Walter Seitter

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Walter Seitter (2012)

Walter Seitter (born December 12, 1941 in St. Johann in Engstetten , Lower Austria ) is an Austrian philosopher .


Walter Seitter grew up in the Austrian state of Salzburg and attended the Borromäum humanistic high school in the city of Salzburg . From 1960 he studied philosophy at the theological faculty in Salzburg, where he first became acquainted with the thinking of Martin Heidegger . In 1962, Seitter moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , where Heidegger's student Max Müller from Freiburg took over a professorship. In addition, Seitter expanded his studies to include political science and art history. The university lecturers who shaped him in Munich included Wolfgang Stegmüller , Reinhard Lauth , Hans Sedlmayr and Eric Voegelin . Reading Friedrich Nietzsche's writings led him to the diaries of Franz Grillparzer , which Nietzsche had dealt with in the second part of his “Untimely Considerations” . In 1968 Seitter received his doctorate with a dissertation on Franz Grillparzer's philosophy .

In 1968/69, Seitter studied in Paris, where he came into contact with leading representatives of French intellectual life. He attended courses and lectures by Raymond Aron , Claude Lévi-Strauss , Jacques Lacan , Georges Canguilhem and Michel Foucault . He subsequently translated numerous philosophical texts, especially those by Michel Foucault, into German. Seitter was in constant contact with Foucault from 1970 until his death in 1984.

From 1975 to 1981, Seitter worked as an assistant in the field of political science at the Pedagogical University of Rhineland to Aachen (today Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule). In 1979 he founded the Tumult book series with Dietmar Kamper and Frank Böckelmann . Publications on traffic science, which at loose intervals bring out volumes on current as well as on intellectual history topics. Seitter inspired and edited many of these editions, such as B. zoo politics , physics , containers , Prussian , Kantorowicz , Dumézil , Plethon , Kittler . Seitter's discovery of the world of medieval heroic epic also fell during this time of philosophical path-breaking . Seitter's resulting work project on a comparative, contrasting history of human records in Western Europe between 1200 and 1700 - from heraldry to pre-mathematical statistics - culminated in his habilitation thesis Menschenfassungen. Studies on Epistemology from 1983. The book, first published in 1985 and second edition in 2012, is described as Seitter's first major work of unbroken topicality. For Seitter it was the prelude to the development of diverse research undertakings. Since then he has traveled to Germany, France and Italy - “follow-up journeys” in the footsteps of Paul Cézanne in Provence or Piero della Francesca to his wall paintings in Tuscany and Rimini. Research on the Romanesque period led Seitter to Spain, Bohemia, Hungary, Denmark and Sweden.

From 1985 to 2006 Walter Seitter taught media theory at the University of Applied Arts Vienna . In 1989 Seitter founded the Neue Wiener Gruppe / Lacan School with the psychoanalyst August Ruhs, in which he heads the Aesthetics Section. In 1997 Seitter published the book Physik des Daseins with the elaboration of a "philosophical physics", which was followed in 2002 by the media-philosophical treatise Physics of the Media . Since 1999, Walter Seitter has been involved in the “First Vienna Philosopher's Café” in the Korb café , a regular public meeting for non-academic philosophizing. In 2006 he founded the Hermes Group, a group of intellectuals mainly from Vienna, who worked through selected texts, mainly by Pierre Klossowski and Aristotle , over longer periods in weekly meetings and then published the prepared minutes in book form.

Since 2005 Seitter has turned to the ancient beginnings of philosophy. He often travels to Greece for this purpose. Seitter's re-reading of the Greeks goes back to the rediscovery of the almost forgotten Platonist of Greek origin Georgos Gemistos Plethon (1355–1452), in whom Seitter sees "the last ancient and the first modern Greek philosopher". In 2013, Seitter's Physics of Existence was also translated into Greek, which was presented at the International Book Fair in Thessaloniki in spring 2014.

Philosophical spectrum

Walter Seitter's thinking moves less in the history of philosophy, but rather in the expansion of its institutional and geographical boundaries, in the vicinity of political science, media theory, the history of literature, art and science, also in proximity to Eastern Europe. His way of thinking explores reality through its "externals". The spectrum of his philosophical work ranges from a continual philosophical anthropology to a propagated physics of philosophy.

Politics: human conceptions

Even in his early work, the dissertation on Franz Grillparzer's philosophy , Seitter distanced himself from the concept of an idealistic inwardness. With the human conceptions - writings on epistemology, Seitter opens up the three subject areas of his philosophizing:

In the human conceptions (the expression was entered through the escutcheon, "which is supposed to cover the warrior in a protective and pointing way"), Seitter drafts the theoretical program of a "human-scientific materialistics" which was decisive for his further work and which was the goal pursued to allow reification and alienation and to emphasize the improper of existence. The term construction and discipline used in the subtitle "Epistemology" literally represents a pointed alternative to Seitter's sociology of knowledge . Based on the categories of eccentric positionality and the double aspect as an organizational form of human existence (body / body) by the anthropologist Helmuth Plessner and based on Jacques Lacan, who opposed the "imaginary" of self-consciousness the alienation through the linguistic, i.e. the "symbolic" and thus deprived the human-scientific discourse of the exclusive perspective on the inside of the subject, Seitter shifts the condition of the possibility of knowledge from the subject to the outside. This manifests itself in a multitude of "politics" of surfaces, appearances, corporealities, images, signs and symbols in an interconnection of thing and person to "thing-person".

