Wolf von Fabeck

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Wolf von Fabeck (2016)

Wolf of Fabeck (* 9. May 1935 ) is a German solar - activist and Honorary Chairman of Solar Promotion Germany eV

Life and work

After graduating from high school, Wolf von Fabeck went to the Bundeswehr (1956) and studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt . He was a lecturer at the former Army 1 University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt (for technical mechanics and gyro technology ). He became dean and head of the mathematics, natural sciences and data processing department. In 1980 he published the textbook gyroscopic devices. The different types of devices and their technical applications. Principle-related errors and technical solutions. Physical basics .

In 1986 he resigned from the Bundeswehr at his own request because he wanted to get involved in environmental protection . In December 1986 he co-founded the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland eV (SFV) based in Aachen, which originally acted as a representative of the interests of private solar power producers. After a change of statute and name to "Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland eV" (SFV) - originally "Solarenergie-Förderverein eV" (SFV) - in 2003 and another change in the statutes in 2019, the fight against climate change is at the fore of the association's work . From the foundation of the association until November 9, 2019, he was its honorary managing director. The general meeting elected him honorary chairman on the same day.

Wolf von Fabeck lives in Magdeburg .


Wolf von Fabeck considers the complete replacement of coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear energy with renewable energies to be one of the greatest global tasks of our time.

Renewable energies and their storage

Since 1989 he has campaigned for cost-covering remuneration for solar power. This made him - together with Hans-Josef Fell , Hermann Scheer and others - one of the pioneers and pioneers of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) of 2000. He campaigns for a rapid conversion of the energy supply to 100% renewable energies .

In order to counter the climate change, which is endangering life on earth, Wolf von Fabeck advocates the fastest possible conversion of our energy system to a one hundred percent supply of renewable energies. The most important pillars for him are wind energy and solar energy . He assesses the use of bioenergy as very critical.

Instead of the further expansion of high-voltage lines , Wolf von Fabeck calls for the expansion of electricity storage facilities and local lines.

“But we mustn't let ourselves be dissuaded from introducing a technology as quickly as possible that we ultimately consider necessary. Every day that we don't advance renewable energies and storage, climate change continues. This not only causes costs, but also human misfortune, climate refugees. Given this, concerns about the cost of storage are disproportionate. In addition: When we started with photovoltaics in 1986, the electricity from them was so expensive that what you now say about storage systems would also have applied to solar cells. Today they only cost a fraction - because of the mass production. "

- Wolf von Fabeck in an interview with Malte Kreutzfeldt ( taz )


Ecological tax reform

Together with Jürgen Grahl, Wolf von Fabeck advocates a drastic, revenue-neutral shift in the tax burden from work to energy. The aim is to tax energy, the most efficient production factor, and to relieve the less efficient production factor of labor. This shift is intended to result in less energy being wasted. Investors would invest more than before in labor-intensive companies, e.g. B. in education, social welfare, emergency services, police, craft, art, research. This would create new jobs. At the same time, energy-intensive companies would be burdened, in particular the basic industry, which is exploiting natural resources at an ever faster pace. Traffic would also decline if energy prices rose drastically. In order to compensate for the personal additional burden of the residents affected by an energy tax increase and to achieve acceptance, Fabeck demands the payment of an equal monthly energy allowance for each resident, regardless of income and age . Those who use less energy than the average have an advantage. Overall, this taxation of energy should be strictly income-neutral. In contrast to Grahl, who calls for an increase " gradually in small steps ", Fabeck calls for a " rapid increase in energy taxes ".

Internalize external costs of nuclear-fossil energies through a tax

Wolf von Fabeck sees the energy transition in 2016 as a dead end and therefore called for the external costs of fossil and atomic energy to be internalized through a CO2 tax and an increased fuel tax . Currently (2019) von Fabeck expresses doubts about the effectiveness of a CO 2 tax, as this could develop into a "Trojan horse of the fossil energy industry".

"The" free market "is blind to the future!

The free market is unresponsive to future dangers and the concept of community provision is alien to it.

. . .

And the laws of nature know no morality and also no mercy; they drag everyone - whether guilty or innocent - into the vortex of the climate catastrophe. "

- Wolf von Fabeck : Solarbrief 3/2018, official organ of the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland eV (SFV)

Recovery of the greenhouse gases by technical means

Wolf von Fabeck sees the urgent need to retrieve the greenhouse gases by technical means in order to get the industrial waste that mankind has deposited in the atmosphere back out and thus bring the greenhouse gas concentrations back to pre-industrial levels.

“No complaining helps! Humanity now has to take out the industrial waste that it has deposited in the atmosphere!

. . .

