Wolfgang Koch (publicist)

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Wolfgang Koch, portrait by Barbara Philipp 2013

Wolfgang Koch (born February 26, 1959 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee ) is an Austrian art journalist , writer, historian and Austrian guide .


Growing up in the Austrian state of Carinthia , Koch has published in Austrian and German print, AV and online media since 1976 . With the South Tyrolean politician Alexander Langer got involved in the solidarity movement for the rights of the Carinthian Slovenes in the 1970s . In the new peace movement against nuclear upgrade he represented positions of the International War Resisters / inside ( War Resisters' International ) and in 1980 officially recognized as a conscientious objector in Austria. When the liberal politician Jörg Haider rose to government offices in Carinthia, Koch moved to the federal capital Vienna , headed the cultural department of the Viennese city newspaper Falter from 1987–89 , and from 1990–92 the editor of Visa Magazin Austria. 1994-97 he worked as press spokesman for the Green Members' Club in the Austrian parliament, later as a conceptualist and corporate publisher, book author and private researcher. Since 2006, Koch has been writing the Vienna blog for the Berlin taz. the daily newspaper . In 2009 he donated his archive to the Peace Library of the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ÖSFK) in Schlaining. Wolfgang Koch has a daughter and is a second cancer survivor.


In the era of the nuclear arms race , the abolitionist and military critic advocated a technical understanding of nonviolent action . Under the influence of the Gulf Wars, he moved away from pacifist positions, since then he has advocated humanitarian interventions in the spirit of Michael Walzer and the Atlantic hegemony in world politics. In his theoretical writings, Koch tries to make the concept of neutrality fruitful for the discourse on violence. He does not derive Austria's foreign policy sovereignty from the Federal Constitutional Act of October 26, 1955, but from the international law scholar Heinrich Lammasch , who publicly pleaded in 1919 for a “continuation of Switzerland” in the south-eastern Alpine republic. In his main work, History of Violence , Koch develops a new political left - right model and introduces the term “Austrodictatorship” for the authoritarian period of Austrian politics from 1933–38 in the history discussion. As a political commentator, he is one of the left-wing sovereign critics of the European Union . Under the influence of the Austrian extreme artist Viktor Rogy, Koch also began to publish texts in literary anthologies in 1985 . In 1984 and 1998 he worked at the Orgien Mysterien Theater of the action artist Hermann Nitsch in Prinzendorf an der Zaya, which he now assigns to the material art genre of blood art . Koch is a member of the Literar Mechana as well as the Hermes group of the aesthetics section of the New Vienna Group / Lacan School, led by the philosopher and translator Walter Seitter . He shares with the physics historian Peter M. Schuster the enthusiasm for thought poetry and with the street life photographer Paul Albert Leitner the passion for “elegant knowledge”.


Non-fiction journalism

  • Social defense. To the basic democratic concept. Arge Zivildienst, Vienna 1980.
  • with Peter Steyrer: Safe without NATO. Options report from the Greens. Green Club in Parliament, Vienna 1998.
  • with Franz Leidenmühler and Peter Steyrer: Neutrality in the New Europe. Austria's contribution to the Union's finality. Agenda Verlag, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-89688-213-9 .
  • twenty. Anniversary publication of the Green Club in Parliament. Green Club, Vienna 2006.
  • History of violence. The misfortune of the 20th century. Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2005, ISBN 3-85129-444-0 .
  • Blood in the mouth. Hermann Nitsch from A to Z. Europa erlesen series, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2008, ISBN 978-3-85129-745-4 .
  • Finding Hermann Nitsch. New theses on orgies and mysteries theater - action art in the 21st century. Hollitzer Verlag, Vienna 2019, ISBN 978-3-99012-579-3 .

Literary works

  • The sunken festival , in: Soul fragments. Drava, Klagenfurt 1985, ISBN 3-7046-0049-0 .
  • Guests at an exhibition , in: Landmassaker. Edition S, Vienna 1986, ISBN 3-85435-045-7 .
  • Cinema black , in: Places of Love. Special number, Vienna 1987, ISBN 3-85449-016-X .
  • Hainburg summit. Humoresque in the Viennese ensemble theater with Erwin Steinhauer and Rupert Henning. Edition Brainbows, Vienna 2004.
  • The happiness of János. Hungarian novel. Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt 2006, ISBN 3-85129-635-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ExtraDienst, 23-24 / 1991, p. 68.
  2. Samo Kobenter: Republic of the Secretaries. The rope teams of those in power in Austria. Ibera & Molden, Vienna 1997, p. 173.
  3. ^ Second Primary Cancers. July 15, 2014, accessed July 8, 2019 .
  4. From an Austrian [pseud. Heinrich Lammasch]: The Noric Republic. in: [Swiss] National-Zeitung, Morgenblatt, May 15, 1919, p. 1.
  5. ^ Basis wien: basis wien - Viktor Rogy. Retrieved July 8, 2019 .