List of constituencies in Silesia

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This list of electoral districts in Silesia lists all electoral districts in the Crown Land of Silesia for the elections of the Austrian House of Representatives . The constituencies existed between 1907 and 1918.


After the Reichsrat had decided on the general, equal, secret and direct male suffrage in autumn 1906, the major reform of the electoral law through the sanctioning of Emperor Franz Joseph I came into effect on January 26, 1907 . With the new Reichsrat election regulations, a total of 480 electoral districts were created, each with one member to be elected, who was determined by direct election with a possible runoff. Before the abolition of class electoral law, there were twelve constituencies in Silesia , with the towns and the Troppau Chamber of Commerce and Industry sending four delegates, the landowners and rural communities each sending three delegates and the general electoral class two delegates.

With the introduction of universal male suffrage, 15 electoral districts were created in Silesia, divided into six so-called city constituencies and nine rural municipality constituencies. In addition to the city electoral district for Opava, there were five other city electoral districts in which various cities and municipalities, usually the seats of the district administration or the district courts, were combined. The rural community constituencies, on the other hand, consist of a certain number of judicial districts, whereby in some rural community constituencies individual localities were assigned to other constituencies due to the majority language of the population.

The population of Silesia in 1910 consisted of around 42% German speakers, 32% Polish speakers and 24% Czech speakers. This mixture of languages ​​is also reflected among the representatives of the Silesian electoral districts. For example, German-speaking MPs were sent to the House of Representatives in constituencies 1–5 and 7–10, electoral districts 6 and 11–12 were represented by Czech-speaking members, and constituencies 13–15 by Poland. However, the spectrum of parties was also very fragmented within the language groups. In 1910 the nine German-speaking MPs came from five parties, the three Czech MPs from two and the three Polish MPs from three parties.


No.: Constituency number with a link to the constituency article
Constituency type: Indication of whether it is a city constituency or a rural municipality constituency
Region: Cities or judicial districts that make up the constituency. The rural municipality constituencies include the specified judicial districts without the cities and towns contained in the constituencies 1 to 6 or the municipalities named or excluded from the constituencies
WB: Number of eligible voters in the 1911 Reichsrat election
Party 1907: Party affiliation of the member of the electoral district in relation to the Reichsrat election in 1907
Party 1911: Party membership of the member of the electoral district in relation to the Reichsrat election in 1911
No. Constituency type region WB Party 1907 Party 1911
1 City constituency Troppau 4,948 DRP DRP
2 City constituency Freiwaldau , Zuckmantel , Würbenthal , Jägerndorf , Olbersdorf , Jauernig , Stadt , Engelsberg , Weidenau , Friedberg 7,830 DVP DVP
3 City constituency Freudenthal , Bennisch , Odrau , Wigstadtl , Wagstadt , Königsberg , Friedek 7,386 SD DVP
4th City constituency Teschen , Oderberg , Freistadt , Schwarzwasser 5,510 DF DF
5 City constituency Bielitz , Skotschau , Jablunkau 4,670 DF DF
6th City constituency Radwanitz , Polish Ostrau , Hermanitz , Hruschau , Schönichl , Dombrau , Karwin , Lazy , Orlau 15,606 TSD TSD
7th Rural municipality constituency Jauernig , Weidenau , Freiwaldau judicial districts 9,422 SD DAP
8th Rural municipality constituency Jurisdictions Zuckmantel , Olbersdorf , Jägerndorf and the communities of Cross Village , Lodnitz and Strochowitz 5,838 SD THERE
9 Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Würbenthal , Freudenthal , Bennisch and the municipality of Mladetzko 6,615 THERE SD
10 Rural municipality constituency Judicial district Wigstadt without the communities of electoral district 11, as well as the communities Lippin , Stiebnig , Wollmersdorf , Altstadt , Bielau , Brawin , Brosdorf , Großolbersdorf , Radnitz , Tyrn , Alexanderfeld , Altbielitz , Batzdorf , Bistrai , Kamitz , Lobnitz , Nikelsdorf and Ober Kurzwald 7.612 THERE THERE
11 Rural municipality constituency Judicial district Troppau without the communities of electoral districts 8, 9, and 10, judicial district Wagstadt without the communities of constituency 10, judicial district Königsberg without the communities of electoral district 10 and the communities Briesau , Dittersdorf , Jantsch , Markersdorf , Waldolbersdorf 11,349 TA TA
12 Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Friedeck , Polish Ostrau 10,587 TSD TA
13 Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Teschen , Jablunkau 13,036 PPSD PVP
14th Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Schwarzwasser , Skotschau , Bielitz without the municipalities of electoral district 10 11,684 PK PK
15th Rural municipality constituency Legal districts Freistadt , Oderberg 10,807 PPSD PPSD

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrathe , 1873, XV. Piece, No. 40: "Law of April 2, 1873, whereby the Basic Law on Reich Representation of December 21, 1867 (RGBL. No. 141) is amended"
  2. Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrathe , 1896, LXVI. Piece, no. 168 "Law of June 14, 1896, whereby the Basic Law on Reich Representation of December 21, 1867, RGBl.Nr. 141, or the laws of April 2, 1873, RGBl. No. 40, and from November 12, 1886, RGBl. No. 162, to be amended and supplemented "
  3. ^ Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrath 1907, IX. Piece, No. 17: "Law of January 26, 1907 regarding the election of the members of the House of Representatives of the Reichsrat"


  • Fritz Freund: The Austrian House of Representatives. A biographical-statistical handbook, 1907–1913, XI. Legislative period (XVIII session). Wiener Verlag, Vienna, Leipzig 1907
  • Fritz Freund: The Austrian House of Representatives. A biographical-statistical handbook, 1911–1917, XII. Legislative period. Publishing house Dr. Rudolf Ludwig, Vienna 1911