Constituency of Meissen 2 (2004–2009)

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Constituency 40: Meissen 2
Country Germany
state Saxony
region Meißen district
Constituency number 40
Eligible voters 59.164
voter turnout 57.0%
Election date August 30, 2009
Constituency representative
Political party CDU
Voting share 39.9%

The constituency of Meissen 2 was a state electoral district in Saxony that existed for the 2004 and 2009 state elections . It had constituency number 40. The constituency area comprised part of the Meißen district formed on January 1, 1996 and consisted of parts of the Meißen-Dresden East and Meißen-Dresden South constituencies formed for the 1994 state election . The district became part of the new district of Meissen in the course of the Saxon district reform in 2008 . Between 2004 and 2009, the constituency area consisted of the following cities and communities: Coswig , Moritzburg , Radebeul and Radeburg . The successor in 2014 was the constituency of Meißen 4 , but the city of Radeburg was transferred to the constituency of Meißen 2 .

Election 2009

Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony
in constituency 040 Meißen 2 (results in percent)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Matthias Roessler CDU 39.9 43.0
Heinz Hoffmann The left 16.8 16.1
Martin Dulig SPD 14.6 10.1
Robert Beck NPD 5.6 5.3
Jens Sternberg FDP 12.4 10.9
Innocent Töpper GREEN 7.8 8.0
- Animal welfare - 1.9
- PBC - 0.2
- BüSo - 0.2
Dietmar Klingenberg DSU 1.1 0.4
- REP - 0.1
- Free Saxons - 1.2
- FP of Germany - 0.1
- Human economy - 0.1
- Pirates - 2.0
- SVP - 0.3
Lockpick box Individual applicants 1.7 -

59,164 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 57.0%. 1.7% of the votes cast were invalid. Matthias Rößler (CDU) was chosen as a direct candidate. It received 39.9% of all valid votes.

Election 2004

The 2004 state election had the following result (the constituency name in the 2004 state election was Meissen 2):

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Matthias Roessler CDU 41.7 45.1
Claudia Hertlein PDS 20.7 19.8
Martin Dulig SPD 11.9 8.6
Manuel Zirm GREEN 5.9 6.9
Michael Fleischer NPD 6.7 6.9
Konrad Felber FDP 7.1 6.1
Jürgen Splettstößer DSU 3.7 1.4
- PBC - 0.5
- GRAY - 1.1
Gerhard Marschner BüSo 2.4 0.9
- START - 0.5
- DGG - 0.4
- Animal welfare - 1.6

58,607 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 64.7%. 1.4% of the votes cast were invalid. Matthias Rößler (CDU) was chosen as a direct candidate. It received 41.7% of all valid votes.

Individual evidence

  1. State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony: Constituency: 040 Meißen 2. In: Official final result of the state election on August 30, 2009 in Saxony. Retrieved August 16, 2014 .
  2. Result of the 2004 state elections