Vice cathedral office except for the city of Mainz

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The vice cathedral office apart from the city of Mainz was an administrative unit in the Electorate of Mainz .

Apart from the city of Mainz , the Vizedomamt was the youngest Electorate of Mainz . It emerged after the Mainz collegiate feud of 1462 and initially only included Kostheim , Kastel and Heidesheim (Heidesheim was later assigned to the Nieder-Olm office). The administrative reform of 1782 led to a division of the vice cathedral office into three district bailiffs: Kastel, Nieder-Olm and Weisenau. The Amtsvogtei Kastel also includes Kostheim and the Petersaue as well as the exclave Haßloch . The districts Nieder-Olm , Drais , Ebersheim , Heidesheim, Kleinwinternheim , Marienborn , Ober-Olm , Sulzheim and Zornheim belonged to the district bailiwick of Nieder-Olm . Weisenau , Bretzenheim , Zahlbach , Gaubischheim , Hechtsheim , Laubenheim and Nackenheim belonged to the Weisenau District Bailiwick .

The Vizedom was also the Vizedom of the Vizedomamt in the city of Mainz . With the administrative reform of 1782 this office became a sinecure .


  • Günter Christ and Georg May: Archbishopric and Archdiocese of Mainz: Territorial and Church Structures, Volume 2, 1997, ISBN 3429018773 , pp. 277–279
  • New collection of geographical-historical-statistical writings, Volume 3, Mizler Verlag, 1784, p. 365, online