Representation of the "accidental turnaround" diagram for the snowflake

Seitter uses the medieval coat of arms and its techniques of ornamental drawing of people as an example in the human versions . He understands heraldry as a recognition system that gives its "master" second bodies that add, attach and inscribe themselves to his physical body and give him the opportunity to "be not only where he is, but also where he is not." is "Seitter's theory of second- and multi-body systems as a means of politics and communication from and between people (humans) and things (non-humans) reveals a striking parallel to Second Life in network culture with its avatars and nicknames , to plan- B projects or the use of drones , robots and machines in military reconnaissance and combat operations.

Furthermore, Seitter shows in the human versions that it is above all the accidents , the accidental, incidental and apparently insignificant in the "behavioral relationships" (Seitter) of people and things to one another that form the field of possible political operations. He shows that politics is mainly about these accidents and that foreign policy inevitably takes precedence over domestic policy. According to this "accidental turnaround" initiated by him, Seitter defines political science as a doctrine "which approaches the knowledge of human things from the side of the accidents" . In doing so, he advocates a "concept of the political" that opposes the friend / foe scheme of constitutional lawyer Carl Schmitt , which he had formulated in 1932. Even before the human versions appeared, Seitter sent the typescript of his text to Schmitt in 1981, who showed himself to be "tied up" by the reading in his immediate response, expressed his appreciation for Seitter's conceptual construction and remarked: "Today we can do without 'chaining jumps' no more".


Physics of existence

In his work Physics of Being. Seitter collects various essays and lectures as building blocks for a philosophy of phenomena and establishes the basic concepts of a "philosophical physics". In addition to the well-known scientific physics or school physics, which he expressly recognizes, he designs "Philosophical Physics", which at the same time brings physics back to the place it occupied in antiquity with Aristotle and the pre-Socratics as part of philosophy . Seitter emphasizes that the ancient Greek term 'physis' meant "not only 'nature' but the essence of all beings, be it artificial or technical". The human versions präzisierend and generalized sets Seitter with categories of "appearance" with emphasis on the "human body apparitions" and reifications apart: The Philosophical Physics follows an Aristotelian and a phenomenological inspiration. It finds its theoretical guiding concept less in the pale "phenomenon" than in the sensualistic-materialistic " appearance ".

Physics of existence: air between the stones

Seitter's "Philosophical Physics" differs from the scientific one primarily through its different instrumentation "by means of visual appearance and colloquial language". Their method consists in interlinking saying and seeing in order to achieve more seeing through saying and an increased "saying more" through seeing. In the physics of Dasein , Seitter illustrates this by insisting minimally ontologically on the low, weak, smallest and simplest, perceiving things in their respective physical appearance , emphasizing them in a descriptive manner and “showing reverence to the extrahuman, also to the extrahuman among people”. Seitter's examples include books, snowflakes, wine glasses, stones, but also photography, the motorway or "nudity as clothing". In the phenomena that he sees conceptually in Goethe's "Theory of Colors " , Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Comments on Colors", in Paul Cézanne's conversations and letters, and in Francis Ponge's "Poetic Physics" , the essence of things emerges for Seitter themselves, which, however, are often surrounded, presented and disguised by other things, the so-called media (words, images, buildings, etc.). Seitter's point of view is similar to a materialism, which, however, is not to be understood in terms of ideology, but methodologically and therefore called "materialistics" by him. In this respect it also follows on from the "physicalism" of the Vienna Circle , albeit with the admission of several different physics. In place of a "logical positivism" , Seitter puts a "happy positivism", a "tragic positivism" such as B. Nietzsche, do not exclude.

Media physics

Seitter's work Physics of the Media. Materials, Apparatus, Presentations from 2002 is a continuation of a strand of the physics of existence . It highlights the materiality of media and sees itself as a contribution to an empirical media philosophy. For Seitter, the philosophical approaches of media theory are, as it were, canceled in "Philosophical Physics". He therefore opposes the reduction of the media to the "new media" and a classification of media that is based only on the degree of their mechanization. For Seitter, media rather belong to the "publishing business" of things themselves. Critically based on the media theorist Marshall McLuhan , the psychologist Fritz Heider , the philosopher and mediologist Régis Debray and finally Aristotle, Seitter suggests a conceptual definition of media as "means of presentation" from which their special functions such as information and communication can be derived.

