Yolanda Feindura

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UniForm - Logo of the Bremen artist Yolanda Feindura

Yolanda Feindura , b. Schlosshauer, (born May 10, 1945 in Bad Pyrmont ) is a German painter . She lives and works in Bremen.


Yolanda Feindura grew up in Hanover and from 1951 attended the Jenaplan School with its reformed pedagogy, from 1955 the Elsa Brändström School and then the Free Waldorf School until graduation in 1964. During the school holidays, she often worked: at the age of eleven in a gardening shop, then in a quilt factory, in a printing shop, as an elevator operator in a department store, as a Christmas tree seller and advertising banners painter.

Through the artist WP Eberhard Eggers , she found access to the art group in Hanover-Ricklingen, which he directed. In 1964 she began studying at the Werkkunstschule Hannover . She learned the basics of artistic design from Helmut Gressieker , gravure printing techniques from Herbert Jaekel and spatial drawing from Otto Almstadt . From 1965 to 1970 she attended the State University of Fine Arts in Berlin and focused on drawing and painting with Helmut Thoma and especially Johannes Geccelli . She heard art history from Hubertus Lossow , and took the examination for artistic work in Werner Gailis' metal workshop and Marianne Meyer-Weisgerber's textile workshop.

In 1970 Feindura began studying art history at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and focused on architecture, especially with Johannes Langner and Ernst Adam, until the state examination.

She financed her living as an art teacher and as an art teacher at the Goethe-Gymnasium Freiburg. In 1977 she passed her second state examination at the Waldkirch grammar school and then returned as a teacher at the Goethe grammar school in Freiburg. From 1980 she moved to Bremen, where she taught art at various school centers and sometimes organized exhibitions of the work of her students.

At the same time, Feindura held a teaching position for artistic practice at the University of Bremen from 1985 to 2005. At the beginning of the 1990s she worked as a museum educator at the Kunsthalle Bremen for two years . In between she took part in educational exhibitions in Freiburg and Bremen and had various solo exhibitions.

In addition, she is active as a singer in the choir of the University of Bremen as well as in its external presentation. Before that she belonged to the singing group Heidi-Brüll-Revival-Band.


1970s to 1990s

In the 1970s, mostly monumental portraits were created. From 100 to 150 photographs, some of which were taken in time-lapse, Feindura picked the one photo that seemed most appropriate to the person portrayed for their inner side turned away from them. This one shot was then used for processing on the canvas. Among other things, she portrayed Jutta Lampe and was in correspondence with her.

Tapestry by Yolanda Feindura - inside and outside
Tapestry by Yolanda Feindura - inside and outside

Yolanda Feindura has included copy media in her artistic work since the mid-1980s. In view of the rapid development of these machines, she dealt with the copy right, which she saw in question. She copied body parts or everyday objects that she had alienated through movement on the copier screen, collaged them on a canvas and created both strange and image-opening connections through reworking. Or she drew on paper, which she then copied. Subsequently, she changed the copy by drawing or painting. She repeated this process until she had created a series, the final image of which could be copied as often as desired without loss of quality. Yolanda Feindura called these images and series CopyFights.

In the 1990s, their image formats became smaller; In some cases, staggered rooms or landscapes appeared on the canvas. Around the turn of the millennium , two carpets were created on canvas, which stretch as wall surfaces from the floor to the ceiling. With a total of 28 small-format panels, one of them addresses a critical, symbolic and eponymous view of The Twentieth Century (1999 to 2000); the other, somewhat earlier, is entitled Inside and Outside and, with a total of 40 small-format panels, alternately shows the view that is directed towards the passing season outside and that which is directed towards the inner state of thought.

Working in and from public space

Gender toilet fragment from 2005
GenderKlo - fragment from 2005

Yolanda Feindura's work in public space includes the GenderKlo at the University of Bremen. It developed around the millennium from the disputes about the toilet shared by women and men and was implemented by her over several years as an ongoing art activity with the help of students, beyond her teaching duties. The GenderKlo encouraged the expansion of the gender and stimulated the culture of discussion within this branch of study as well as related departments. Today only fragments of it exist.

