List of constituencies in the margraviate of Moravia

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This list of electoral districts in the Margraviate of Moravia lists all electoral districts in the Crown Land of Moravia for the elections of the Austrian House of Representatives . The constituencies existed between 1907 and 1918.


After the Reichsrat had decided on the general, equal, secret and direct male suffrage in autumn 1906, the major reform of the electoral law through the sanctioning of Emperor Franz Joseph I came into effect on January 26, 1907 . With the new Reichsrat election regulations, a total of 480 electoral districts were created, each with one member to be elected, who was determined by direct election with a possible runoff. Before the abolition of class suffrage, there were 40 constituencies in Moravia , with the cities sending 13 members, the rural communities 11, the landowners nine, the general electoral class four and the chambers of commerce and industry sending three members. With the introduction of universal male suffrage, 49 electoral districts were created in Moravia, with these being ethnically divided into 25 Czech and 19 German electoral districts. In addition to 10 city constituencies each, in which the eligible voters of a number of cities, markets and municipalities were combined, there were 20 or nine rural municipality constituencies, which in turn consisted of a certain number of judicial districts without the municipalities of the city constituencies.


The table contains the following information:

No.: Constituency number with a link to the constituency article
Constituency type: Indication of whether it is a city constituency or a rural municipality constituency
Region: Cities or judicial districts that make up the constituency. The rural municipality constituencies include the specified judicial districts without the cities and towns contained in the constituencies 1 to 10. The place names marked with "*" include the "Israelite communities" of the same name.
WB: Number of eligible voters in the 1911 Reichsrat election
Party 1907: Party affiliation of the member of the electoral district in relation to the Reichsrat election in 1907
Party 1911: Party affiliation of the members of the electoral district based on the Empire Council Election 1911
AT = Old Czechs , CA = Czech agrarians, CSP Christian Social Party , CSN = Czech National Social Party , CSSD = Czech Social Democratic Party , CSSP = Česká strana státoprávně pokroková , JZ = Young Czechs , KSNM = Catholic People's Party in Moravia , DAP = German Agrarian Party , DRP = German Radical Party , DFP = German Progressive Party , SDAP = Social Democratic Workers' Party .
No. Constituency type region WB Party 1907 Party 1911
1 (bohemian) City constituency Brno 11,338 JT ČSNS
2 (bohemian) City constituency Butschowitz , Austerlitz *, Königsfeld , Hussowitz , Schimitz , Lösch , Eibenschitz *, Kanitz *, Rossitz 11,014 ČSSD ČSSD
3 (bohemian) City constituency Hotzenplotz , Hennersdorf , Frankstadt , Mährisch Ostrau , Witkowitz , Oderfurt , Marienberg , Mistek , Friedland , Braunsberg 10,888 ČSSD ČSSD
4 (bohemian) City constituency Rožnau, Wsetin, Wiskowitz, Wallachisch Klobouk, Bistritz am Hostein, Bojkowitz, Freiberg, Resselsdorf, Neutitschein, Stramberg, Zlin, Wallachisch Meseritsch, Krasna 9,199 ČSRP ČSRP
5 (bohemian) City constituency Zdounek, Holleschau *, Napajedl, Steinitz, Kloubouk, Kremsier, Hullein, Wischau, Eiwanowitz, Koritschan 9,072 AT ČSSP
6 (bohemian) City constituency Straßnitz *, Gröding, Gaya *, Hungarian Hradisch, Altstadt, Bisenz *, Wessely *, Wessley Vorstadt, Hungarian Ostra *, Hungarian Ostra Vorstadt, Lundenburg *, Kostel *, Hungarian Brod *, Luhatschowitz 9,026 JT ČSSP
7 (bohemian) City constituency Jamnitz, Trebitsch *, Namiest, Hrottowitz, Pohrlitz *, Auspitz, Nikolsburg *, Joslowitz, Frain, Teltsch, Znaim, Jaispitz, Mährisch Budwitz, Jarmeritz, Großseelowitz, Mährisch Kromau, Misslitz *, Datschitz, Zlabings 7,600 ČSSD ČSNS
8 (bohemian) City constituency Prerau *, Leipnik *, Fulnek, Kojetein, Tobitschau, Mährisch Weißkirchen *, Keltsch, Bodenstadt, Drahotusch 8,657 AT ČSSD