A successful retrieval consists of three steps.

1. Retrieval from the atmosphere

2. Chemical conversion of the recovered greenhouse gases into climate-harmless carbon compounds of higher energy density

3. Safe storage or economical use of carbon compounds that have been rendered harmless to the climate. "

- Wolf von Fabeck : www.klima-for-future.de



  • Gyroscopes. The different types of devices and their technical applications. Principle-related errors and technical solutions. Physical basics. Vogel, Würzburg 1980, ISBN 3-8023-0612-0 .

Web links

Commons : Wolf von Fabeck  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ursula Sladek: Wolf von Fabeck laudation for his 80th birthday June 10, 2015 in the house of the Protestant Church in Aachen. (PDF) www.sfv.de, June 10, 2015, accessed on March 9, 2016 : “A second key experience was Chernobyl in 1986, probably the decisive one. Reason for him to leave the armed forces in order to devote himself to the important task of finding and implementing alternatives to nuclear energy - and then of course fossil fuels. "
  2. Wolf von Fabeck: Press release from June 10th, 2015. Thanks to Wolf von Fabeck, GF of the Solarförderverein Aachen, on his 80th birthday. www.uweb21.de, June 10, 2015, accessed June 19, 2016 .
  3. ^ Statutes of the Solarenergie-Förderverein eV (SFV). (PDF; 1.2 MB) As of December 15, 1986. www.sfv.de, December 15, 1986, accessed on December 13, 2019 .
  4. ^ The statutes of the SFV. As of 11/07/97. (No longer available online.) In: www.sfv.de. November 7, 1997, archived from the original on October 15, 2003 ; accessed on December 13, 2019 .
  5. ^ Statutes of the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland eV (SFV) from November 1, 2003. (No longer available online.) Www.sfv.de, November 1, 2003, archived from the original on January 8, 2004 ; accessed on December 13, 2019 .
  6. Statutes of the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland eV (SFV). November 9, 2019, SFV. (No longer available online.) Www.sfv.de, November 9, 2019, archived from the original on November 17, 2019 ; accessed on December 13, 2019 .
  7. Enrico Heß: Federal Environment Agency recognizes the Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland e. V. (SFV) nationwide as an environmental association entitled to sue. In: Baumann Lawyers Würzburg Leipzig Hanover. July 8, 2018, accessed November 30, 2019 (German).
  8. Kristof von Fabeck-Volkenborn: Minutes of the SFV general meeting on November 9th, 2019. (PDF; 0.3 MB) 11. Motions to the General Assembly, b. Appointment of Wolf von Fabeck as honorary chairman of the association. www.sfv.de, November 9, 2019, accessed on November 25, 2019 .
  9. Imprint. In: www.sfv.de. November 2019, accessed November 24, 2019 .
  10. Amien Idries: First soldier, then activist on a solar mission. www.aachener-zeitung.de, July 15, 2015, accessed on June 18, 2016 .
  11. Wolf von Fabeck in an interview with Rolf Hug ("Der Solarserver"): The current Solarserver interview: Personalities from business, politics and initiatives provide information. www.solarserver.de, March 2000, accessed on June 20, 2016 : “The goal of the SFV is the energy turnaround, the complete replacement of coal, natural gas, oil and nuclear energy with renewable energies. This task is one of the greatest tasks of our time. "
  12. Wolf von Fabeck in conversation with Georg Ehring: Solar supporters: At this rate, the energy transition will take 100 years. Wolf von Fabeck rates Germany as a solar location as bad. www.deutschlandfunk.de, May 22, 2013, accessed October 15, 2016 .
  13. Wolf von Fabeck and Rüdiger Haude: Rise in sea level by 3 meters can no longer be prevented. Getting out of coal and oil combustion as soon as possible is even more urgent. www.sfv.de, October 28, 2014, accessed June 26, 2016 .
  14. Wolf von Fabeck: Turning technology - combination of solar and wind energy, storage and basic chemistry. A proposal for discussion. www.sfv.de, October 6, 2012, accessed on June 26, 2016 .
  15. ^ The board of the SFV: New course determination of the SFV for the use of biomass - board decision. Growing biomass for energetic use is an ecological mistake. www.sfv.de, May 23, 2009, accessed June 26, 2016 .
  16. Wolf von Fabeck: The solar disaster. www.wirtschaftundgesellschaft.de, January 7, 2014, accessed on June 18, 2016 : “In the 27 years of the SFV, we only had to change our concept in three points. After we had a calculation and design program with concrete quantitative numerical values ​​at www.Energiewenderechner.de, we decided not to pursue the energetic use of biomass any further, but to limit the use of biomass to material use (the energetic However, we still welcome the use of perishable biomass waste, e.g. liquid manure.) No longer consider biomass as renewable energy that is available in time, but instead demand the accelerated expansion of decentralized storage facilities ◾ and finally also accept solar energy on open spaces because the roof and facade areas are obviously not sufficient. "
