Wilhelm Tewes

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Wilhelm Tewes (born September 16, 1878 in Koblenz , † October 8, 1957 in Warburg ) was a German local politician and honorary district administrator ( center , later CDU ).

Life and work

Tewes attended elementary school in Westerburg and then the humanistic grammar school in Hadamar . He then studied philosophy, theology and economics in Münster, Munich, Breslau and Erlangen, passed the first and second state exams and received his doctorate in 1909. From 1904 to 1906 Tewes worked as a research assistant for various insurance companies. From 1906 to 1914 he was the managing director of the Association of Catholic Commercial Associations in Germany (KVV) in Essen. From 1914 to 1918 he took part in the First World War, was wounded in 1914 and received the Iron Cross 1st Class in 1916. After the First World War, Tewes worked again for the KVV, from 1920 onwards as a volunteer. In 1920 he worked as a company lawyer in Düsseldorf, and from 1928 as a partner in a company in Cologne. He was also editor of the magazine "Merkuria. Papers for Catholic merchants and employees in trade and industry". He was married and had five children.

In 1918 Tewes was elected to the Prussian House of Representatives as the successor to Georg Wellstein . From 1919 to 1921 Tewes was a member of the Prussian Constitutional Assembly for the Center Party .

In 1945 Tewes was one of the founders of the CDU district association Brilon . For ten years he was chairman of the CDU district association until 1955. He was a member of the district assembly of the district of Brilon from March 15, 1946 to October 24, 1946 and during the same period Tewes was district administrator of the former district of Brilon.


Tewes was a Knight of the Papal Order of Holy New Year's Eve .


  • District day North Rhine-Westphalia: Documentation about the district administrators and senior district directors in North Rhine-Westphalia 1945-1991.
  • Karin Jaspers / Wilfried Reinighaus: Westphalian-Lippian candidates in the January elections 1919. A biographical documentation , Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia - New Series; 52), ISBN 9783402151365 , p. 189.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ August Hermann Leugers-Scherzberg: Tewes, Wilhelm. In: The center faction in the Prussian State Constitutional Assembly 1919–1921. Meeting minutes. Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-5179-3 . P. 303.