Silesian constituency 13

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Silesian constituency 13
country Austria-Hungary
Crown land Silesia
Constituency number 13
Type Rural municipality constituency
region Teschen , Jablunkau
Present population  75.074   (1910)
Colloquial languages Polish  (89.4%),  Bohemian (6.3%),  German (4.3%)
Eligible voters 13,036   (1911)

The constituency of Silesia 13 was a constituency for the elections to the House of Representatives in the Austrian Crown Land of Silesia . The electoral district was created in 1907 with the introduction of the Reichsrat election regulations and existed until the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy .


After the Reichsrat had decided on the general, equal, secret and direct male suffrage in autumn 1906, the major reform of the electoral law through the sanctioning of Emperor Franz Joseph I came into effect on January 26, 1907 . With the new Reichsrat election order, a total of 516 electoral districts were created, with one member being elected in each constituency with the exception of Galicia in the course of the Reichsrat election. The MP had to prevail with an absolute majority in the first ballot or in a runoff election. The constituency of Silesia 13 comprised the judicial districts of Teschen and Jablunkau , with the exception of the following municipalities:

The physician Ryszard Kunicki (1873-1960) emerged victorious from the 1907 Reichsrat election in the second ballot, partly regarded as an international socialist by the PPSD and therefore more acceptable for the local Schlonsaken , Moravians and other ethnic groups. This result came as a surprise to his Polish opponents at odds: Franciszek Lankocz of the Polish Union of Silesian Catholics, led by Józef Londzin (who won 14 in the Silesian constituency ) and the Polish evangelical lawyer Jan Michejda . The fourth candidate was Jan Chlebus, an agrarian from PSL .

In the 1911 Reichsrat election, Jan Michejda won in the second ballot, as a harmonious candidate of the Union of Silesian Catholics and the more evangelical party PSN (Polskie Stronnictwo Narodowe). His opponents at the time were the pro-German and anti-Polish national movement Józef Kożdoń (who was also a candidate in the Silesian constituency 15 ) and the socialist doctor Ryszard Kunicki.

Election results

Reichsrat election 1907

The 1907 Reichsrat election was held on May 14, 1907 (first ballot) and May 23, 1907 (runoff).

First ballot

Reichsrat election 1907, aisle 1:
Kunicki (green),
Lankocz (red),
Michejda (blue),
Chlebus (yellow)
candidate Political party Constituency
Ryszard Kunicki PPSD 4608 37.9%
Franciszek Lankocz Association of Silesian Catholics
4377 36%
Jan Michejda PSN (Polish National Party) 2148 17.7%
Jan Chlebus Polish agrarians 868 7.1%
Other parties 68 0.6%
Eligible voters: 12,739, invalid / empty votes: 78, voter turnout: 95.4%


Reichsrat election 1907, aisle 2:
Kunicki (green),
Lankocz (red)
candidate Political party Constituency votes percent
Ryszard Kunicki PPSD 6672 56.1%
Franciszek Lankocz Association of Silesian Catholics
5213 43.9%
Eligible voters: 12,739, Invalid / Empty votes: 149, Turnout: 94.5%

Reichsrat election 1911

The 1911 Reichsrat election was held on June 13, 1911 (first ballot) and June 20, 1911 (runoff).

First ballot

Reichsrat election 1911, aisle 1:
Kunicki (green),
Michejda (blue),
Kożdoń (yellow)
candidate Political party Constituency
Jan Michejda PSN (Polish National Party) 5588 45.2%
Ryszard Kunicki PPSD 4304 35.1%
Józef Kożdoń Silesian People's Party
(German-friendly Poles)
2336 19%
Other parties 27 0.2%
Eligible voters: 13,036, Invalid / Empty votes: 120, Turnout: 94.9%


Reichsrat election 1911, aisle 2:
Michejda (blue),
Kunicki (green)
candidate Political party Constituency votes percent
Jan Michejda PSN (Polish National Party) 6102 50.2%
Ryszard Kunicki PPSD 6059 49.8%
Eligible voters: 13,036, invalid / empty votes: 115, voter turnout: 94.2%


Individual evidence

  1. Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrath. 1907, IX. Piece, No. 17: "Law of January 26, 1907 regarding the election of the members of the House of Representatives of the Reichsrat"
  2. Article  in:  Prager Abendblatt. Supplement to the Prager Zeitung / Prager Abendblatt , May 15, 1907, p. 1 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / pab
  3. Article  in:  Prager Tagblatt , May 15, 1907, p. 1 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / ptb
  4. Article  in:  Prager Abendblatt. Supplement to the Prager Zeitung / Prager Abendblatt , May 24, 1907, p. 1 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / pab
  5. ^ The elections to the Reichsrat. In:  Prager Abendblatt. Supplement to the Prager Zeitung / Prager Abendblatt , June 13, 1911, p. 2 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / pab