9 (bohemian) City constituency Blansko, Kunstadt, Neustadtl, Saar, Tischnowitz, Großmeseritsch, Großbittesch, Gewitsch *, Mährisch Trübau, Zwittau, Brüsau, Iglau, Triesch, Stannern, Boskowitz *, Lettowitz, Bystrřitz ob Pernstein 9.213 JT  
10 (bohemian) City constituency Proßnitz *, Plumenau, Littau, Sternberg, Mährisch Neustadt, Hohenstadt, Roman town, Olmütz, Neugasse, Müglitz, Loschitz, Mährisch Aussee, Konitz, Deutschbrodek, Mährisch old town, Hannsdorf, Schildberg, Mährisch Rothwasser, courtyard, Bärn, town of Liebau, Bautsch, Moravian Schönberg, Deutschliebau, Frankstadt, Halbseit, Reitendorf, Wiesenberg, Zöptau, Großullersdorf 9,547 AT ČSSD
11 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial district Brno surroundings 13,937 JT ČSSD
12 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Wischau , Austerlitz , Butschowitz judicial districts 16,498 KSNM  
13 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Prerau , Kojetein , Holleschau 14,757 ČA ČA
14 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Kremsier , Zdounek , Napajedl 13,878 KSNM ČA
15 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Mährisch Weißkirchen , Leipnik , Bistritz am Hostein , Wallachisch Meseritsch 13,745 KSNM KSNM
16 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Hungarian Hradisch , Hungarian Ostra , Straßnitz 16,684 KSNM KSNM
17 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Hungarian Brod , Bojkowotz , Wallachisch Klobouk 12.110 KSNM KSNM
18 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Wiskowitz , Wsetin , Rožnau judicial districts 13,843 KSNM KSNM
19 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Neutitschein , Fulnek , Mährisch Ostrau , Mistek , Freiberg , Frankstadt 15,916 ČSSD ČSSD
20 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Olmütz , Sternberg , Hof , Stadt Liebau , Hennersdorf , Hotzenplotz and the Moravian enclaves of the judicial districts of Troppau and Wagstadt 14,615 ČA ČA
21 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Mährisch Neustadt , Littau , Müglitz , Hohenstadt , Schildberg , Mährisch Schönberg , Mährisch Altstadt , Wiesenberg , Römerstadt 14,979 AT ČSSD
22 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Proßnitz , Plumenau , Konitz 13,698 KSNM
23 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Boskowitz , Mährisch Trübau , Zwittau , Gewitsch , Kunstadt 13,767 KSNM ČSSD
24 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Blasko , Tischowitz , Großbittesch 15,450 ČSSD ČSSD
25 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Bystřitz , Neustadtl , Großmeseritsch 13,535 ČA KSNM
26 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Trebitsch , Namiest , Jamnitz , Mährisch Budwitz 14,588 KSNM ČA
27 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Iglau , Teltsch , Datschitz , Saar 15,762 ČA ČA
28 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Mährisch Kromau , Eibenschitz , Znaim , Frain , Joslowitz , Hrottowitz 14,796 KSNM ČSSD
29 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Auspitz , Seelowitz , Nikolsburg , Pohrlitz , Lundenburg , Klobouk 15,376 KSNM KSNM
30 (bohemian) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Göding , Gaya , teinitz 13,829 AT ČA
1 (German) City constituency I., III. and IV municipality of Brno 11,117 DFP DFP
2 (German) City constituency II. Municipality of Brno as well as Königsfeld , Hussowitz , Schimitz , Lösch 9,787 DFP DFP
3 (German) City constituency Sternberg, Zdounek, Plumenau, Austerlitz *, Butschowitz, Proßnitz *, Steinitz, Olmütz, Neugasse, Kojetein, Tobitschau, Kremsier, Hullein, Wischau, Eiwanowitz, Gaya *, Kortischan 7,367 DFP DFP
4 (German) City constituency Trebitsch *, Großmeseritsch, Saar, Neustadtl, Großbittesch, Tischnowitz, Kunstadt, Gewitsch *. Teltsch, Hrottowitz, Namiest, Blansko, Iglau, Stannern, Triesch, Boskowitz *, Lettowitzm Konitzm Deutschbrodek, Bystřitz ob Pernstein 5,226 DFP DFP
