Win brown

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Win Braun (born October 20, 1955 in Breinig , North Rhine-Westphalia ; † February 17, 2017 in Stolberg , North Rhine-Westphalia) was a German painter .


Win Braun studied 1975-1979 Free Painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Braunschweig . He was influenced by Expressionism and the French painter Maurice Utrillo . With his artist colleagues Franz-Bernd Becker , Emil Sorge , and Hartmut Ritzerfeld , whom he knew from his student days, he founded the "Venn Academy". The term " Venn " represents the reference to the rural Eifel and "Akademie" to the urban Düsseldorf . Düsseldorf was a formative city for the four artists, as they were in close contact with Joseph Beuys and his concept of art. Win Braun also studied Catholic theology for a few semesters. Dietmar Sous used his life as a template for his novel “Glasdreck”.


A former cowshed in the Stolberg district of Breinig in Win Braun's farm served as an exhibition and event location until a few years ago. More than 500 art enthusiasts attended the opening on October 6, 1983.

Win Braun was able to present his works to a wide audience in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad, including in Zurich , Ghent , Budapest , Maastricht, Havana / Cuba and Aachen .

Both the Ludwig Collection and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia have works by Win Braun. Win Braun was able to hand over a work to Christina Rau on the occasion of the “50 Years of North Rhine-Westphalia” festival . Works by him can also be seen in France (e.g. Faches-Thumesnil).

In Cuba he was awarded a high state medal for his life's work.

Activity as a curator

Since 1993, Win Braun has been organizing the regular art campaign “Art and Breinig”, which has received great national attention. The patron was, among others, the former Federal President Johannes Rau . Participating artists were, for example: Karl von Monschau , Dieter Call , Franz-Bernd Becker, Emil Sorge, Peter Sussner, Angelika Kühnen and Hartmut Ritzerfeld.

In cooperation with the city of Stolberg, he has presented solo and group exhibitions in the gallery of Stolberg Castle .

Art motif Tour de France

He paid particular attention to cycling. Through close contact with the former T-Mobile team manager Olaf Ludwig , numerous works on the Tour de France have been created in recent years .


  • Die Eifelmaler , Neue Galerie - Ludwig Aachen Collection (Ed.), 1989

Individual evidence

  1. Dirk Müller: Stolberg mourns Win Braun. In: Aachener Zeitung . February 17, 2017. Retrieved February 25, 2017 .