Seitter compiles mediographies in the physics of media . The first and most important medium for Seitter are the hands, which for him are prototypes of a medium that has made people "animals with things". For Seitter, media are also furniture, the street, language, money, business and, to some extent, the economy as an institution, i.e. everything that is a stage, container or packaging. Seitter not only presents different types of media, but also differentiates between different "levels" or "states of aggregation" of media. He differentiates between "warm" and "cold" media, "professional", which are exclusively and professionally media, and "occasional", which only appear as such on a case-by-case basis. Seitter's media-historical view follows less an evolutionism , as it prevails with McLuhan, Vilém Flusser or Niklas Luhmann , but rather an 'anachronism' in order to be able to compare media across time. In Seitter's mediality, for him the basis of all appearances and visibilities, electricity, earth, ether and light also have an intrinsic medial significance: "With the phenomenon of light, which in truth is phenomenality or the metaphaemomen per se ancient thinking went beyond the level of the elements and up to the level of mediumship [...] The light was that which gives the seeing eyes and the things that appear the power to work and work together and to become real, so that something appears at all or rather nothing and in such a way that not only the minimum but also the maximum of appearance, i.e. physicality, is possible. "


Seitter's methodology is based on biographical influences, encounters, and finds. His philosophical knowledge is situation-bound and takes place in actions and reactions. Seitter's most important forms of action are describing (saying what one sees), evoking appearances by working with words and transforming words; the microscopic penetration into the interior of phenomena (words, texts, images); his comparing phenomena (even if they are historically or geographically far apart); its reaching into macrophysical, cosmological dimensions (e.g. the night as a result of a certain constellation of celestial bodies); his constellation of celestial bodies of different formats (snowflake, planets).

Ever since on the trail of the Romanesque.

The decisive methodological phases of Seitter's philosophizing are the perception of phenomena and the linguistic reproduction of this perception. During annual stays in Kampen on Sylt, Seitter practiced together with the painter Siegward Sprotte ( "Active seeing is colored seeing ..." ) the self-chosen discipline of "seeing and saying", which led his thinking to both perception and the desire to formulate. Wherever facts and problems unexpectedly meet, Seitter tries to describe sensual, physical contours and to tell them. With the "Tychanalysis" method he developed, he opened up the possibility of philosophizing, which narrative ties in with stories from others, with stories that already exist, and brings them together, concatenates or drives them on. With this type of retelling, Seitter is methodically close to French thinkers such as Jean-Francois Lyotard and Michel Serres , according to whom the "great narratives" of modernity are to be abandoned and a variety of small narratives have to take their place. Seitter calls his philosophizing an "impure philosophizing" insofar as it resides in the border regions between philosophy and the respective individual sciences and includes cognitive practices and activities that lie outside the academic sphere and rather belong to the arts. In this respect, Seitter approaches the techniques of assembly and collage, handicrafts and construction in his description and narration. Procedures that he found in reading Aristotelian "Poetics" , where mimesis is postulated as an experimental reconstruction. His philosophizing tends more towards "analysis" and less towards "theory". Seitter understands "analysis" both in proximity to as well as dissociation from psychoanalysis: as a philosophizing in first-person form, as an approach to obsessions and complexes (such as Pierre Klossowski), both individual and objective, in which the "unconscious" is stored outside the mind. So Seitter's preoccupation with the Untersberg in Salzburg follows in the footsteps of the legendary Austrian pastor Valentin Pfeifenberger and creates a "montanist" analysis (Seitter) instead of an "alpinist" overview.


On January 24, 2013 Walter Seitter was honored with the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class, for his services to the international reputation of the Austrian humanities.



  • Consider and discuss Aristotle (Metaphysics I-VI) . Freiburg / Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-495-48984-0 .
  • Δομηνικος Θεοτοκοπουλος. Ο Ελληνας στα ξενα (El Greco. A Greek in a foreign country), translated by Omiros Tachmazidis. ENEKEN, Thessaloniki 2015, ISBN 978-960-9708-27-2 .
  • Η φυσική της υπάρξης. Λιθάρκια σε μια φιλοσοφία των εμφανίσεων ( physics of existence ). ΕΝΕΚΕΝ, Thessaloniki 2014, ISBN 978-960-9708-16-6 .
  • Reading Poetics 2 (Merve Berlin 2014), ISBN 978-3-88396-320-4 .
  • Reactionary Romanesque. Style change and geopolitics (Vienna 2012), ISBN 978-3-85449-361-7 .
  • Reading Poetics 1 (Merve Berlin 2010), ISBN 978-3-88396-278-8 .
  • Multiple existences: El Greco, Kaiserin Elisabeth, Pierre Klossowski (special number Vienna 2003), ISBN 3-85449-207-3 .
  • Media physics. Materials, apparatus, presentations (VDG Geisteswissenschaften Weimar 2002), ISBN 3-89739-301-8 .
  • Art of watch. Dreams and other guards (Philo Berlin 2001), ISBN 3-8257-0196-4 .
  • History of the night (Philo Berlin 1999), ISBN 3-8257-0111-5 .
  • Physics of existence. Building blocks for a philosophy of phenomena (special number Vienna 1997), ISBN 3-85449-120-4 .
  • The spectrum of genealogy (Walter Seitter together with Michel Foucault). Philo, Bodenheim 1996, ISBN 3-8257-0025-9 .
  • Distant Siegfried paraphrases: Jesus, Helmbrecht, Dietrich (Merve Berlin 1993), ISBN 3-88396-110-8 .
  • Helmut Newton. Body analyzes (special number Vienna 1993), ISBN 3-85449-043-7 .
  • Hans of Marées. Another philosopher (Droschl Graz 1993), ISBN 3-85420-333-0 .
  • Piero della Francesca. Parallel colors (Merve Berlin 1992) ISBN 3-88396-103-5 .
  • Vienne. Visite privée (Hachette Paris 1991), ISBN 2-85108-666-9 .
  • Untimely education. Franz Grillparzer's philosophy (Turia & Kant Vienna 1991), ISBN 3-85132-013-1 .
  • Promise fail. Women's power and women's aesthetics in the Kriemhild discussion of the 13th century (Merve Berlin 1990), ISBN 3-88396-074-8 .
  • The political knowledge in the Nibelungenlied. Lectures (Merve Berlin 1987), ISBN 3-88396-061-6 .
  • Human concepts. Studies on Epistemology (Boer Munich 1985), ISBN 3-924963-00-2 . Second edition. with a foreword by the author and an essay by Friedrich Balke (Velbrück Weilerswist 2012), ISBN 978-3-942393-29-4 .
  • Jacques Lacan and (Merve Berlin 1984), ISBN 3-88396-039-X .
  • The great perspective. Business analyzes (Merve Berlin 1983), ISBN 3-88396-030-6 .
  • Michel Foucault - On the subversion of knowledge (Hanser Munich 1974, Ullstein Frankfurt 1974, Fischer Frankfurt 1978), ISBN 978-3-446-11864-5 .