  17. Wolf von Fabeck: Summary - Weighing up network expansion and electricity storage. (PDF) Complete energy transition without electricity storage not possible; Emergency storage - surpluses from sun and wind - biomass - geothermal energy - calm in Europe - the supergrid. www.sfv.de, 2010, accessed on June 26, 2016 .
  18. a b Wolf von Fabeck (and Patrick Graichen) in an interview with Malte Kreutzfeldt: Debate about network expansion: “Storage instead of long-distance lines!” Do we need the new power lines from north to south? Two proponents of the energy transition are far from agreed. In: www.taz.de. October 14, 2015, accessed June 26, 2016 .
  19. KRO: A topic that electrifies. Wolf von Fabeck wants electricity storage instead of long-distance lines. www.onetz.de, February 24, 2016, accessed on July 31, 2017 .
  20. ^ A b Wolf von Fabeck and Jürgen Grahl: The ecological tax reform: work and prosperity for everyone! www.umsteuern-mit-energiesteuert.de, January 3, 2003, accessed on June 12, 2016 : “What is essential for the success and feasibility of the concept is that the reform is, first of all, strictly revenue-neutral, i.e. the state has all revenues from the eco-taxes to the citizens or companies, and secondly, that the increase in energy prices only occurs gradually in small steps according to a fixed planning horizon that can be calculated over several decades in order to avoid shock-like effects and to give the economy and citizens the necessary time to adapt. "
  21. ^ Eduard Interwies, Daniel Blobel, Patrick ten Brink, R. Andreas Kraemer: Ecological Tax - Status of Discussion and Legislation in Germany, at the EU level and in the other European countries. (PDF) Short study on behalf of the German Council for Sustainable Development. (No longer available online.) Www.nachhaltigkeitsrat.de, May 2002, archived from the original on June 18, 2016 ; Retrieved June 18, 2016 .
  22. Wolf von Fabeck: Jobs and Social Justice - But how? It is not technical progress but the tax and contribution system that is the cause of mass unemployment - a proposal to eliminate it. www.sfv.de, January 4, 2007, accessed June 18, 2016 .
  23. ^ Wolf von Fabeck and Jürgen Grahl: The ecological tax reform: work and prosperity for everyone! (PDF) www.sfv.de, April 2004, accessed on June 18, 2016 .
  24. Wolf von Fabeck: Energy efficiency - but how? To the conceptual masterminds of the environmental associations. www.sfv.de, October 26, 2006, accessed on June 26, 2016 : "A rapid increase in energy taxes is urgent and overdue!"
  25. Wolf von Fabeck (in charge) and others: A radical change of course in German energy policy is necessary. Taxing fossil and atomic energy according to the damage, structuring network charges depending on the distance, relieving the EEG of bureaucracy - the citizens' energy transition will then prevail on the market. www.sfv.de, May 28, 2016, accessed on June 26, 2016 : “The core of the proposal is therefore to internalize the external costs of fossil and nuclear energy through a CO 2 tax and an increased fuel tax. Nuclear and fossil electricity will have to become considerably more expensive. The polluter pays principle must be enforced. "
  26. ^ Wolf von Fabeck: Natural gas - Trojan horse of the fossil energy industry. November 26, 2019, accessed November 26, 2019 .
  27. Wolf von Fabeck: CO2 tax may support the market growth of natural gas. September 11, 2019, accessed November 26, 2019 .
  28. Wolf von Fabeck: Solarbrief 3/2018 . (PDF) Editorial: The market is blind to the future. (No longer available online.) Www.sfv.de, November 29, 2018, archived from the original on April 18, 2019 ; Retrieved on April 18, 2019 ((Memento of the original): Page: 3): "... You are already ascribing almost divine abilities to the market, but you are overlooking something trivially crucial: The" free market "is blind to the future! The free market is unresponsive to future dangers and the concept of community preparedness is alien to it. The market believers, who believe that it is possible to ward off climate change in a market-controlled system, are very wrong. The free market cannot reward those who, for example, buy a large solar system and a wind turbine and an efficient energy storage system. And the laws of nature know no morality and also no mercy; they drag everyone - whether guilty or innocent - into the vortex of the climate catastrophe. "
  29. Wolf von Fabeck: Fossil economy infiltrates the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" IPCC. www.klima-for-future.de, April 2, 2020, accessed on May 9, 2020 .