Werner Schingnitz

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Werner Schingnitz (born September 22, 1899 in Olbernhau , † October 30, 1953 in Göttingen ) was a German philosopher .


After attending the St. Thomas School in Leipzig , Schingnitz did a year-long war mission in 1917/18. The study of philosophy and natural sciences at the University of Leipzig , which began in 1919 , he completed in 1923 with a dissertation under Hans Driesch on "The Problem of Philosophical Methodology and Kant's Prolegomena". Schingnitz, who had looked after the library of the Philosophical Institute on a voluntary basis since 1920, became Driesch's assistant in 1925. This pushed through the habilitation with the topic "Prolegomena to a logic as a doctrine of preconceptual objectivity" against the will of Theodor Litt and Felix Krueger in the faculty. However, the process was not completed until 1931. The critics accused Schingnitz of empty formalism and linguistic inadequacies.

Schingnitz then worked from 1926 as a private lecturer in philosophy in Leipzig at the Driesch chair. His scientific work concentrated on the processing of the department "Philosophy, Psychology, Weltanschauung" of the Literarisches Zentralblatt and the annual reports published therein. From 1932 to 1938 he published the series “Studies and Bibliographies on Contemporary Philosophy”.

During the Weimar period, Schingnitz had contacts with the circle around Ernst Niekisch and with the Stahlhelm . With the " seizure of power ", however, he joined the NSDAP in March 1933 , was press officer in the NSBO cell of the university, in 1934 head of department 1 (university) in NSLB Saxony (resigned in 1935), specialist advisor for ideology and philosophy in the Cultural-philosophical department of the district leadership, speaker for various party formations and district trainer in the DAF's technicians' association . In March 1933 he signed the declaration of 300 university professors for Adolf Hitler , in November 1933 the professors' commitment to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist state at German universities and colleges . In 1935/36 the faculty thought about an appointment as non-civil servant ao for Schingnitz. To request professor. With the exception of the retired Driesch and Hermann Schneider , the lecturers spoke out against him because, in addition to technical deficiencies, he was overzealous, opportunistic and lacking in discipline. In 1938 the Gauleiter rejected the application made at the end because Schingnitz had largely ceased his party activities and had been involved in the German religious movement.

Philosophical Dictionary

Schingnitz Name is closely linked to the newly edited 10th edition of the Philosophical Dictionary by Kröner and Joachim Schondorff (Stuttgart 1943), which is full of National Socialist distortions and tirades. Examples:

  • Henri Bergson : "... worked as a chauvinist in speech and writing during the World War [...] B. is falsely regarded as a champion of the philosophy of life against the encroachments of rationalism on the basis of his teaching that thinking uses the brain only as an automatic tool [... ] In reality, however, B. is the representative of a naturalistic , even positivistic Jewish mysticism , which is so alien to us that it first took the plagiarism of German thoughts ( Schopenhauer !) To make this thinker 'interesting' in Germany and to make him a philosopher of life to import. "
  • Ernst Cassirer : “… belonged to the Marburg School without doing justice to Kant's appearance as a so-called“ Neo-Kantian ” . In his philosophical-literary-historical work on German classical music, too, he only proved the sterility of the Jewish. Spirit that is unable to grasp concrete historical figures. "
  • Hermann Cohen : “… C's moral philosophy culminates in the commitment to the Masonic ideal of humanism . Later C. turned completely to Jewish theology and cultural politics, making use of the ideology of the "chosen people", but rejected Zionism , although it defended the Talmud . "
  • Edmund Husserl : "... With his later teaching he contributed significantly to the infiltration of German philosophy through abstract thinking ... H's teaching is inconsistent; its effectiveness was based not least in the appearance of anti-intellectualism, the real objectivity that it gave itself, while in reality in its allegedly scientific-factual. " Essence view " is just a typical Jewish rationalism celebrating triumphs and devaluing every grown reality. "

In addition to this denigration of recognized philosophers who did not fit in with National Socialism, this 10th edition of the lexicon contains articles of praise for the philosophers who were authoritative in the Nazi hierarchy, such as Alfred Baeumler , Houston Stewart Chamberlain , Martin Heidegger , Hans Heyse , Ernst Krieck , Alfred Rosenberg or Erich Rothacker . After the end of the Second World War it was placed on the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet zone of occupation .


Schingnitz was married to the painter and writer Ada von Boeselager from 1934 to 1936 .


  • Person and concept. Contribution to the theory of the logical mastery of the world by humans, 1935.
  • Logic and logos. Contribution to the doctrine of the “worldly concept”, 1936.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evidence in the Genealogical Handbook of the Adels , Volume 109, p. 33
  2. Gottlieb Tesmer, Walther Müller: Honor roll of the Thomas School in Leipzig. The teachers and high school graduates of the Thomas School in Leipzig 1912–1932. Commissioned by the Thomanerbund, self-published, Leipzig 1934, p. 35.
  3. Christian Tilitzki : The German University Philosophy in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, Academy, Berlin 2002, 332–333.
  4. Christian Tilitzki: The German University Philosophy in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, Academy, Berlin 2002, 745.
  5. Christian Tilitzki: The German University Philosophy in the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, Academy, Berlin 2002, 745.
  6. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1948-nslit-s.html