Articles and essays (selection)

  • View view , in: Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Stefan Olah: Thirty-Six Views of Vienna / Thirty-Six Views of Vienna. Salzburg 2017, ISBN 978-3-7025-0866-1 .
  • The other Sigismund and the one , in: B. Hofstädter and R. Pfaller (eds.): After you get what you want you don't want it. Frankfurt 2016, ISBN 978-3-596-03591-5 .
  • Recognize with pleasure , review by: Arbogast Schmitt: How enlightened is the reason of the Enlightenment? A criticism from an Aristotelian point of view. Heidelberg 2016, in: Die Presse September 10, 2016.
  • Aristotelica , in: Neue Rundschau 2016/3 - »Dark physique, light cosmos«, Friedrich Kittler on the 5th anniversary of his death. ISSN  0028-3347
  • The Mathematical-Poetic Renaissance in Austria (Johannes von Gmunden, Georg von Peuerbach, Regiomontanus, Conrad Celtis) , in: Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities. Philosophica 1/2016. ISSN  1805-3742
  • The only sign is the multiple. On Suzy Kirsch's phallus collages , in: texte. psychoanalysis. aesthetics. Kulturkritik 3/2016, ISBN 978-3-7092-0268-5 .
  • Morphism, energism, crypto-animism ... A post-Aristotelian gloss , in: I. Albers, A. Franke (ed.): After animism. Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86599-249-9 .
  • Grillparzer on Hegel, Heidegger, Hitler, in: Yearbook of the Grillparzer Society, 3rd episode, Volume 26 (2015-2016), (Vienna 2017). ISBN 978-3-902850-12-6
  • Grillparzer, Ontologie, Heidegger, in: Tumult. Quarterly publication for the disruption of consensus (winter 2015/16). ISSN  2363-9911
  • Living signs. On the demonstration style of Femen , in: Tumult. Quarterly magazine for disrupted consensus (summer 2015). ISSN  2363-9911
  • Philosophy et engagement . In: Littérature et engagement. Deuxième Rencontre Euromaghrébine d'Écrivains (Tunis 2015).
  • Les deux mains - un medium? In: Michel Guérin (ed.): Le geste entre émergence et apparence (Aix-en-Provence 2014): 81–85. ISBN 978-2-85399-953-3
  • Ding and medium with Helmuth Plessner and Fritz Heider. In: Interdisciplinary Anthropology. Yearbook 2 (Springer Vienna-New York 2014), ISSN  2198-8277 ; as an e-book: ISBN 978-3-658-07410-4
  • Décisionisme poïétique. Sur la genèse de 'La monnaie vivante' (Pierre Klossowski, Pierre Zucca ). In: (2013)
  • Night and the fight against the night from a cultural-historical perspective (together with Thomas Posch). In: Th. Posch u. a. (Ed.) The end of the night. Lichtsmog: Hazards - Perspectives - Solutions (2nd extended edition. Beltz Wiley 2013) ISBN 978-3-527-41179-5 .
  • Philosophy, anti-philosophy, Lacan. In: I. Gurschler, S. Ivády, A. Wald (Eds.) Lacan 4D. On the four discourses in Lacan's Seminar XVII (Vienna-Berlin 2013), ISBN 978-3-85132-714-4 .
  • Τα δύο χέρια. Ενα μέσο ( The two hands. One medium ). In: ENEKEN 28, 2012.
  • Similarities between Freud, Plessner, Lacan. Physiology, essentialism. In: Th. Ebke, M. Schloßberger (Ed.), Decentrations. On the confrontation between philosophical anthropology, structuralism and poststructuralism (Akademie Berlin 2012), ISBN 978-3-05-004473-6 .
  • About physics and technology and the aesthetics of the night. A contribution to nyctology. In: A. Husslein-Arco et al. a. (Ed.): The night in the twilight. Art from Romanticism to Today (Prestel Munich, London, New York 2012), ISBN 978-3-7913-5259-6 .
  • Human capture container. On the history of architecture and architecture politics of a new medium. In: Tumult writings on traffic science 38: Container / Containment. The systemic limits of globalization (Pandora Wetzlar 2011), ISBN 978-3-88178-538-9 .
  • Demonstrations. Paraphilosophical dramatization in post-war literature. In: M. Benedikt, R. Knoll, F. Schwediauer, C. Zehetner (eds.): Repressed Humanism - Delayed Enlightenment. Volume VI. In search of authentic philosophizing. Philosophy in Austria 1951–2000 (Vienna 2010), ISBN 978-3-7089-0446-7 .
  • The German Greek complex. In: J. Wagner, St. Wilke (Ed.): The lucky ones are curious. Ten Years of the Friedrich Nietzsche College (Weimar 2009), ISBN 978-3-86068-397-2 .
  • Kant and Nietzsche in Foucault. A geophilosophical sketch. In: Simone Bernet (Ed.): Dedicated to Kant Nietzsche. A virtual encounter (Kulturverlag Kadmos Berlin 2009), ISBN 978-3-86599-007-5 .
  • Γραφη, εικονα, τεχνη ( graphics, images, art ). In: ENEKEN 10 (2008)
  • Montesquieu, Plethon. Politique et religion dans l'Empire Byzantin et dans un projet de réforme tardo-Byzantin. In: J. Erhard (Ed.): Montesquieu, l'État et la religion . Colloquium in Sofia, 7./8. October 2005, (Iztok-Zpad Sofia 2007), ISBN 978-954-321-363-4 .
