Woldemar Hottenroth

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Woldemar Hottenroth self-portrait
Roman Carneval
Signature of Woldemar Hottenroth

Woldemar Hottenroth (born August 20, 1802 in Blasewitz near Dresden , † September 6, 1894 in Wachwitz near Dresden) was a German painter of the late Romantic period . He became known for his genre and portrait pictures as well as landscape and genre drawings. The brothers Woldemar and Edmund Hottenroth are typical representatives of late-Romantic painting in Dresden .


Birthplace of Woldemar Hottenroth on Schillerplatz in Blasewitz
from 1856 summer house of Woldemar Hottenroth "Am Steinberg" 15 in Wachwitz
Garden house "Haus Sonnenrose", Wachwitzgrund 7
Gravestone of Woldemar Hottenroth in the Loschwitz cemetery

Woldemar Hottenroth was born as the son of the valet Franz Aloys Hottenroth and Josepha Hottenroth, nee. Busetti, born right next to the Schillergarten at Schillerplatz 10. His ancestors were Italian merchants who came to Dresden while the Hofkirche was being built . He first attended the Catholic school in Dresden and from 1816 the drawing school of the Dresden Art Academy . He completed the subsequent studies at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden in 1828. One of his formative teachers was Johan Christian Clausen Dahl . In between he and his brother Edmund went on a trip to the Giant Mountains and Bohemia in 1826 .

A grant from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts enabled Woldemar Hottenroth to continue his artistic training from 1828 to 1830 in Paris. There he was trained at the Académie Suisse and in the studio of the painter Louis Hersent . With his brother Edmund, who arrived in Paris at the end of June 1829, he traveled through Switzerland in the autumn of the same year.

In July 1830 both brothers went to Italy. In Rome they belonged to the German-Roman circle of artists and got to know Joseph Anton Koch and Johann Christian Reinhart , among others . Woldemar stayed in Rome until 1843 and made the acquaintance of Horace Vernet , Louis Léopold Robert , Bertel Thorvaldsen and Johann Friedrich Overbeck there . With the couple Friedrich Anton Serre and Friederike Serre he was in Naples and on Ischia in the summer of 1834 .

Woldemar Hottenroth returned to Germany in 1844 to marry Agnes († 1892), daughter of the wholesale merchant Silvester Willert, in Hamburg and live there. In 1845 there was another but only short stay in Paris. Travel to England and Scotland can then be verified. From 1851 to 1853 he stayed again in Rome, where he communicated with the painters August Grahl and Alfred Rethel, among others .

After his return he lived in Dresden permanently from 1854. In 1872 the painter acquired the so-called "Haus Sonnenrose" in Wachwitzgrund , which was built in 1863 and used it as an apartment and studio. This space was previously intended for the construction of the Wachwitz school. As early as 1856 he was a regular guest in the town in the summer months and lived in house at Am Steinberg No. 15.

He died in his summer house in Wachwitz near Dresden in 1894 and was buried in the Loschwitz cemetery .

His son Johann Edmund Hottenroth (born October 13, 1855 in Dresden, † July 31, 1937 in Dresden) embarked on a military career and was a military writer and archivist in the Saxon Ministry of War. The daughter Helene (* around 1852) married the cellist of the Dresden court orchestra Ferdinand Böckmann (1843–1913), who had been a teacher at the royal conservatory and royal Saxon chamber virtuoso since 1861.

In 1931 the "Hottenrothstraße" got its name, the " Agneshöhe ", a lookout point in the Pappritz district , reminds of his wife Agnes.

Works (selection)

  • Portrait of his father Franz Aloys Hottenroth , 1827, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • Erminia with the Shepherds , 1827, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • Leukothea and Ulysses , around 1830, oil on canvas, whereabouts unknown
  • Portrait of an Armenian , around 1830, whereabouts unknown
  • Two head studies of an Armenian , around 1830, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister , inv. No. 3086 and 3087
  • Portrait of the Baroness Martini , around 1830, whereabouts unknown
  • Copy after Raffael , around 1830, whereabouts unknown
  • Head studies , around 1830, whereabouts unknown
  • Self-Portrait with Hat , 1831
  • Landscape near Naples , 1835, Dresden City Museum
  • On the Gulf of Naples , 1835, drawing
  • Church of Sta. Maria dell'Annunzione in Ariccia , 1837
  • Self-Portrait with a Silhouette of Rome , 1844, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • Portrait of his wife Agnes Hottenroth, b. Willert , 1844, Dresden State Art Collections
  • Friedrichsruh near Hamburg , 1845, Dresden City Museum
  • Pilgrim and greengrocer , 1857, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
  • Keppgrund near Hosterwitz , 1870, Dresden City Museum


  • Löffler, Fritz:  Hottenroth, Woldemar. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-428-00190-7 , pp. 655 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Johann Edmund Hottenroth: Woldemar Hottenroth (1802-1894) - The life of a painter, 1927
  • Claudia Maria Müller: On the 200th birthday of the painter Woldemar Hottenroth (1802–1894), Dresden, 2002, 13 pp.
  • Gabriele Gorgas: Two little known late romanticists , in: Dresdner Latest News , January 28, 2013, p. 16
  • Frauke Josenhans and Sylva van der Heyden: Hottenroth, Woldemar , in: Savoy, Bénédicte and Nerlich, France (eds.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 1: 1793–1843 , Berlin / Boston 2013, pp. 121–123.

Individual evidence

  1. Wachwitzgrund, No. 7
  2. Ferdinand Böckmann , on weber- Gesamtausgabe.de

Web links

Commons : Woldemar Hottenroth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files