Walther von Trebra

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Hans Otto Walther von Trebra (born November 8, 1869 in Karsdorfberg , Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg , † July 20, 1924 in Allstedt , Thuringia ) was a German administrative lawyer and landowner.


As the son of the manor owner Wolf Curt Hugo von Trebra and his wife, nanny Emma Marie Bertha, geb. Erdmann attended the city ​​high school in Halle from Trebra . After graduating from high school in the three emperor's year , he studied law at the Friedrichs University . Like his father, he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Halle in 1889 . On June 30, 1892 von Trebra passed the legal traineeship and was from 1892 to 1895 court trainee lawyer in Naumburg (Saale) , Bad Homburg vor der Höhe , Frankfurt am Main and Liegnitz / Schles. , where in 1895 he moved to the district administration as a government trainee. During his traineeship he served as a one-year volunteer with the 1st Badischer Leib-Dragoons Regiment No. 20 in Karlsruhe. After the assessor exam on April 25, 1899, his professional career as a government assessor took him to Breslau (1899), Wilhelmshaven (1901) and Marienwerder (1903). In 1905 he became the district administrator in Ragnit / Ostpr. appointed. In 1913 he was transferred to the district of Hagen as district administrator . He took part in the First World War as Rittmeister of the Reserve and was awarded the Iron Cross II. Class and the Landwehr Service Award II. Class. Due to differences with the people's commissar of the Hagen district, Josef Ernst , he resigned from civil service in 1920.

Was married to v. Trebra since March 27, 1900 with Caroline Clara Margarethe Hoch, a daughter of the Saxon-Weimar-Eisenach district chamber councilor and manor Friedrich Albin Hoch and his wife Marie, née. Gravenhorst. From 1920 von Trebra managed his father-in-law's manor in Allstedt.


  • Corps report of Guestphalia Hall No. 52 (May 1925), p. 13 f.
  • Dietrich Wegmann: The leading state administrative officials of the Province of Westphalia 1815-1918 , No. 225, p. 340.
  • Joachim Lilla: Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918–1945 / 46) , p. 298.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 58/1031
  2. ^ Marriage certificate dated March 27, 1900 from the Halle / Saale registry office No. 171/1900