Four-toothed moss

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Four-toothed moss
Brown's four-tooth moss (Tetrodontium brownianum)

Brown's four-tooth moss ( Tetrodontium brownianum )

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Tetraphidopsida
Order : Tetraphidales
Family : Tetraphidaceae
Genre : Four-toothed moss
Scientific name

The four-toothed mosses ( Tetrodontium ) are a genus of the deciduous moss from the family of the Tetraphidaceae .


The generic name Tetrodontium refers to tetra = four and odous, odontos = tooth, because of the peristome , which consists of only four teeth.


They are tiny cave mosses that grow from a perennial protonema . The protonema forms egg-shaped or ribbon-shaped leaflets (protonema sheets).

The seta becomes up to 8 mm long and carries the ovoid-cylindrical capsule. The peristome has only 4 peristome teeth (name).

Location claims and distribution

All species are lime-avoiding cave mosses on silicate rock ( sandstone , gneiss , granite , and also phonolite ). They settle caves, crevices and rock overhangs in valleys and gorges of the higher Hercynian low mountain ranges ( Bavarian Forest , Ore Mountains , Harz , Black Forest , Thuringian Forest ) and the Allgäu Alps . Tetrodontium brownianum in particular is also widespread in the variegated and chalk sandstone areas. The mosses depend on constant humidity and are found mainly near streams or waterfalls, where they primarily grow on the underside of boulders.


There are three types worldwide, all of which are found in Europe and Germany:


Web links

Commons : Vierzahnmoose ( Tetrodontium )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files