Wilhelm Dengler

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Wilhelm Dengler (born May 3, 1889 in Erbach ; † February 19, 1951 ) was a German politician ( SPD ) and mayor, district administrator and member of the Hessian state parliament .

Wilhelm Dengler was Mayor of Erbach from 1919 to 1933. During his tenure, the Alexanderbad was opened in 1924, the sports park opened in 1928, and the Erbach housing association was founded. With the seizure of power of the Nazis he was dismissed as mayor and arrested. After 6 weeks he was released from the Osthofen concentration camp . During the Nazi era , he worked as a traveling trader, was arrested again in July 1944 and held for seven weeks in the Dachau concentration camp .

After the Second World War , the American occupation authorities appointed him briefly again as mayor in Erbach in 1945. Leonhard Volk took on this task when Wilhelm Dengler was appointed district administrator of the Bergstrasse district in December 1945 . After the first free local elections in Hesse in 1946 , Hans Steinmetz (CDU) was elected district councilor by the district council. After working as head of the Hessian pension fund, Wilhelm Dengler was again district administrator in 1948. He held this office until his death in 1951. His successor was Ekkehard Lommel (SPD).

From December 1, 1946 to February 9, 1949 he was a member of the Hessian state parliament. Georg Ackermann followed him there .


  • Jochen Lengemann : The Hessen Parliament 1946–1986 . Biographical handbook of the advisory state committee, the state assembly advising the constitution and the Hessian state parliament (1st – 11th electoral period). Ed .: President of the Hessian State Parliament. Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1986, ISBN 3-458-14330-0 , p. 233 ( hessen.de [PDF; 12.4 MB ]).
  • Jochen Lengemann: MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 105.

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