  • Show, hide? On the problem of Albrecht Dürer's double vision. In: A. Ruhs and W. Seitter (eds.): Staging the unconscious. Symptom-Werk-Leben (Vienna 2007), ISBN 978-3-85449-251-1 .
  • The multistory of the world. In: texts. psychoanalysis. aesthetics. cultural criticism. 2004/2 (Passagen Wien), ISSN  0254-7902
  • Do we need a civil religion? In: M. Ley, H. Neisser, G. Weiss (Eds.): Political Religion? Politics, religion and anthropology in the work of Eric Voegelin (Fink Munich 2003), ISBN 3-7705-3930-3 .
  • Illusion of Religiousness? Legendre's positioning in a French discourse formation. In: Tumult writings on transport science 26: Pierre Legendre: Historian, psychoanalyst, lawyer . Edited by C. Vismann (Syndicate Berlin 2001), ISBN 3-8257-0262-6 .
  • The invention of tychanalysis. In: R. Bauer, AL Hofbauer, B. Ternes (Ed.): Simple solutions. Contributions to the inconceivable inconceivability of problems in society . (Articles, Marburg 2000), ISBN 3-8288-8084-3 .
  • Thomas Bernhard's geopolitics. In: A. Honold and M. Joch (eds.): Thomas Bernhard - The preparation of people (Königshausen Würzburg 1999), ISBN 3-8260-1696-3 .
  • The introduction of physics to the human sciences. In: C. Pias (Ed.): Medien. Thirteen lectures on media culture (VDG Geisteswissenschaften Weimar 1999), ISBN 3-89739-099-X .
  • Incarnations, Incarnations. In: P. Gilbert, H. Kohlenberger and E. Salmann (eds.): Cur Deus homo? Atti del Congresso Anselmiano Internazionale: Roma, 21./23. May 1998 (Rome 1999), ISBN 3-466-20002-4 .
  • To determine Austrian philosophy. In: M. Benedikt, R. Knoll, J. Rupitz (Eds.), H. Kohlenberger and W. Seitter (Mithrsg.): Displaced Humanism Delayed Enlightenment. 1/1: Philosophy in Austria 1400–1650 (Klausen-Leopoldsdorf 1997), ISBN 3-9500439-2-6 .
  • Monarchy, anarchy, pararchy. Terms relating to the concept of the political. In: P. Fischer (Ed.): Freedom or Justice. Perspectives of Political Philosophy (Reclam Leipzig 1995), ISBN 3-379-01531-8 .
  • Theory, paralysis, analysis. In: A. Ruhs and W. Seitter (eds.): Dissolve, examine, awaken. Psychoanalysis and other analyzes (Passagen Wien 1995), ISBN 3-85165-021-2 .
  • Chivalrous, unruly theology in the childhood of Jesus by Konrad von Fussesbrunnen . In V. Beismann, MJ Klein (Ed.): Political situation analysis . Festschrift for Hans-Joachim Arndt on his 70th birthday on January 15, 1993 (San Casciano, Bruchsal 1993), ISBN 3-928906-00-3 .
  • Michel Foucault - From the humanities to thinking about the political. In: German magazine for philosophy. Monthly journal of international philosophical research 38/90 (Berlin 1990), ISSN  0012-1045
  • Is the political at the end? On the current fate of the Indo-European trifunctionality: sovereignty-war-fertility (Dumézil-Foucault). In: Bilder-Fotonachrichten 48 (Photo Gallery Vienna 1989).
  • From one pacifism to another . Aachen inaugural lecture on December 14, 1983. In: Etappe 2 (1988).
  • What is Siegfried? To the construction of a person. In: W. Storch (Ed.): The Nibelungs. Pictures of love, betrayal and downfall (Prestel Munich 1987), ISBN 3-7913-0822-X .
  • To say something about a legend. An impossible theater with Emperor Charlemagne. In: G. Schmid (Ed.): The signs of history. Contributions to a semiological history (Böhlau Vienna-Cologne 1986), ISBN 3-205-07079-8 .
  • The Queen as a way out of the fatherless society. In: The wonder block. Journal for Psychoanalysis 14 (Berlin 1986), ISSN  0344-8274
  • Informalism as a new policy? In: tumult. Transportation Science Journal 4: Schools of the Elite . Ed .: U. Raulff, W. Seitter (Beltz Weinheim 1982), ISSN  0172-858X
  • Softening. On the profanity of the cities. In: Daidalos 13 (Bertelsmann Berlin 1984), ISSN  0721-4235
  • The radical, the unconscious, the political. Considerations based on Plessner and Lacan. In: D. Hombach (Ed.) With Lacan (Rotation Berlin 1982), ISBN 3-88384-008-4 .
  • The coat of arms as a second body and body symbol. In: D. Kamper, C. Wulf (ed.) The return of the body (Suhrkamp Frankfurt 1982), ISBN 3-518-11132-9 .
  • Writing about Playboy? Elements of an impossible passion science. In: Solo (Merve Berlin 1981).
  • Thinking in research. To the company of an analysis at Michel Foucault. In: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 87/2 (Freiburg 1980), ISSN  0031-8183
  • Nudity as clothing. In: tumult. Journal of Transportation Science 2: Body Manufactures . Ed. U. Raulff, W. Seitter (Merve Berlin 1980), ISSN  0172-858X
  • Franz Grillparzer and Friedrich Nietzsche. Your position to each other. In: Yearbook of the Grillparzer Society III / 8 (Vienna 1970).