5 (German) City constituency Nikolsburg *, Pohrlitz *, Auspitzm Göding, Klobouk, Straßnitz, Bojkowitz, Großseelowitz, Lundenburg *, Kostel *, Kanitz *, Hungarian Hradisch, Altstadt, Hungarian Brod *, Luhatschowitz, Hungarian Ostra *, Hungarian Ostra Vorstadt, Wessely *, Wessely Vorstadt , Bisenz * 6.165 DFP DFP
6 (German) City constituency Joslowitz, Frain, Jamnitz, Znaim, Jaispitz, Datschitz, Tlabings, Mährisch Kromau, Misslitz *, Mährisch Budwitz, Jarmeritz, Eibenschitz *, Rossitz 5,081 DVP DRP
7 (German) City constituency Mährisch Trübau, Hohenstadt, Littau, Mährisch Neustadt, Müglitz, Loschitz, Mährisch Aussee, Schildberg, Mährisch Rothwasser, Zwittau, Brüsau 7,598 DVP DVP
8 (German) City constituency Römerstadt, Hennersdorf, Hotzenplotz, Mährisch Schönberg, Reitendorf, Frankstadt, Halbseit, Deutschliebenau, Wiesenberg, Großpullersdorf, Zöptau, Mährisch Altstadt, Hannsdorf 9,051 DVP DVP
9 (German) City constituency Fulnek, Leipnik *, Holleschau *, Prerau *, Bistritz am Hostein, Mährisch Weißkirchen *, Bodenstadt, Keltsch, Drahotusch, Hof, Bärn, Stadt Liebau, Bautsch, Neutitschein, Stramberg, Freiberg, Nesselsdorf, Napajedl, Zlin 7,435 SDAP DVP
10 (German) City constituency Frankstadt, Rožnau, Wsetin, Wallachisch Klobouk, Wiskowitz, Mährisch Ostrau, Marienberg, Oderfurt, Witkowitz, Mistek, Friedland, Braunsberg, Wallachisch Meseritsch, Krasna 11,275 DFP DFP
11 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts of Znaim , Jamnitz , Frain , Datschitz , Teltsch , Mährisch Budwitz , Trebitsch , 10,029 DVP DVP
12 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Mährisch Kromau , Auspitz , Seelowitz , Brünn area , Pohrlitz , Wischau , Namiest , Hrottowitz , Eibenschitz , Klobouk , Austerlitz , Butschowitz , Gaya , Steinitz , 9,506 DVP DAP
13 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Moravian Weisskirchen , Neutitschein , Freiberg , Fulnek , Moravian Ostrava , Mistek , Frank city , Roznau , Wsetin , Valašské Klobouk , Valašské Meziříčí , Hungarian Brod , Napajedl , Holleschau , Bistrita on Hostein , Wiskowitz , Bojkovice , Strážnice , Uherský Ostroh , Uherské Hradiště , 7,487 DVP DAP
14 (German) Rural municipality constituency Hennersdorf , Hotzenplotz , the Moravian enclaves of the judicial districts of Troppau and Wagstadt and the judicial districts of the city ​​of Liebenau , Hof and Leipnik 7.094 DAP DAP
15 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Olomouc , Römerstadt , Sternberg , 10,369 SDAP DRP
16 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Mährisch Altstadt , Schildberg , Mährisch Schönberg , Wiesenberg 8,617 SDAP DRP
17 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Hohenstadt , Mährisch Neustadt , Müglitz , Littau , Konitz , Plumenau , Proßnitz , Prerau , Kojetein , Kremsier , Zdounek 7,684 DRP DRP
18 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial district Mährisch Trübau , Zwittau , Iglau , Kunstadt , Tischowitz , Großmeseritsch , Neustadtl , Bystritz , Saar , Gewitsch , Blansko , Boskowitz 9,836 CSP DAP
19 (German) Rural municipality constituency Judicial districts Joslowitz , Nikolsburg , Lundenburg , Göding 9,958 DVP DAP

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrathe , 1873, XV. Piece, No. 40: "Law of April 2, 1873, whereby the Basic Law on Reich Representation of December 21, 1867 (RGBL. No. 141) is amended"
  2. Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrathe , 1896, LXVI. Piece, no. 168 "Law of June 14, 1896, whereby the Basic Law on Reich Representation of December 21, 1867, RGBl.Nr. 141, or the laws of April 2, 1873, RGBl. No. 40, and from November 12, 1886, RGBl. No. 162, to be amended and supplemented "
  3. ^ Reichsgesetzblatt for the kingdoms and countries represented in the Reichsrath 1907, IX. Piece, No. 17: "Law of January 26, 1907 regarding the election of the members of the House of Representatives of the Reichsrat"


  • Fritz Freund: The Austrian House of Representatives. A biographical-statistical handbook, 1907–1913, XI. Legislative period (XVIII session). Wiener Verlag, Vienna, Leipzig 1907
  • Fritz Freund: The Austrian House of Representatives. A biographical-statistical handbook, 1911–1917, XII. Legislative period. Publishing house Dr. Rudolf Ludwig, Vienna 1911