Artist books by Yolanda Feindura about Kevin - from 2008
Artist books by Yolanda Feindura about Kevin - from 2008

The confrontation with the so-called Kevin case , which Feindura witnessed from the beginning in 2006 as a civilian process observer, was the subject of two exhibitions - 2008 in the Atelierhof, 2013 in the Villa Ichon , both in Bremen. In an interview with the press, Feindura publicly commented on the procedure and the behavior of the accused. “It annoyed me that he did not speak,” she said, and accompanied the infanticide incident both in the parliamentary committee of inquiry of the Bremen citizenship and in the court case with over 800 drawings and around 100 text sheets, “because I could no longer stop to get an idea of ​​what I just wanted to hear, ”Feindura told RTL Nord TV. In addition, she put together a staged reading and a video work about it. Finally, she had a three-volume artist book of these works printed and also used sheets of them for two of her works, which were shown in old photo albums, entitled Pasts of the Present .

Working on traumatization

Yolanda Feindura - Five-Part Altar Trauma (2003)

Yolanda Feindura's exhibition Last Words on Trauma was opened in 2010 in the gallery of the Atelierhof by Dr. Gabriele Treu from the emergency number for raped women and girls (Bremen) and showed paintings from the years 1997 to 2010, such as the five-part altar Trauma , which depicts the biography of the 12th who was burned in the US army's Iraq offensive in 2003 and arm amputated on both sides -year-old war orphans Ali Ismail Abbas took as the iconographic starting point and generally expanded the concept of traumatization , as in the diptych Inside and Out .

Exhibition Ad olFactum - 2016

Police seizure of Ad olFactum 2016

The three-part mixed objects ensemble Ad olFactum stood in the shop window of Yolanda Feindura's studio from 2004 and was confiscated by the police on November 9, 2016, because on the front of a corresponding plug-in box on the narrow Wehrmacht pin of her father Wilhelm Schlosshauer (* 1905 in Paris, † 1995 in Hanover) a 0.4 cm² small swastika can be seen. Shop window viewers took offense and filed a complaint several times in accordance with Section 86a of the Criminal Code . "In the wooden box is his diary, on the day of my birthday, May 10, 1945, there is no entry," Yolanda Feindura told the Weser-Kurier in December 2016 . “You just have to see it in its anti-fascist context” and include the fact that Ad olFactum is in an art studio . "For the future, I would like to see a thoughtful look at the whole." In order to be able to continue exhibiting the work, Yolanda Feindura obtained permission from the public prosecutor in 2016. In the subsequent book publication Ad olFactum (2016) she dealt artistically with both the work of art and the events in connection with the confiscation. In it, she stated, among other things, that the public prosecutor had unreservedly consented to the display of the work in the name of artistic freedom according to Article 5, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law (GG): "Ms. Feindura may show the ensemble in public without any compromises."

Other forms of artistic expression

Small sculpture by Yolanda Feindura - fool's gold
Small sculpture by Yolanda Feindura - Katzengold (1995)

Yolanda Feindura's artistic spectrum ranges from drawings to caricatures, from painting in different techniques to collages to objects, sculptures and video works. Sometimes she combines techniques, materials and formats that are contrary to one another, for example by using oil paints according to the principles of watercolor painting, or by making acrylic painting appear like oil painting. Such 'alien processing' is a recurring feature in her work.

