Constituency Dresden 6 (2004–2009)

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Constituency 48: Dresden 6
Country Germany
state Saxony
Constituency number 48
Eligible voters 74,803
voter turnout 57.8%
Election date August 30, 2009
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 38.0%

The constituency of Dresden 6 (constituency 48) was a state electoral district in Saxony . It was one of six Dresden state electoral districts and included the Leuben district without the Dobritz- Süd statistical district in the statistical district of the same name , the Loschwitz district without the Loschwitz / Wachwitz statistical district , the Prohlis district without the Leubnitz-Neuostra , Strehlen and Reick districts as well as the village of Schönfeld-Weißig . In the last state election (in 2009), 74,803 residents were entitled to vote.

Election 2009

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony
in constituency 048 Dresden 6 (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Christian Piwarz CDU 38.0 41.8
Hans-Jürgen Muskulus The left 16.3 16.6
Peter Lames SPD 14.4 9.5
Hartmut Krien NPD 4.8 4.8
Jens Genschmar FDP 12.9 11.2
Achim Wesjohann GREEN 8.7 9.8
- Animal welfare - 1.5
- PBC - 0.2
Birgitta Gründler BüSo 1.4 0.5
- DSU - 0.1
- REP - 0.1
Raik Fischer Free Saxons 3.4 1.6
- FP of Germany - 0.0
- Human economy - 0.1
- Pirates - 2.1
- SVP - 0.1

Election 2004

The 2004 state elections had the following results:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Erich Iltgen CDU 44.6 43.4
André Schollbach PDS 22.4 21.0
Werner Krause SPD 8.1 8.2
Stephan Kühn GREEN 9.0 8.8
Eberhard Günther NPD 6.8 6.8
Peggy Bellmann FDP 7.5 6.8
- DSU - 0.3
- PBC - 0.4
- GRAY - 1.4
Toni Kaestner BüSo 1.7 0.7
- START - 0.4
- DGG - 0.3
- Animal welfare - 1.5

Individual evidence

  1. Constituency division for the 2009 state elections
  2. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: Constituency: 048 Dresden 6. In: Official final result of the state elections on August 30, 2009 in Saxony. Retrieved August 16, 2014 .
  3. Result of the 2004 state elections