Vjera Holthoff Detto

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Conversation between Holger Klein and Vjera Holthoff-Detto.

Vjera Alexandra Holthoff-Detto (born September 4, 1961 in Bonn ; née Holthoff ) is a German doctor whose research and work focuses on research into the fundamentals of cognition over the lifespan and early disorders in old age with a focus on dementia using clinical methods and functional imaging , Development of measuring instruments for the early diagnosis and assessment of the course of cognitive disorders in old age as well as development and evaluation of training programs for resource activation. Between 2008 and 2013 she was a professor at the TU Dresden and has been an adjunct professor with a member status there since 2014.


Born in 1961 HolthofF-Detto put 1980 in Paris her high school and took a degree in medicine at the University of Cologne on. She completed this in 1987 with the state examination , in the same year she was granted her license to practice medicine and her doctorate on the subject of "Changes in the retina in chicken embryos due to blockade of the glycine receptors - a quantitative-morphological examination". After completing her scientific and specialist training at the University Hospital Cologne (1987-1994) within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research and the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology at the University of Cologne and the recognition as a specialist in neurology (1994) was the physician between 1989 and 1991 as part of a scholarship of the Max Planck society as a post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan operates.

After moving to the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital in Dresden in 1995, gaining specialist medical qualification for psychiatry and psychotherapy and being appointed senior physician in 1997, she received the Venia legendi for psychiatry and psychotherapy in 2002 with her habilitation on the subject "Regional cerebral dysfunction in the course of major depression". She then became a private lecturer at the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden . After further training as a clinical geriatrician in 2002 and a psychoanalyst in 2004, Vjera Alexander Holthoff-Detto became an adjunct professor at the Technical University in 2007 and one year later followed the call to the W2 professorship for gerontological psychiatry / focus on cognitive neuropsychiatry at the medical faculty there . From 2011 to 2013 the physician continued to be the group leader for “Cognitive Neuropsychiatry” at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Dresden.

On January 1, 2014, she left the Dresden University Hospital and became chief physician at the Hedwigshöhe Hospital in Berlin . Due to this change, the medical doctor has been an adjunct professor with a member status at the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden since 2014 .


Holthoff-Detto, daughter of the diplomat Horst H. Holthoff , is married and has one son.


  • 2001–2009: Member of the ethics committee of the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden
  • 2003–2009: Deputy Chairwoman of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden
  • since 2003: Member of the research committee of the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Dresden
  • 2006–2009: Senator for mid-level academic staff in the Senate of the Technical University of Dresden
  • 2006–2009: Member of the Senate Commission for Science Development, Research and Young Scientists at the Technical University of Dresden
  • since 2008: Member of the German Society for Gerontopsychiatry and Psychotherapy
  • since 2009: Head of the "Gerontopsychiatry" department of the German Society for Gerontopsychiatry and Psychotherapy

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • Regional cerebral dysfunction in the course of major depression , 2001.


  • Holthoff Detto, Vjera . In: Caris-Petra Heidel, Marina Lienert (ed.): The professors of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus Dresden and its predecessor institutions 1814-2013 . Dresden 2014, ISBN 978-3-86780-376-2 , Professors of the Medical Academy and Medical Faculty Dresden, p. 179-180 .

Web links

  • Curriculum Vitae (PDF; 51.9 kB) on the website of the Alexianer St. Hedwig Clinics Berlin

Individual evidence

  1. Resonator Podcast of the Helmholtz Association : Dementia Research at the DZNE (Volume 4, May 24, 2013)
  2. ^ Vjera Alexandra Holthoff-Detto in the German National Library
  3. ^ New chief physician at Hedwigshöhe Hospital . In: Alexianer St. Hedwig Kliniken Berlin GmbH (Ed.): Alexianer Zeitung . tape 1/2014 . Berlin 2014, p. 3 ( alexianer.de [PDF; 1,2 MB ; accessed on June 2, 2016]).
  4. "The career is not the only important thing !" In: disy-magazin.de. Disy Magazine, accessed June 2, 2016 .
  5. Alexianer Berlin Hedwigshöhe Hospital: Prof. Dr. Vjera Holthoff-Detto awarded by FOCUS-GESUNDHEIT in the list of doctors 2015. In: alexianer-berlin-hedwigkliniken.de. Alexianer Berlin Hospital Hedwigshöhe, accessed on June 2, 2016 .