Vera Mikhailovna Rosenberg

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Vera Mikhailovna Rosenberg ( Russian Вера Михайловна Розенберг * 1894 in the village Kuwisino, Rajon Valdai , † 1965 in Leningrad ) was a Russian - Soviet mathematician and physicist .


Rosenberg's father Michail Fjodorowitsch Rosenberg (1861–1928) was a major general , artillery weapon designer and hero of the work of the Red Army . Rosenberg grew up in Kuwisino and then attended a private high school in St. Petersburg , graduating in 1912. Then she studied in the Higher Bestuschewskije kursy for women with a technical orientation.

After the October Revolution , Rosenberg lived in her homeland and supported her family with agriculture on the small allotted piece of land. In 1922, she and her father were hired by the Naval Forces Science and Technology Committee in Petrograd . She worked under Alexei Nikolayevich Krylov , who greatly appreciated her work. Her colleagues were Wassili Gawrilowitsch Grabin , Ilya Ivanovich Iwanow and Evgeni Georgievich Rudjak . After defending her dissertation , she was promoted to a candidate in technical sciences. She then advised many aspirants on the preparation of their dissertations. In 1933 she published her book on the calculation of flat fire tables using ballistic tables.

From 1937 Rosenberg worked in the design office for artillery weapons of General Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. With her special mathematical skills and mastery of strength theory , she played a prominent role in the design office. Most of the engineering calculations were your responsibility. Together with GA Smirnow-Aljajew she wrote a book on the theory of plastic deformation of metals .

Rosenberg had grandchildren and nephews. Rosenberg's younger brother Michail Michailowitsch Rosenberg was a weapons designer and two-time Stalin Prize winner .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Титан мысли и титан души (accessed June 30, 2020).
  2. Розенберг В. М .: Вычисление таблиц настильной стрельбы при помощи баллистических таблиц АНИИ . Артиллер. науч.-исслед. ин-т. - Москва: Гл. артиллер. упр. РККА, Moscow 1933.
  3. Ustinov DF : Во имя Победы . Воениздат, Moscow 1988.
  4. Смирнов-Аляев Г. А., Розенберг В. М .: Теория пластических деформаций металлов: Механика конечного формоизменения . Машгиз. (Ленингр. Отд-ние), Moscow, Leningrad 1956.