Editions and collective works

  • Untersberg. Stories Grenzgang Gangsteige (with Bodo Hell. Pustet Salzburg 2012), ISBN 978-3-7025-0669-8 .
  • Tumult. Writings on traffic science 40: Friedrich Kittler. Technology or art? (Eds. M. Ott, W. Seitter. Pandora Wetzlar 2012), ISBN 978-3-88178-540-2 .
  • Tumult 34: Seize Baudrillard . (Eds. St. Günzel, M. Ott, W. Seitter. Alpheus Berlin 2009), ISBN 978-3-9811214-9-0 .
  • Tumult 30: Roman . (Eds. C. Vismann, W. Seitter. Diaphanes Zurich 2006), ISBN 3-935300-84-0 .
  • Tumult 29: Georgios Gemistos Plethon (1355–1452): Reform politician, philosopher, admirer of the old gods . (Eds. W. Blum, W. Seitter. Diaphanes Zurich 2005), ISBN 3-935300-98-0 .
  • Tumult 27: zoo politics . (Eds. H. Kohlenberger, W. Seitter. Syndikat Berlin 2003), ISBN 3-8257-0311-8 .
  • Tumult 25: Catechons. Stop the doom . (Ed. M. Rauchsteiner, W. Seitter. Syndikat Berlin 2001), ISBN 3-8257-0201-4 .
  • Tumult 23: Physics . (Eds. G. Grössing, W. Seitter. Syndikat Berlin 1998), ISBN 3-931705-17-X .
  • Tumult. Writings on traffic science 21: Prussian . (Ed. W. Seitter. Syndicate Berlin 1995), ISBN 3-931705-05-6 .
  • Tumult 18: Georges Dumézil - historian, seer . (Ed. W. Seitter. Turia & Kant Vienna 1993), ISBN 3-85132-048-4 .
  • Tumult 16: Ernst Hartwig Kantorowicz. Historian . (Ed. W. Seitter. Turia & Kant Vienna 1992), ISBN 978-3-85132-027-5 .
  • Tumult 15: French . (Ed. W. Seitter. Turia & Kant Vienna 1991), ISBN 3-85132-019-0 .
  • Tumult 14: The visible . (Eds. D. Kamper, W. Seitter. Boer Munich 1990), ISBN 3-924963-38-X .
  • Tumult 12: Gatian Gaëtan de Clérambault (1872–1934) - A fate of the eyes . (Ed. W. Seitter, S. Tisseron. Boer Munich 1988), ISBN 3-924963-16-9 .
  • Tumult 10: Germany . (Ed. F. Böckelmann, W. Seitter. Boer Munich 1987), ISBN 3-924963-27-4 .
  • Tumult 6: Angels . (Eds. D. Kamper, W. Seitter. Pandora Wetzlar 1983), ISBN 3-88178-306-7 .
  • Turmoil 4. Schools of the elite . (Eds. U. Raulff, W. Seitter. Beltz Weinheim 1982), ISSN  0172-858X
  • Tumult 2: Body Manufactures . (Eds. U. Raulff, W. Seitter. Merve Berlin 1980), ISSN  0172-858X

Lectures (selection)

Translations (selection)

  • Francis Ponge: The table. A text excerpt . With an afterword by Walter Seitter. Ritter, Klagenfurt 2011, ISBN 978-3-85415-474-7 .
  • Pierre Klossowski: Divertimento for Gilles Deleuze. Merve, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-88396-206-6 .
  • Michel Foucault: The Life of the Infamous. With an afterword by Walter Seitter. Merve, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-88396-165-5 .
  • Pierre Legendre: The dance in the non-dancing culture. In: C. Vismann (Ed.): Pierre Legendre: Historian, psychoanalyst, lawyer . (= Tumult. 26). Syndikat, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-8257-0262-6 .
  • Michel Foucault: Dumézil's structuralism. In: Georges Dumézil - historian, seer. (= Tumult. 18). Turia & Kant, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-85132-054-9 .
  • Michel Foucault: Introduction. In: Ludwig Binswanger: Dream and Existence. With an afterword by Walter Seitter. Gachnang & Springer, Bern / Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-906127-31-1 .
  • Michel Foucault: What is Criticism? Merve, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-88396-093-4 .
  • Ernst H. Kantorowicz: The fundamental decision. In: W. Seitter (Ed.): Ernst Hartwig Kantorowicz historian . (= Tumult 16). Turia & Kant, Vienna 1992, ISBN 3-85132-027-1 .
  • Alexandre Kojève: The Latin Empire. Sketch of a doctrine of French politics. In: W. Seitter (Ed.): French . (= Tumult 15). Turia & Kant, Vienna 1991, ISBN 3-85132-019-0 .
  • Pierre Klossowski: The similarity . Gachnang & Springer, Bern / Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-906127-11-7 .
  • Michel Foucault: From the light of war to the birth of history . Edited by W. Seitter. Merve, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-88396-053-5 .
  • Michel Foucault: Sexuality and Truth. Volume 3: Concern for yourself. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1986, ISBN 3-518-57753-0 .
  • Michel Foucault: Sexuality and Truth 2: The Use of Desires. (Suhrkamp Frankfurt am Main 1986), ISBN 978-3-518-28317-2 .
  • Michel Foucault: About friendship. (Merve Berlin 1985), ISBN 978-3-88396-041-8 .
  • Jean Baudrillard: the stuck angel. In: Der Bogen 4 (Wilde Akademie Berlin 1984)
  • Roland Barthes: Cy Twombly (Merve Berlin 1983), ISBN 978-3-88396-033-3 .
  • Michel Foucault: Sexuality and Truth 1: The will to know (Suhrkamp Frankfurt am Main 1977), ISBN 978-3-518-28316-5 .
  • Michel Foucault: Monitoring and Punishing. The Birth of Prison (Suhrkamp Frankfurt am Main 1976), ISBN 978-3-518-38771-9 .
  • Michel Foucault: The order of the discourse. Inaugural lecture at the Collège de France - December 2, 1970 (Hanser Munich 1974, Fischer Frankfurt am Main 1991), ISBN 3-596-10083-6 .
  • Michel Foucault: This is not a pipe . With an afterword by Walter Seitter (Hanser Munich 1974, Ullstein Frankfurt am Main 1989, Hanser Munich / Vienna 1997), ISBN 3-446-18904-1 .
  • Michel Foucault: The Birth of the Clinic. An archeology of the medical gaze (Hanser Munich 1973, Fischer Frankfurt am Main 1988), ISBN 978-3-596-27400-0 .

Literature about Walter Seitter

  • Wolfgang Schmitt: Review of the "human versions " in IFB , the digital review organ for library and science, June 2014
  • Michael Eckardt: Surrealistic deconstruction of politics and its science . An interview with Walter Seitter. In: Recherche-Zeitung für Wissenschaft 1/2014, p. 6.
  • Friedrich Balke: Tychonta, accidents. Walter Seitter's surrealist exploration of politics and its science. In: Human Versions. Studies in epistemology. (Weilerswist 2012), ISBN 978-3-942393-29-4 .
  • Christa Kamleithner: Let it appear. Media physics and politics. In: dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung 13 (Vienna 2003), ISSN  1608-8131
  • Kürschner's German Scholar Catalog 1996 (Humanities and Social Sciences), p. 1362.
  • Wolfgang Ernst : With science. In: Stage 3 (Bonn 1989)
  • Renate Schlesier : The Theatrum politicum and its provisions. To a dramaturgy of worldliness. In: Merkur, German Journal for European Thinking, 439/440 (Stuttgart 1985), ISSN  0026-0096

Web links

Commons : Walter Seitter  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. on this and in the following the “Laudation” by Horst Ebner on the occasion of Walter Seitter being awarded the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, published at
  2. See in particular Michael Eckardt's conversation with Walter Seitter. In: Recherche, Zeitung für Wissenschaft, Vienna, 1/2014, p. 6)
  3. Presented on February 23, 1968 at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and published as a book in 1991
  4. See: Walter Seitter "Michel Foucault - From the Subversion of Knowledge" and "Michel Foucault - The Spectrum of Genealogy"
  5. Presented on July 20, 1983 at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
  6. Cf. Siegfried Balke in the afterword to the 2nd edition of "Menschenfassungen" (Velbrück Weilerswist 2012, p. 269ff), "who puts the book in a downright future-oriented perspective" (Seitter ibid.)
  7. See the corresponding publications in the list of Seitter's monographs
  8. The extensive research and discovery journeys and their income are listed in the respective publications.
  9. The program of these city meetings can be found on Seitter's website
  10. Neue Wiener Gruppe / Lacan-Schule ( Memento of the original from September 11, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Hermes Group
  12. See also Wolfgang Koch about Walter Seitter: “Vienna's most exciting intellectuals 2011” under Archived Copy ( Memento of the original from April 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  13. See Seitter's dissertation and his publication "Franz Grillparzer and Friedrich Nietzsche"
  14. Cf. on this and in the following: Walter Seitter, "Subsequent Preface" to the 2nd edition. P. 7ff. as well as "Menschenfassungen", Velbrück Weilerswist 2012.
  15. Quoted from Siegfried Balke in his afterword to the 2nd edition of "Menschenfassungen"
  16. Walter Seitter, ibid., P. 214.
  17. See also Martin Heidegger on the term "improper existence" in his work "Being and Time"
  18. Walter Seitter in conversation with Michael Eckhardt. In: Recherche, Zeitung für Wissenschaft, Vienna 1/2014, p. 6.
  19. ^ Walter Seitter, "Menschenfassungen", 2nd edition, p. 18.
  20. See the detailed review of "Menschenfassungen" by Wolfgang Schmitt in IFB , the digital review organ for library and science.
  21. Walter Seitter, "Menschenfassungen", 2nd edition, p. 171.
  22. Cf. on this the famous work "The Concept of Politics" by Carl Schmitt
  23. Carl Schmitt's statement is reproduced in the new edition of "Menschenfassungen"
  24. Cf. on this and in the following: Walter Seitter "Physics of Daseins. Building blocks for a philosophy of phenomena", Vienna 1997.
  25. Walter Seitter, Introduction to "Physics of Media", 2014 (unpublished)
  26. Walter Seitter, Introduction to "Physics of the Media", 2014, p. 3.
  27. ^ Cover text on Walter Seitter, "Physik des Daseins", Vienna 1997.
  28. On "happy positivism" cf. Michel Foucault, "The Order of Discourse", Munich 1974, p. 48.
  29. On "tragic positivism" cf. Martin Heidegger, "Nietzsche Seminars 1937 and 1944", Frankfurt am Main 2004, p. 202.
  30. See in the following Walter Seitter introduction to "Physics of the Media", Weimar 2002.
  31. In particular, Seitter criticizes Werner Faulstich's publications "Die Geschichte der Medien 1" (Göttingen 1997) and "Grundwissen Medien" (Munich 2000)
  32. In his "Physics of Media", Seitter refers in particular to McLuhan's main work "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man", Cambridge-London 1996.
  33. ^ Fritz Heider, "Ding und Medium" (1926)
  34. See Régis Debray "Introduction à la médiologie" (Paris, 1994)
  35. See: Aristotle "Poetik" and "Metaphysik VII 1037a ff.
  36. See Walter Seitter, "Physik der Medien", cover text
  37. See on this his essay The Two Hands. A medium. In: ENEKEN 28, 2012.
  38. Christa Kamleithner in her article "Let it appear. Media physics and politics" in the magazine "dérive"
  39. See Vilém Flusser "Things and Undinge. Phenomenological Sketches" (Munich-Vienna 1993)
  40. Cf. Niklas Luhmann "The Art of Society" (Frankfurt 1996)
  41. Cf. on this: Walter Seitter in "Physics of the Media", cover text, where he describes this "anachronism" as "simultaneity of the unequal".
  42. Simone Bernet, "On the New Limits of Reason. Media Philosophical Regulations", dissertation at the University of Basel, Berlin 2010, p. 100f.
  43. ^ Walter Seitter, "Physik der Medien", p. 341.
  44. See Walter Seitter's remarks on Siegwart Sprotte in his foreword to "Physics of Daseins", where he quotes him and describes him as "on par with Wittgenstein, a 'mediator' between Goethe and me". Ibid, p. 13f.
  45. See also Ulrich Raulff's review in the Süddeutsche Zeitung of December 12, 2001.
  46. See on this: Jean-Francois Lyotard "La condition postmoderne" (Paris, 1979)
  47. See: Michel Serres "Les cinq sens. Philosophy des corps mêlés" (Paris, 1985)
  48. See: Walter Seitter "Read Poetics 1" and "Read Poetics 2"
  49. See his text "Im Untersberg"