the publishing house went out. In contrast, his apprentice Ulrico Hoepli became a successful bookseller and publisher in Milan.

Published authors and works

  • Anonymous author: Deutsche Antisemiten-Chronik 1888 to 1894. A collection of facts for the entertainment and instruction of everyone . 1894.
  • Wilhelm Arent : From the big city boom. With a preface by Lucian von Prager. 1891, .
  • Harry von Arnim or Wilhelm Eichhoff : Pro Nihilo! Prehistory of the Arnim process. First issue. 1876.
  • Johann Jakob Bänninger: The lessons in the first school year: a contribution to the practical solution of the Dr. Treichler raised the school reform question. 1877. (nbdig-37276)
  • Hermann Bahr .:
    • To the criticism of modernity. 1890.
    • The great sin. A civil tragedy. 1888.
    • The new people. A play. 1887.
  • Ernst Bark: Germany's world position and position and task. 1890.
  • August Bebel : The woman in the past, present and future. 1883. (New edition of The Woman and Socialism. )
  • Friedrich Beust :
    • The basic ideas of Pestalozzi and Froebel as applied to elementary and secondary school levels. 1867.
    • Basic features of the organization of a people's army. 1867.
  • Franz Blei : Karl Henckell, a modern poet. 1895.
  • Emil Blum, SB Alexander: Who is lying? A social question mark. 1892.
  • Hermann Conradi : Brutalities. Sketches and studies. 1886.
  • Theodor Curti :
    • Moods and thoughts. A lyrical diary. 1889.
    • Paracelsus. A tragedy. Written in 1893 for the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of Theophrastus Paracelsus. 1894. (B.MPa.80)
  • Josef von Doblhoff-Dier : water rings. Zeitgedichte an Austrian, March 1893 - July 1897.
  • Gustav Dullo. Berlin posters from 1848. 1893.
  • Johanna Elberskirchen :
    • Man's prostitution. Also a Sermon on the Mount - Also a reading for women. 1896.
    • Also a Sermon on the Mount - Also a reading for women. 1896/1897.
    • Social Democracy and Sexual Anarchy. 1897.
    • The woman, the clerical and the Christian social. 1898.
  • Friedrich Engels :
    • The origin of the family, private property and the state. 1884. (partly also: Schweizerische Genossenschaftsbuchdruckerei, Hottingen-Zürich 1884.)
    • Mr. Eugen Dühring's revolution in science. 1886, 315 pp.
  • P. Feddersen: History of Swiss regeneration from 1830 to 1848. 1867.
  • J. Gambs: Social Democracy, the Only Form of Satisfied Human Society. A contribution to the final solution of social, church and political questions. 1878.
  • Hugo Grothe-Harkányi: Profiles of women. Illusions. 1895.
  • Carl Grübler: Whether Congress or not! A warning to Austria. 1878.
  • Carl Stegmann and C. Hugo (eds.): Handbuch des Socialismus. 1897.
  • Otto Erich Hartleben : student diary. (Second changed and enlarged edition.)
  • Karl Henckell : Interlude. 1894.
  • Georg Herwegh : New Poems. Issued after his death. 1877.
  • Arno Holz : The Book of Time. Songs of a modern man. 1886.
  • Otto Hornung: New Austria. 1890.
  • Ludwig Jacobowski : Wilhelm II, Romantic or Socialist? From *** .. 1892. (published anonymously)
  • György Klapka : From my memories. Translated from the Hungarian by the author. 1887.
  • Karl Knortz :
    • American images of life. Sketches and diary sheets. 1884. ( )
    • New epigrams. 1884.
    • Goethe and the Werther period. A presentation. 1885.
    • Irish fairy tales. 1886.
  • Theodor Lessing : Between the battles. 1899.
  • John Henry Mackay : The Anarchists. 1891.
  • Anton Menger : Expert opinion on the proposals for the establishment of a federal university for law and political science. 1889.
  • Malwida von Meysenbug :
    • Collected stories from the author of the memoirs of an idealist. (Four novellas) 1885.
    • Victoria. Novel. 1889.
  • Otto Möllinger : The God Idea of ​​the New Age and the Necessary Development of Christianity. Developed in six lectures from the laws of the natural revelations of the Godhead. 1869.
  • Hans Müller : The class struggle in German social democracy: with a polemical epilogue: K. Kautsky 's adventures in Zurich. 1892.
  • Oskar Panizza :
    • The Immaculate Conception of the Popes. 1893.
    • The love council. A heavenly tragedy in five acts. 1895. (October 1894).
    • My defense in the matter of "The Love Council". 1895.
    • Farewell to Munich. A handshake. 1896.
  • Löhn, RP (pseudonym for: Robert Plöhn): Realistic fairy tales and metaphysical histories. Not for higher daughters, nor for lower boys. 1890.
  • Käthe Schirmacher : The Libertad. Novella. 1891.
  • Franz von Sonnenfeld : The Roman Catholic Church since the Restoration and its state of the modern state and education. A brief reference to indisputable facts. 1876.
  • Erasmus Redivivus: The Moloch of Militarism. 1894.
  • Otto Spielberg: Human Rights; a guide to world of comedy. 1888.
  • Maurice Reinhold von Stern :
    • Proletarian songs. Dedicated to the working people. 1885.
    • The concept of God in the present and future. 1887.
    • Voices in the storm. 1888.
    • The ability to be different. A popular philosophical contribution to the question of free will. 1888.
    • Alcohol and socialism. An appeal to the people. 1889
  • Johann Woldemar Streubel (under the pseudonym Arkolay): The annexation of southern Germany to the states of Prussian hegemony, its certain demise in a Franco-Prussian war. by a north German officer z. D.
  • Berta von Suttner : The age of machines. Future lectures about our time. 1888. Second, revised edition 1891. (under the pseudonym "Jemand")
  • Irma von Troll-Borostyáni :
    • In the free realm. A memorandum to all thinkers and legislators on the elimination of social errors and suffering. 1884.
    • Gender equality and reform of youth education. 1888.
  • Th. Vortmann: The reform of marriage. 1894.
  • F. re: The militarism . 1877.
  • Ulrich Wille : The new military organization and the budget of the Swiss military department for 1877. 1877.
  • Hermann Witte: The mental torture of militarism. 1896.
  • August Wünsche : The Talmud . 1879.
  • Wilhelm von Wymetal : My diary in the Sonzogno process. Shorthand, documentary and explanatory report by an eyewitness of the 22-day negotiations before the Roman Assisen, October 19 to November 13, 1875. 1876.
  • August Zapf: From my life. A contribution to the reform of the German school system. 1888.
  • Richard Zoozmann: Strange Stories. A song cycle. circa 1891.


