Willi Oelmüller

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Willi Oelmüller (born February 16, 1930 in Dorsten ; † September 25, 1999 in Montaione , Tuscany , Italy ) was a German professor of philosophy .


Oelmüller studied philosophy and German at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster . 1956 he was with the work the problem of aesthetics at Vischer - Study the history of post-Hegelian aesthetics in Joachim Ritter at Muenster University doctorate . After his habilitation he received in 1965 a call to the chair of philosophy at the College of Education Paderborn today Paderborn University . He held his inaugural lecture at the University of Münster on February 10, 1968. In 1980 he accepted a professorship at the Ruhr University in Bochum . In 1992 he left there prematurely for health reasons.

Oelmüller was engaged in the philosophical overcoming of pressing problems of the present; he dealt intensively with the theodicy problem : the evil and the evil in the world and other questions of the philosophy of religion. He has published numerous academic papers on anthropology, ethics, and philosophy of art and religion. He was (together with Ruth Dölle-Oelmüller and others) editor of the Philosophical Workbooks (didactically prepared collections of texts on central disciplines of philosophy) and the colloquia on contemporary philosophy , especially ethics, aesthetics, religious philosophy and metaphysics, with changing authors such as Karl-Otto Apel , Hans Michael Baumgartner , Gottfried Böhm , Jürgen Habermas , Hermann Krings , Hermann Lübbe , Odo Marquard , Johann Baptist Metz , Herbert Schnädelbach (among others). Oelmüller organized a total of twelve of these colloquia, at which he brought together experts from various disciplines and schools of philosophy to discuss key contemporary problems. His habilitation thesis The Unsatisfied Enlightenment (1969) was recognized as an outstanding scientific work.


Klaus Berger dedicated his book How Can God Allow Suffering and Disasters? (Stuttgart 1996) Ruth and Willi Oelmüller.

Works (selection)

  • Friedrich Theodor Vischer and the problem of post-Hegelian aesthetics , Kohlhammer: Stuttgart 1959
  • The unsatisfied Enlightenment - Contributions to a theory of modernity by Lessing, Kant and Hegel , Suhrkamp: Frankfurt am Main 1969, 2nd expanded edition with a new introduction 1979
  • Church in the process of enlightenment: aspects e. new political theology , Kaiser: Munich and Mainz 1970, together with Johann Baptist Metz , Jürgen Moltmann
  • What is Enlightenment Today? , Patmos: Düsseldorf 1972, ISBN 3-491-77534-5
  • Progress where? - On the problem of finding norms in the plural society (ed.), Patmos: Düsseldorf 1972, ISBN 3-491-00363-6
  • Further developments of Marxism (ed.), Scientific Book Society: Darmstadt 1977, ISBN 3-534-05977-8
  • Why more history? (Ed.), Fink: München 1977, ISBN 3-7705-1403-3
  • Theodicy - God in judgment? (Ed.) , Fink: München 1990, ISBN 3-7705-2645-7
  • What one cannot keep silent about. New discussions on the theodicy question (ed.) , Fink: München 1994, ISBN 3-7705-2921-9
  • Philosophical enlightenment - an attempt at orientation , Fink: München 1994, ISBN 3-7705-2989-8
  • Basic course in philosophical anthropology , Fink: Munich 1996, ISBN 3-8252-1906-2 , together with Ruth Dölle-Oelmüller
  • Negative theology today - the situation of people before God , Fink: München 1999, ISBN 3-7705-3429-8


Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Philosophisches Jahrbuch 76 (1968) 67.