Walther J. Habscheid

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Walther Jakob Habscheid (born April 6, 1924 in Wittlich ; † September 20, 2015 ) was a German lawyer , professor and rector of the University of Würzburg .


Habscheid came from a family of master hairdressers. In 1934 he became Pimpf im Jungvolk , and at the same time also an altar boy in Wittlich. From 1937 he attended the Cusanus High School in Wittlich and graduated from high school at Easter 1942. As a war volunteer, he joined the Navy. He was later sentenced to six weeks of aggravated arrest for undermining the military . Shortly before the end of the war, he was taken prisoner in Italy ; Habscheid was released on July 16, 1945.

After his return home he was interested in studying Catholic theology , but from 1945 studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . One of his fellow students was Hans Brox . He was acquainted with Friedrich Wilhelm Bosch . His teachers were Richard Thoma , Wolfgang Kunkel , Karl Theodor Kipp , Ernst Friesenhahn , Hellmuth von Weber , Walter Schmidt-Rimpler and Hermann Mosler . In 1948 he passed the first state examination in law (good). In 1950 he became a research assistant at Bonn University. After completing his doctorate to a procedural law issue (1951) and the second state examination (1952), he worked briefly as a lawyer in Trier, before 1955 when Frederick William Bosch with Scripture to the dispute in civil proceedings and in litigation of Voluntary Jurisdiction habilitated . In 1955 he became a private lecturer at Bonn University and was a substitute professor in Marburg. In 1956 he also took over a professorship in Münster. In 1957 he applied to the University of Münster for a re-qualification and worked as a permanent lecturer.

With the mediation of Hermann Conrad and Erich-Hans Kaden and with the endorsement of Leo Rosenberg , he was appointed to the University of Geneva in 1958 , where he initially worked as an associate professor and from 1961 to 1986 as a full professor. He retired in Geneva in 1986 and was made professeur honoraire .

In addition, from 1961 to 1983 he held the chair for civil law , procedural law and comparative law at the University of Würzburg ; In 1968/69 he was rector of the university. From 1981 to 1983 he was the presidency of the deans conference of the law faculties in Germany. In 1983 he moved to the University of Zurich , where he taught until his retirement in 1991.

In 1984 he was elected General Secretary of the Institut International de droit judiciaire and a corresponding member of the Institut universitaire de droit judiciaire de Belgique . He was President of the Scientific Association for International Procedural Law (1978–1989, Honorary President since 1989). He was Secretary General of the International Association Procedural Law (1983–1995, Honorary Vice President since 1995).

In 1988 he was appointed Vice President of the Administrative Court of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel.

From 1992 Habscheid worked as a lawyer in Munich - including for the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.

Walter Habscheid was the son from the marriage of Anton Habscheid and Anna-Maria, geb. Otto. He was married to Eleonore E. Finsterwalter († 2006) from Augsburg and last lived in Roth ; the marriage had three children.


Habscheid's scientific writings deal primarily with civil procedural law and comparative law . He was the founder of the doctrine of the two-part dispute in civil proceedings.

His main areas of teaching and research were civil procedural law, voluntary jurisdiction, bankruptcy and settlement law, civil law, debt collection law, and comparative law.

honors and awards

Fonts (selection)

  • Rule of Law Aspects of International Arbitration with Waiver of Appeal under the PIL Law , 1988
  • Swiss civil procedure and court organization law , Basel 1986 (textbook)
  • Voluntary jurisdiction, a study book , Beck, Munich, 4th edition 1962 to 7th edition 1983, ISBN 3-406-08198-3 (textbook, founded in 1957 by Friedrich Lent )
  • The subject of dispute in civil and voluntary jurisdiction proceedings , Deutscher Heimat-Verlag, Bielefeld 1956, DNB 451750772 ( habilitation thesis Uni Bonn 1953).
  • The repetition of the dismissed action for separation of homes (§ 48 Ehe G). A contribution to the teaching of legal force and preclusion in the marriage process , Kessler, Mannheim 1953, DNB 451750780 ( Dissertation University of Bonn , Faculty of Law and Political Science, February 20, 1951 DNB 480826080 .


  • Walter F. Lindacher : Walther J. Habscheid on his 80th birthday . In: NJW 2004, p. 1093.
  • Stephen V. Berti: Helvetic civil procedure law. Symposium on the 75th birthday of Walther J. Habscheid , Basel a. a. 1999
  • Peter Schlosser: Walther J. Habscheid on his 70th birthday . In: NJW 1994, p. 917.
  • Stephen V. Berti, Markus Knellwolf, Karoly Ch. Köpe, Martin Ph. Wyss: Contributions to border issues of procedural law. Walther J. Habscheid on the occasion of his retirement , Zurich 1991
  • Walter F. Lindacher, Dieter Pfaff, Günter H. Roth, Peter Schlosser and Eberhard Wieser: Festschrift for Walther J. Habscheid on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Bielefeld 1989 (with complete bibliography)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary from the University of Zurich , Neue Zürcher Zeitung of October 2, 2015, p. 8.
  2. ^ Obituary notice Walther J. Habscheid , FAZ , October 2, 2015
  3. a b c Biography Walther J. Habscheid (Who is who in German law) on www.koeblergerhard.de , October 2, 2015
  4. ^ DUZ, Universitäts-Zeitung: Das deutsche Hochschulmagazin, Volume 40, Verlag J. Raabe, 1984, p. 32