Java horseshoe bat

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Java horseshoe bat
Java horseshoe bat, museum specimen

Java horseshoe bat, museum specimen

Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Subordination : Yinpterochiroptera
Superfamily : Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophoidea)
Family : Rhinolophidae
Genre : Horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus )
Type : Java horseshoe bat
Scientific name
Rhinolophus affinis
Horsfield , 1823

The Java horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus affinis ) is an insectivorous bat belonging to the genus Horseshoe bat within the family Rhinolophidae. It is widespread in the south and southeast of Asia and is the most common bat in places. The Java horseshoe bat colonizes a wide range of natural and anthropogenically influenced habitats and uses natural caves as well as tunnels and other structures as resting quarters. It is therefore considered safe.

There are currently eight recognized subspecies of the Java horseshoe bat . A ninth was raised to the independent species Rhinolophus andamanensis in 2019 . The considerable morphological differences and deviations in the frequency of the location calls indicate that the Southeast Asian populations of the Java horseshoe bat form a previously undetected complex of at least three cryptic species .

The Asian bat populations are reservoirs of numerous coronaviruses . Because of the genetic similarities between the first end of 2019 in Wuhan encountered human pathogenic beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and an isolated from the Java horseshoe bat virus, the species is considered the probable natural reservoir of the pathogen of COVID-19 .


Variability of the nose pieces in R. a. superans (A), R.A. macrurus (B, E, F) and a form with unclear taxonomic status (C, D, G)

The Java horseshoe bat shows great morphological variability within its wide range. With a head-to-body length of 46 to 68 millimeters, a wingspan of 290 to 364 millimeters and a forearm length of 45 to 56 millimeters, it is a medium-sized bat, slightly smaller than the great horseshoe bat . It has significantly shorter ears (14 to 23 millimeters), a shorter tail (20 to 30 millimeters) and a relatively wider nose attachment. With a lower jaw length of 18.7 to 20.5 millimeters, the skull is smaller and has a relatively much shorter palate than the skull of the great horseshoe bat. The first link of the third finger is longer compared to the great horseshoe bat, and the second link is very long. The coat color varies from yellowish brown to orange, with the females being darker.

For the Chinese populations, head-torso lengths of 58 to 63 millimeters, tail lengths of 20 to 35 millimeters, foot lengths of 11 to 13 millimeters, ear lengths of 15 to 21 millimeters, forearm lengths of 46 to 56 millimeters and skull lengths of 22 to 24 millimeters specified. The tail length is about one and a half times the length of the shins. The fourth and fifth metacarpal bones are about the same length and slightly longer than the third. The skins are long.

Distribution area

Distribution areas of Rhinolophus affinis and Rh. Andamanensis

The distribution area of the Java horseshoe bat extends in the north from the southern edge of the Himalayas with Nepal and the northeastern states of India via Bangladesh and southern China to the Pacific coast. In the south all of Southeast Asia and the south of Borneo as well as the Great and Small Sunda Islands up to and including the island of Alor are populated.

The species was detected in China from sea level to heights of 2000 meters. A study of the formation and distribution of the Chinese subspecies showed that the subspecies Rhinolophus a. himalayanus colonized Hainan from mainland China in two separate events about 800,000 years ago . There the subspecies Rhinolophus a. hainanus , which in turn also colonized the mainland during the existence of a land bridge and in the subsequent isolation there became the subspecies Rhinolophus a. macrurus developed. Today Hainan are from the subspecies Rhinolophus a. hainanus and mainland China from Rhinolophus a. himalayanus and Rhinolophus a. macrurus colonized.

The distribution given in older literature includes the Andamans , and occasional references are made to finds in Sri Lanka . The Andaman population was described as the new species Rhinolophus andamanensis in 2019 . No current data are available on the population in Sri Lanka, it is probably a matter of confusion or incorrect determination.

Way of life

The quarters of the Java horseshoe bat are caves or anthropogenic structures such as mines, in which colonies of several thousand animals can be found. Both sexes share the roosts and there are socializations with different species of bats, including the closely related Chinese horseshoe bat . In contrast to many other species of bats, where the length, width and height of possible resting places strongly influence the acceptance, the Java horseshoe bat is not bound to particularly spacious resting places. In addition to primary forests, secondary habitats such as plantations and other agricultural areas are also populated, but cities are avoided.

The Java horseshoe bat feeds on insects that are almost exclusively captured in flight near the ground, also in the loose undergrowth of the forest. In an analysis of the ingested food, butterflies from the families spanner , bearer moth , owl , borer and others formed the largest part of the prey with more than 70 percent, followed by about 20 percent scarab beetles . The frequencies of the sound waves emitted for echo location are between 73 and 80 kHz .

Little is known about reproductive behavior. There is some evidence that the Java horseshoe bat is polyostric . The females only carry a single cub. In Malaysia, when the populations of two caves were examined, pregnant females were found in April and suckling females in June. During the reproductive phase, the population density in both caves decreased and then increased again. The reason is probably that the pregnant females visit nurseries in other places. It is unclear whether this behavior is natural or whether the animals were driven away by the frequent presence of tourists in the caves.

Viruses and parasites

The Java horseshoe bat is one of the better-researched species among the bats that have been poorly examined for their parasite fauna. A literature review in 2014 named six types of endoparasites , eight ectoparasites and two viruses from two families for Southeast Asia alone .


In the wake of the SARS pandemic in 2002/2003 , which was caused by the SARS beta coronavirus (SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1), there was suspicion that the virus could have been transmitted from bats to humans. In closer examination, numerous alpha and beta coronaviruses were found in bats of various species. The wild animal reservoir of SARS-CoV-1 is the Chinese horseshoe bat, from which the virus was transmitted to the larval roller and ultimately to humans.

The Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus SADS-CoV or HKU2-CoV, an alpha coronavirus, is more closely related to viruses of the Java horseshoe bat than to viruses of the Chinese horseshoe bat. In October 2016, it led to an epidemic of the diarrheal disease SADS in pig farms in the same region where SARS broke out . The cattle disease is very contagious and associated with a very high mortality rate for piglets. Isolates of the SADS-CoV virus from four affected pig holdings showed differences that suggest four separate transmissions from wild animals to the pigs. Closely related alphacoronaviruses were often found in four species of horseshoe bat, including the Java horseshoe bat, in Hong Kong , Guangdong , Yunnan, and Tibet , even before the SADS outbreak .

The frequent socialization of several species of bats in caves and tunnels favors the transmission of viruses between the bat species, and this is one of the reasons for the great diversity of bat-associated coronaviruses. In southern China, the distribution areas of the Chinese and Java horseshoe bat overlap. Both species inhabit caves and tunnels together and with other species of bats. From 2004 to 2014, a long-term examination of Chinese bats for coronavirus was carried out. While SARS-CoV-1, the causative agent of SARS, had a prevalence of 0.5 percent in the Java horseshoe bat compared to around 10 percent in the Chinese horseshoe bat, the HKU2 virus, which triggered the SADS epidemic in 2016, had a prevalence of 10 , 5 and 1.6 percent. Because both species are reservoirs of a multitude of similar beta coronaviruses that could infect other mammals, including humans, it was proposed back in early 2019 that southern China fish markets, animal farms and slaughterhouses should be monitored to prevent future transmissions of zoonoses to pets and humans.

In December 2019 came to Wuhan to an outbreak of COVID-19 , a SARS - and MERS -like infectious respiratory disease of humans that can be fatal. The pathogen is the beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 , which forms a clade with the RaTG13 virus and whose genome is 96.2 percent identical to RaTG13. RaTG13 was isolated from the fecal swab of a Java horseshoe bat in July 2013 in the Chinese province of Yunnan . Recombination of genetic material occurs very frequently in the coronaviruses of bats, which explains the diversity of these viruses. The recombination of genetic material from different viruses in the course of a double infection with closely related animal and human pathogens was a common explanation in the past for the overcoming of species boundaries by zoonotic pathogens such as influenza viruses . The analysis of the genome of RaTG13 showed, however, that this virus probably did not emerge from recombination, but was already circulating in its wild animal reservoir in a form pathogenic to humans. The repeatedly expressed view that SARS-CoV-2 could have been transmitted to humans by a Malay pangolin as an intermediate host is speculation without epidemiological confirmation. Pangolins are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and are traded illegally in China. In TCM, however, bats and their excretions are also used and traded on markets. Bat guano, for example, is used to treat eye diseases, and dried parts of horseshoe bats are given in wine or powdered to "detoxify" the body.

The Lóngquán virus (LQUV), a hantavirus from the genus Loanvirus , has been detected in the Java horseshoe bat. Other well-known reservoirs are the Chinese horseshoe bat and the Japanese species Rhinolophus monoceros .

Unicellular organisms

The Java horseshoe bat, like many other insectivorous bats, is an intermediate host of the parasitic unicellular organism Toxoplasma gondii . Four infected specimens were found in a study of 53 animals in the Chinese province of Yunnan . Since toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis , the bats could be important for public health protection as a reservoir for the parasite.


Microfilariae , which were described as Microfilaria sundaicus Purnomo & Bangs , 1995 ( Filarioidea : Onchocercidae ), were discovered in the blood of a male Java horseshoe bat caught near Ruteng in the west of the Indonesian island of Flores . It is Microfilaria Cobbold , 1882 to be understood as collective genus for species whose adult forms are not known and therefore can not be described. During the necropsy of the horseshoe bat, which had meanwhile been preserved in formalin , no adult filariae were found, but further microfilariae were found in the body cavity. The parasites have a length of about 150 to 200 and a width of 5 to 6 micrometers, externally they resemble the microfilariae of the genus Chabfilaria known only from South American tooth arms .

Strongylacantha longicaudata ( Rhabditida : Strongylacanthidae ) was described in 1973 after specimens from the small intestine of Java horseshoe bat from Vietnam. The Java horseshoe bat is the type host of the roundworm Monovaria rhinolophensia Khera , 1953 (Ascaridisda: Cucullanidae ). Macielia rhinolophi Yin , 1980 ( Molineidae : Anoplostrongylinae ) was found after a single specimen from the small intestine of Rhinolophus a. himalayanus . Because of its origin and morphological characteristics, the species was placed in other genera in1989 as Molineus rhinolophi ( Yin , 1980) and in 2017 as Durettenema rhinolophi ( Yin , 1980).


The tapeworm Vampirolepis versihamata Sawada & Harada , 1985 ( Cestoda : Hymenolepididae ) was described in 1985 from a Java horseshoe bat from a limestone cave in northern Thailand.

Claw bearers

Ixodes vespertilionis , dorsal habitus (a) and capitulum (c), compared to I. collaris (b, d)
Nymphs of Ixodes collaris (a, b) and I. vespertilionis (c)

The Java horseshoe bat has been described as one of the hosts of several running mites ( Trombidiformes : Trombiculidae):

The mite Psorergates rhinolophi Fain , 1959 (Trombidiformes: Psorergatidae ), which is widespread in Europe, Africa and Asia , infects the Java horseshoe bat along with other species of the genus. The species Neomybius burmensis and Neomybius orientalis (Trombidiformes: Myobiidae ) were described by the Belgian acarologist Alex Fain after each female animal, both of which come from the same specimen of the Java horseshoe bat caught in the British Museum of Natural History in 1906 .

Frequent parasites of the Java horseshoe bat are mites of the order Mesostigmata : Ancystropus eonycteris , Ancystropus zeleborii , Laelaps nuttali , Laelaps sanguisugus from Malaysia, Laelaps sculpturatus , Meristaspis lateralis , Meristaspis macrogumini, Spinturninturnix , Spintaperix acakerus rhinolophlossi , Spinturnintiglatus americanus rhinolophatus and Spinturnintiglatus rhinolophatus . All of the species mentioned come from Malaysia. The large number of species described from Malaysia can be traced back to the work of the Malaysian acarologist M. Nadchatram and his students, who studied the mite fauna of the country intensively for decades.

The Ixodes simplex tick has been repeatedly detected in Java horseshoe bat in Malaysia. A bat carried the nymph of a tick of the genus Dermacentor , the species of which could not be determined. In the southern Chinese autonomous region of Guangxi , ten larvae and two nymphs of ticks of the species Ixodes vespertilionis were found on eight out of 45 Java horseshoe bats examined . In Vietnam, too, the nymph of a tick was found on a Java horseshoe bat, which was initially identified as Ixodes vespertilionis despite morphological and genetic differences . In 2016, the new species Ixodes collaris was described on the basis of further finds .


Cysts of Maabella stomalata on Rhinolophus sp. (2) and to Rhinolophus inops (3), the right arrow points to the breathing opening

In Malaysia, investigations of the country's bat flies revealed evidence of one species of the genera Stylidia ( Diptera : Nycteribiidae ) and Brachytarsina (Diptera: Streblidae ) for the Java horseshoe bat . From the eyeless Stylidia sp. only female specimens were discovered. Brachytarsina sp. was found on the flight skins of the hosts. Also in Thailand, Brachytarsina sp. Was found in the Java horseshoe bat . proven. In addition, all of the specimens of Raymondia sp. (Diptera: Streblidae) parasitized.

The Java horseshoe bat is a host of the species Maabella stomalata (Diptera: Streblidae), which was described in 2006 from south-east China and north Vietnam . So far only wingless females are known. The fly, which is initially still able to fly, looks for its bat host and digs itself into the flight membrane over the bones or joints of the front limbs. In doing so, it loses its wings and legs and encapsulates itself in such a way that it does not impair the flight of the host as a flat, round structure and only the tip of the abdomen peeks out of a breathing opening. Occasionally there is a single larva or pupa in the uterus of a fly in its early stages. It is not known whether fertilization takes place before or after colonization of the host.



The first description of the Java horseshoe bat was published in 1823 by Thomas Walker Horsfield in his monograph on the zoology of Java , which was published in deliveries . The Latin text comprises four lines and does not name body measurements or other diagnostic features that could be used today to distinguish it from other species of the genus Rhinolophus . Horsfield did not specify a holotype in its first description , but one copy in the collection of the British Museum of Natural History was labeled as a holotype. Two other alleged types in the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum in Leiden belonged to a different type described by Horsfield. The specimen in London was designated as a lectotype in 2002 .

External system

The Java horseshoe bat was placed within the genus Horseshoe bat in the ferrumequinum group around the great horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus ferrumequinum ), Rhinolophus rouxii and Rhinolophus thomasi , which are also native to Central Europe . This classification, which is mainly based on morphological features, could not be confirmed by a molecular genetic investigation. When examining 36 horseshoe bats from 30 species, two large clades were identified, which included species of European and African origin and of oriental-Asian origin. The greater horseshoe bat is not closely related to the Java horseshoe bat, while the two Southeast Asian species Rhinolophus shameli and the southern brown horseshoe bat were the closest relatives among the animals examined. The informative value of the study is, however, low, as the two Java horseshoe bats investigated also came from Myanmar and Thailand.

Internal system

Variability of the rostrum , dorsal (left) and lateral (right) with R. a. superans (A, B), R. a. macrurus (C, D) and a form with unclear taxonomic status (E, F)

The Java horseshoe bat has eight subspecies , some of which differ considerably in their characteristics. Overall, the subspecies from India and China are slightly larger than those from Southeast Asia. The validity of some subspecies is questioned, which is also due to the small number of specimens examined, which makes it difficult to establish diagnostic features and to differentiate between the subspecies. The majority of the subspecies were described in 1905 by the Danish mammalogen Knud Andersen , who carried out a revision of the horseshoe bat on behalf of Oldfield Thomas of the British Museum of Natural History . Andersen not only had the extensive British collections at his disposal, but also the holdings of several European and American museums.

  • Rhinolophus a. affinis Horsfield , 1823 as nominate form with type location Java;
  • Rhinolophus a. hainanus Allen , 1906 with the type location Pouten on Hainan ;
  • Rhinolophus a. Himalayanus Andersen , 1905: the type locality is Mussoorie in the Indian state of Uttarakhand . The subspecies grows larger on average and is distinguished from the nominate form by smaller ears, a narrower nose piece and relatively shorter shins and tails;
  • Rhinolophus a. macrurus Andersen , 1905: from northern Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, the type location is a place called Taho in the Kayin state in today's Myanmar . The medium-sized subspecies has larger ears, a wider nasal attachment, longer shins, and a longer tail;
  • Rhinolophus a. nesites Andersen , 1905, the type was found in Bunguran, one of the Indonesian Natuna Islands . The collection copy used for the description was badly damaged, the subspecies seems to be strongly R. a. to resemble superans , but is smaller and has very short shins;
  • Rhinolophus a. princeps Andersen , 1905, type location is Lombok , Indonesia. The subspecies is characterized by particularly wide horseshoes and a very wide skull compared to the other subspecies;
  • Rhinolophus a. superans Andersen , 1905, type location Pahang. The subspecies is similar to R. a. macrurus , but has a shorter tail;
  • Rhinolophus a. tener Andersen , 1905: the type locality is Bago , Myanmar and the subspecies is characterized by smaller body dimensions, smaller ears and a shorter tail, but longer shins and a wider nose attachment than the nominate form.
Rhinolophus andamanensis , auricle (A), nasal attachment frontal (B) and lateral living (C) and holotype (D)

The 1872 by George Edward Dobson as Rhinolophus a. andamanensis , the subspecies of the Java horseshoe bat was recorded in 2019 due to clear morphological , bioacoustic and molecular genetic differences from the species Rhinolophus andamanensis Dobson , 1872. Research published in 2015 suggests that the Southeast Asian Java horseshoe bat is a previously unrecognized complex of at least three cryptic species .

Hazard and protection

The Java horseshoe bat proves to be very adaptable in its large area of distribution and also colonizes habitats that are impaired by human influence. It is common where it occurs and there are no known threats to its existence. The species was classified as Least Concern ( LC ) by the IUCN in 2008 . In the People's Republic of China the species was considered endangered ( NT - Near Threatened ) in 2013 . In the Red List of China's Vertebrates , published in 2016, the Java horseshoe bat is listed as not endangered.

Web links

Commons : Java Horseshoe Bat  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Maharadatunkamsi et al .: Genetic and morphometric diversity in Wallacea: geographical patterning in the horse shoe bat, Rhinolophus affinis . In: Journal of Biogeography . tape 27 , no. 1 , 2000, pp. 193-201 , doi : 10.1046 / j.1365-2699.2000.00381.x .
  2. ^ A b Paul JJ Bates et al .: A Review of Rhinolophus (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) from Myanmar, Including Three Species New to the Country . In: Acta Chiropterologica . tape 6 , no. 1 , 2004, p. 23-48 , doi : 10.3161 / 001.006.0103 .
  3. a b c d Saveng Ith et al .: Taxonomic implications of geographical variation in Rhinolophus affinis (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in mainland Southeast Asia . In: Zoological Studies . tape 54 , 2015, 31, doi : 10.1186 / s40555-015-0109-8 .
  4. Chelmala Srinivasulu, Paul A. Racey, Shahroukh Mistry: A key to the bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of South Asia . In: Journal of Threatened Taxa . tape 2 , no. 7 , 2010, p. 1001-1076 , doi : 10.11609 / JoTT.o2352.1001-76 .
  5. a b c d e f Don E. Wilson : Intermediate Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus affinis . Ed .: Andrew T. Smith , Yan Xie. Princeton University Press, Princeton, Oxford 2013, ISBN 978-0-691-15427-5 , pp.  225 .
  6. a b c Xing-Yi Ge et al .: Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft . In: Virologica Sinica . tape 31 , no. 1 , 2016, p. 31-40 , doi : 10.1007 / s12250-016-3713-9 .
  7. Xiu Guang Mao et al .: Pleistocene climatic cycling drives intra-specific diversification in the intermediate horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus affinis) in Southern China . In: Molecular Ecology . tape 19 , 2010, p. 2754–2769 , doi : 10.1111 / j.1365-294X.2010.04704.x .
  8. Zhao-Min Zhou et al .: 中 菊 头 蝠 中国 三亚 种 的 形态 特征 比较 . In: Zoological Research . tape 26 , no. 6 , 2005, p. 645-651 (Chinese, - English summary, Morphometric Characteristics of Three Subspecies of Rhinolophus affinis in China ).
  9. a b Chelmala Srinivasulu, Aditya Srinivasulu, Bhargavi Srinivasulu, Gareth Jones: Integrated Approaches to Identifying Cryptic Bat Species in Areas of High Endemism: The Case of Rhinolophus andamanensis in the Andaman Islands . In: PLoS ONE . tape 14 , no. 10 , 2019, 0213562, doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0213562 .
  10. a b Sanjay Molur et al. (Ed.): Status of South Asian Chiroptera: Conservation Assessment and Management Plan (CAMP) Workshop Report, 2002 . Zoo Outreach Organization, CBSG South Asia, WILD, Coimbatore 2002, ISBN 81-88722-01-4 (CD-Rom).
  11. a b Niu, H. et al .: Distribution and underground habitats of cave-dwelling bats in China . In: Animal Conservation . tape 10 , no. 4 , 2007, p. 470-477 , doi : 10.1111 / j.1469-1795.2007.00136.x .
  12. a b c Rhinolophus affinis in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2008 Posted by: J. Walston, T. Kingston, AM Hutson, 2008. Accessed March 3, 2020th
  13. Tinglei Jiang, Jiang Feng, Keping Sun, Jing Wang: Coexistence of two sympatric and morphologically similar bat species Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus pearsoni . In: Progress in Natural Science . tape 18 , no. 5 , 2008, p. 523-532 , doi : 10.1016 / j.pnsc.2007.12.005 .
  14. Tinglei Jiang et al .: Coexistence of Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus pearsoni revisited . In: Acta Theriologica . tape 58 , 2013, p. 47-53 , doi : 10.1007 / s13364-012-0093-x .
  15. Ting Jin Sia, Akbar Zubaid, Ng Yong Foo: Population trends of Rhinolophus affinis during the breeding and non-breeding season roosting at the Kota Gelanggi limestone complex, Pahang . In: AIP Conference Proceedings . tape 1678 , 2015, 20033, doi : 10.1063 / 1.4931218 .
  16. Noellie Gay et al .: Parasite and viral species richness of Southeast Asian bats: Fragmentation of area distribution matters . In: International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife . tape 3 , no. 2 , 2014, p. 161–170 , doi : 10.1016 / j.ijppaw.2014.06.003 .
  17. Wendong Li et al .: Bats Are Natural Reservoirs of SARS-Like Coronaviruses . In: Science . tape 310 , no. 5748 , 2005, pp. 676-679 , doi : 10.1126 / science.1118391 .
  18. Jie Cui et al .: Evolutionary Relationships between Bat Coronaviruses and Their Hosts . In: Emerging Infectious Diseases . tape 13 , no. 10 , 2007, doi : 10.3201 / eid1310.070448 .
  19. Ming Wang et al .: SARS-CoV Infection in a Restaurant from Palm Civet . In: Emerging Infectious Diseases . tape 11 , no. 12 , 2005, p. 1860-1865 , doi : 10.3201 / eid1112.041293 .
  20. Junfa Yuan et al .: Intraspecies diversity of SARS-like coronaviruses in Rhinolophus sinicus and its implications for the origin of SARS coronaviruses in humans . In: Journal of General Virology . tape 91 , no. 4 , 2010, p. 1058-1062 , doi : 10.1099 / vir.0.016378-0 .
  21. Jiabao Xu et al .: Systematic Comparison of Two Animal-to-Human Transmitted Human Coronaviruses: SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV . In: Viruses . tape 12 , no. 2 , 2020, 244, doi : 10.3390 / v12020244 .
  22. Peng Zhou et al .: Fatal swine acute diarrhea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin . In: Nature . tape 556 , 2018, p. 255-258 , doi : 10.1038 / s41586-018-0010-9 .
  23. Yi Fan, Kai Zhao, Zheng-Li Shi, Peng Zhou: Bat Coronaviruses in China . In: Viruses . tape 11 , no. 3 , 2019, 210, doi : 10.3390 / v11030210 .
  24. Ben Hu et al .: Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus . In: PLOS Pathogens . tape 13 , no. 11 , 2017, 1006698, doi : 10.1371 / journal.ppat.1006698 .
  25. ^ Ning Wang et al .: Characterization of a New Member of Alphacoronavirus with Unique Genomic Features in Rhinolophus Bats . In: Viruses . tape 11 , no. 4 , 2019, 379, doi : 10.3390 / v11040379 .
  26. Susanna KP Lau et al .: Novel Bat Alphacoronaviruses in Southern China Support Chinese Horseshoe Bats as an Important Reservoir for Potential Novel Coronaviruses . In: Viruses . tape 11 , no. 2 , 2019, 423, doi : 10.3390 / v11050423 .
  27. ^ Antonio CP Wong, Xin Li, Susanna KP Lau, Patrick CY Woo: Global Epidemiology of Bat Coronaviruses . In: Viruses . tape 11 , no. 2 , 2019, 174, doi : 10.3390 / v11020174 .
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