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Wöllmerstift is a residential area in the Wendemark district of the Altmärkische Wische municipality in the Stendal district in Saxony-Anhalt .



The Wöllmerstift, a courtyard in the Wische , is about 1 kilometer east of Wendemark and 3 kilometers west of the city of Werben (Elbe) on the Flurgraben Wöllmerstift. In the north of the village lies the Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve and the Aland-Elbe-Niederung nature reserve .


The historian Peter P. Rohrlach put together from the files in the Saxony-Anhalt State Archives in Magdeburg: The Wöllmerstift, known as Freihof No. 24 in 1945 , belonged to Velde until 1329. He came to the Arendsee Monastery in 1329 over the tithe of a hoof , belonged to the Arendsee Monastery in 1572 and since 1540 to the Arendsee Office with 2 farms. From 1596 to 1650 the place was owned by von Rindtorf, after 1650 to 1732 by Peter Barfels and Erben. It came to the Engel family from 1732 to 1738/39, and from 1739 to 1750 to Pastor Löwe.

In 1750, Nikolaus Falcke bought the former Rindtorffschen Meierhof. In May 1841, King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Returned to the courtyard on a tour. Therefore the homestead was later called Königs-Falckenhof . A memorial plaque was placed on an oak tree in front of the homestead. From 1858 the widow Charlotte Wilhemine Falcke, née Müller, ran the farm very successfully.

In 1863 she left the main farm to her inspector Wöllmer on very favorable terms. The Falckische Schulstiftung existed from 1873 and the Friedrich-Clara-Wöllmerstiftung from 1906 to 1950. The latter was brought into being by a decree of the free estate owner Friedrich Wöllmer, who died in 1901. At that time the mayor of Wendemark, the local chaplain and the head of the district were on the foundation's board of directors. The purpose of the foundation was "to provide shelter for sick people of both sexes who live in needy conditions". A house was built for this purpose in front of the entrance to the courtyard, which also included a nurses' station with a deaconess .

Rorhlach writes that the farm was expropriated in 1945. According to the deed, the expropriation of the Wöllmerstift did not take place until April 17, 1950, i.e. after the land reform was completed on October 7, 1949. Therefore, the then municipality of Wendemark applied for a return transfer in the 1990s. But the application was rejected by the Treuhandanstalt .

The courtyard is not labeled on older maps. On the digital map Top50 from 2003 the place is wrongly called Wolmirstift and in the printed place directories from 2008 and 2013 it is listed as Wöllmerstift .

Culture and sights

The former Freihof Wöllmerstift is a listed building. The courtyard can be traced back to the 15th century. The house, the oldest part of the complex, dates from the 17th century.

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 51 ′ 39.3 "  N , 11 ° 56 ′ 18.2"  E


  • Peter P. Rohrlach: Historical local lexicon for the Altmark (Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg, Part XII) . Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-8305-2235-5 , pp. 2387-2388 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Directory of municipalities and parts of municipalities . Area as of 1 April 2013 (= Statistical Office Saxony-Anhalt [Ed.]: Directories / 003 . No. 2013 ). Halle (Saale) May 2013, p. 112 ( destatis.de [PDF; 1.6 MB ; accessed on August 24, 2019]).
  2. a b c Wolfgang Oehmke: The Wöllmerstift . Ed .: Helmut Kurt Block and Kulturförderverein Östliche Altmark (=  knowledge of the region . Volume 3 ). 1st edition. Edition Kulturförderverein Östliche Altmark, Kremkau 2008, DNB  994253249 , p. 473-475 .
  3. Saxony-Anhalt viewer of the State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation ( notes )
  4. ^ A b Peter P. Rohrlach: Historical Ortlexikon für die Altmark (Historical Ortlexikon für Brandenburg, Part XII) . Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-8305-2235-5 , pp. 2387-2388 .
  5. ^ Adolph Friedrich Riedel : Codex diplomaticus Brandenburgensis : Collection of documents, chronicles and other source documents . Main part 1st volume 22 . Berlin 1862, p. 34 ( digitized version - LVIII.).
  6. a b c d Andreas Puls: Deaconess once cared for the elderly . In: Volksstimme Magdeburg, local edition Osterburg . December 31, 2011 ( volksstimme.de [accessed September 14, 2019]).
  7. Top50 -CD Sachsen-Anhalt, 1.50000, State Office for Land Surveying and Geoinformation, Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy 2003
  8. ^ Directory of municipalities and parts of municipalities . Area as of 1 July 2008 (= Statistical Office Saxony-Anhalt [Ed.]: Directories / 003 . No. 2008 ). Halle (Saale) November 2008, p. 142 ( destatis.de [PDF; 3.6 MB ; accessed on September 8, 2019]).
  9. ^ Georg Dehio: Handbook of German Art Monuments . Saxony-Anhalt I, administrative district Magdeburg. Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2002, ISBN 3-422-03069-7 , p. 982 .