Administrative community Argental

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coat of arms Germany map
The administrative community Argental does not have a coat of arms
Administrative community Argental
Map of Germany, position of the administrative community Argental highlighted

Coordinates: 47 ° 37 '  N , 9 ° 58'  E

Basic data
Existing period: 1978–
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Swabia
County : Lindau (Lake Constance)
Area : 73.34 km 2
Residents: 6289 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 86 inhabitants per km 2
License plate : LI
Association key : 09 7 76 5737
Association structure: 4 municipalities
Association administration address
Mühlenstrasse 1
88167 Röthenbach (Allgäu)
Website :
Location of the administrative community Argental in the district of Lindau (Lake Constance)
Baden-Württemberg Österreich Schweiz Landkreis Oberallgäu Bodolz Gestratz Grünenbach Heimenkirch Hergatz Hergensweiler Lindau (Bodensee) Lindenberg im Allgäu Maierhöfen Nonnenhorn Oberreute Opfenbach Röthenbach (Allgäu) Scheidegg Sigmarszell Stiefenhofen Wasserburg (Bodensee) Weiler-Simmerberg Weißensberg Bodenseemap
About this picture
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms
Seat of the administrative association in Röthenbach

The administrative community Argental (until February 28, 2007 administrative community Röthenbach (Allgäu) ) is located in the Swabian district of Lindau (Lake Constance) and is formed by the following communities:

local community Residents surface
Gestratz Gestratz 1283 15.32 km²
Grünenbach Grünenbach 1510 25.13 km²
Maierhöfen Maierhöfen 1611 17.93 km²
Röthenbach (Allgäu) Röthenbach (Allgäu) 1885 14.96 km²

“At home in the Westallgäu - live well in the Argental. The four of us from Argental continue to develop together ... "

- Mission statement of VG Argental

The seat of the administrative community is Röthenbach (Allgäu).


The merger of Weiler and Simmerberg in 1968 favored the formation of a further merger of municipalities to form a unified municipality in the upper district of Lindau. The following thought models resulted:

  • Merger of seven municipalities: Ebratshofen , Gestratz, Grünenbach, Harbatshofen , Maierhöfen, Röthenbach and Stiefenhofen
  • Merger of five municipalities: Ebratshofen, Gestratz, Grünenbach, Maierhöfen and Röthenbach

With the incorporation of Harbatshofen into the then Upper Allgäu community of Stiefenhofen on July 1, 1970 and the incorporation of Ebratshofen into the community of Grünenbach on April 1, 1972 through the regional reform in Bavaria , the number of communities decreased and the idea of ​​a unified community was discarded.

On July 1, 1975, the government of Swabia proposed a reorganization of the communities. The declaration of intent by the municipalities and the district should be available by September 15. A meeting of the mayors of the four Argental communities resulted in the following picture:

local community mayor intention
Grünenbach Georg Immler Unified municipality with Gestratz and Maierhöfen
Gestratz Josef Kimpfler Administrative community of the four municipalities based in Grünenbach or Maierhöfen
Maierhöfen Bartholomew Fink Unified municipality with Gestratz and Grünenbach or

Administrative community of the four municipalities based in Grünenbach

Roethenbach Josef Kempter Unified community of the four communities with seat in Röthenbach or

Administrative community of the four communities based in Röthenbach or

Merger of Röthenbach with Heimenkirch , if the administrative headquarters in Röthenbach were rejected

(The seat must be in Röthenbach because of the highest number of inhabitants and the highest tax force)

“We four churches The four of us are open to one another. Each church brings in its strength. Our villages keep their character. Coexistence, culture, tradition Young and old live together. Family and clubs shape our social coexistence. Openness and tolerance determine mutual interaction. Customs and church life have a firm place in our society. Innovation and tradition are equally at home here in Argental. "

- Guiding principles of VG Argental

This meeting of mayors was followed by citizens' assemblies in the individual municipalities with the following intentions:

  • Grünenbach : Unified municipality with Gestratz, Maierhöfen, Röthenbach and Stiefenhofen
  • Maierhöfen : Gestratz-Grünenbach-Maierhöfen-Röthenbach administrative association based in Grünenbach
  • Gestratz : Gestratz-Grünenbach-Maierhöfen-Röthenbach administrative association based in Röthenbach

In the end, the four communities agreed on the establishment of the Röthenbach administrative community based in Röthenbach. This took place on May 1, 1978.

In 2007 the community was renamed the Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Argental .


  • Herbert Mader: Grünenbacher Chronicle from the beginning to the present; Seven or five? Finally four - The VG Röthenbach , p. 171 f.

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. VG Argental website ( Memento of the original dated July 31, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /