Willibald Wunderer

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Willibald Wunderer , also: Johann Willibald Augustin Wunderer , also from Wunderer , (born March 6, 1739 in Eichstätt , † November 19, 1799 in Eichstätt) was a baroque painter and mayor of the city of Eichstätt.


He was a son of the Eichstatt cloth maker Augustin Wunderer and his wife Anna Maria widowed Hueter; the grandfather Caspar Wunderer was a glazier in Vilsbiburg . He seems to have received his training from the Eichstatt painter Johann Georg Frey the Younger, because he married his widow Maria Walburga on October 7, 1760 and took over the Frey workshop in Rosengasse B 171 (today Pedettistraße). The property had the Hofmühlzapfgerechte . In 1763 he bought a dwelling with "Gärtl" and a general store in Luitpoldstraße 23 (formerly C 274), but in 1765 he sold this property again. 1771–1777 he owned the Kreuzwirtschaft with wheat beer and Sudel justice in the outer west suburb (formerly D 394). He had several children; a son Jakob was born in 1793; another son was a district judge in Pleinfeld in 1810 . In 1791 the widowed Wunderer acquired property B 171 as a joint heir from his wife's heirs, the painter sons Ignaz and Vinzenz Frey (1808 owned by the painter Franz Rössl; demolished in 1979).

Wunderer was repeatedly councilor and mayor of Eichstätt; as mayor ("consul") he supported Prince-Bishop Johann Anton III in 1783 . von Zehmen in the establishment of an institution for the poor, the woven goods "factory" in the Spethschen Hof in the Ostenvorstadt. He also acted as captain of the city militia and (1793) as chief forester. In the year before his death, he acquired the title of nobility. He was buried on November 21, 1799 in Eichstätt.

The main altar of the Holy Cross in Schambach with the altar sheet of Wunderers, which shows the veneration of the cross by the four continents


Several works are known by Willibald Wunderer, who was nicknamed "Angel Painter", like that

  • the nave ceiling painting of the parish church of St. Martin von Tauberfeld (around 1767) (attribution), showing the church patron with the beggar
  • the high altar picture of the parish church of Tauberfeld, the coat-dividing St. Performing Martin (1767)
  • the Way of the Cross in the Church of St. Johannes Baptist in Wachenzell (1768)
  • an antependium for the church of St. Nikolaus in Seuversholz (1769)
  • the high altar picture of the Church of St. Ulrich in Breitenfurt , showing the church patron as the victor over the Hungarians (around 1770) (attribution)
  • the Way of the Cross in the Church of St. Nicholas in Pfünz (around 1770)
  • the high altar painting "Adoration of the Cross by the Four Continents" in Schambach (1771)
  • a high altar picture in the parish church of St. Maria Magdalena in Cronheim (1771) (attribution) (1898 removal of the picture) and the version of the high altar
  • the grisaille medallions in the church of St. Nikolaus in Spalt (attribution)
  • the high altar picture of the church patron in the church of St. Laurentius in Denkendorf (attribution)
  • High and side altar paintings in the parish church of the Assumption of Mary in Berching (1779)
  • the high altar picture of the church patrons Maria and Johannes of the monastery church Plankstetten (1780)
  • the ceiling painting "Engelsturz" of the church of St. Michael in Biberbach belonging to the Plankstetten monastery (1781)
  • painted facade decorations of the Eichstätter town hall (1787; disappeared during the redesign in 1823/24)
  • the ceiling painting "Mary's Birth" in the parish church of Kinding (1792), "a creation of remarkable decorative attitude" (Mader, 1928, p. 157)
  • an altarpiece of the Church of St. Briccius in Ilbling (1795) (no longer available)
  • Renewal of the coat of arms of Prince-Bishop Kaspar von Seckendorff at the Eichstätter town hall (1797)


  • Felix Mader (arr.): The art monuments of Middle Franconia. I. City of Eichstätt. Munich 1924, reprinted by R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1981, p. 659.
  • Felix Mader (arr.): The art monuments of Middle Franconia. II. Eichstätt District Office. Munich 1928, reprinted by R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1982.
  • Miracle, Willibald . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 36 : Wilhelmy-Zyzywi . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1947, p. 307 .
  • Friedrich Hermann Hofmann, Felix Mader (arrangement): The art monuments of Upper Palatinate and Regensburg. XIII District Office Beilngries. II. District Court Riedenburg. Munich 1908, reprinted by R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich / Vienna 1982.
  • Edwart Mager: Eichstätter mayor in the 18th and 19th centuries. In: Collection sheet of the Historical Association Eichstätt. 64, 1971, pp. 103-136, especially pp. 110-112.
  • Herrmann Bauer, Frank Büttner and Bernhard Rupprecht: Free State of Bavaria, Administrative Region of Upper Bavaria. District of Eichstätt. Corpus of baroque ceiling painting in Germany. Volume 13. Hirmer, Munich 2008.
  • Magdalena Schick: From gate to gate. House and social history of the core city of Eichstätt. Historical Association, Eichstätt 2009, p. 198 f.