  • Inge Kießhauer: An obituary in the Börsenblatt for the German book trade from February 1899 for Jacob Lukas Schabelitz. (Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel 66 (1899), No. 36, pp. 1196f.). In: Contributions to Marx-Engels research , 26. Berlin 1989, pp. 260–263.
  • Conrad Ulrich: The bookseller and publisher Jakob Schabelitz 1827–1899. In: Joseph Jung (Ed.): Ulrico Hoepli. 1847-1935. Bookseller, publisher, antiquarian, patron. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Zurich 1997, ISBN 3-85823-689-6 , pp. 185–198.
  • Conrad Ulrich: The publisher Jakob Lukas Schabelitz 1827–1899. Beer, Zurich 1999, ISBN 3-906262-11-1 . (= Learned society in Zurich, New Year's Gazette for 1999)
  • Adolph Russell: Total publishing house catalog of the German book trade and the foreign countries in direct contact with it. Volume 14. Münster 1881, Col. 737-742.
  • Catalog of the publisher 1898.

Individual evidence

  1. Carl-Eric Linsler: Deutsche Antisemiten-Chronik (1894) . In: Wolfgang Benz (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Antisemitismus. Hostility to Jews in the past and present . Volume 6: Publications. Berlin 2013, p. 113.
  2. Kurt Ifkovits: Interactions. Hermann Bahr - Jaroslav Kvapil ( memento from January 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) on the website of the Peter Lang publishing house.
  3. August Bebel: From my life. Cape. 8th.
  5. ^ Works by Hans Müller (1867–1950). ( Memento of December 31, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) CEDIAS - Musée social, Paris
  6. ^ Swiss National Library: Catalog
  7. Mentioned in Google books .