Atelier of the painter Yolanda Feindura, Bremen (2019)
Atelier of Yolanda Feindura, Bremen (2019)

Feindura presented the first 16 years of her life from 2017 to 2019 in linguistically reduced, photo-collaged and artistically edited picture books. With recourse to the living conditions of her ancestors, she outlines the years 1945 to 1950 in the first volume Nana - A picture book , in the second, Noodle - a second picture book , mainly a sister relationship between the years 1951 to 1956, and the third volume, Yo - Das last picture book , ends the self-narrative with a description of the puberty years. In June 2020, Yolanda Feindura published the photomontaged illustrated book EinWortBuch - Fortuna or desolate wealth , which ends with the line: "After word and image I am speechless again." All volumes are accessible to the public in the artist archive Bildwechsel in Hamburg .

Feindura herself describes her artistic genre as psychoanalytic realism. She still works in her studio in Bremen today.

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1972: Yolanda Feindura , shop window for a construction company
  • 1985: Painting, Atelierhof Bremen
  • 1988: Transfigured Night, Atelierhof Bremen
  • 1991: The color black , Atelierhof Bremen
  • 1991: NO TEACHING or PLAN, but LUSTful, Atelierhof Bremen
  • 1992: CopyFights, law firm Maly and Galerie des Westens (GaDeWe), Bremen
  • 2008: The process of drawing, Atelierhof Bremen
  • 2010: Final words on trauma, Atelierhof Bremen
  • 2013: The process of drawing , Villa Ichon
  • 2016: Ad olFactum, Salon Fehrfeld Bremen

Publications (selection)

  • The process of drawing. I, II and III. Bremen 2008.
  • Ad olFactum. A comic in 12 pictures. Bremen 2016.
  • Nana - a picture book. Otto Verlag, Bremen 2017.
  • Noodle - A second picture book. Otto Verlag, Bremen 2018.
  • Yo - The last picture book. Otto Verlag, Bremen 2019.
  • One word book - Fortuna or desolate wealth. Otto Verlag, Bremen, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Yolanda Feindura  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Yolanda Feindura: Nana - A picture book . Otto Verlag, Bremen 2017, p. 9 .
  2. Yolanda Feindura: Noodle - A second picture book . Otto Verlag, Bremen 2018, p. 231 .
  3. Yolanda Feindura: Yo - The last picture book . Otto Verlag, Bremen 2019, p. 21, 205 .
  4. Yo - The Last Picture Book, p. 135.
  5. ^ Yo - The Last Picture Book, p. 165.
  6. Yo - The Last Picture Book, p. 189.
  7. ^ Yo - The Last Picture Book, p. 203.
  8. ^ Yo - The Last Picture Book, p. 179.
  9. Gudrun Scabell: A friend and copper printer. In: Weser-Kurier.de. Weser-Kurier, March 3, 2010, accessed on March 8, 2020 .
  10. Yolanda Feindura. In: University of Bremen - orchestra and choir. University of Bremen, accessed on March 7, 2020 .
  11. Dr. Stefan Lüddemann: Kunsthalle Bielefeld shows textile art. In: https://www.noz.de/ . NOZ, November 26, 2013, accessed March 9, 2020 .
  12. ^ State archive Freiburg - personal files of teachers I. In: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. Retrieved March 7, 2020 .
  13. Die Norddeutsche from February 27 to 28, 1982, Weser-Kurier , No. 49, page IV
  14. ^ Art in the choir - the choir in people. In: uni-bremen.de. Retrieved March 4, 2020 .
  15. Jutta Lamp Archive. In: Archive of the Berlin Academy of the Arts. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  16. GH: Deformation of the human being . In: Weser courier . Bremen February 1992.
  17. BUS: artificial light. In: taz.de. March 8, 1991, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  18. Yolanda Feindura: The Twentieth Century. In: yolandafeindura.de. Retrieved March 15, 2020 .
  19. GenderKlo - GW 2, 3rd floor. In: University of Bremen - Zentralarchiv.uni-bremen.de. Retrieved March 4, 2020 .
  20. Ulrike Eberhardt: New impulses in university didactics: Linguistics and literary studies . Springer - VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2010, ISBN 978-3-531-15558-6 .
  21. Ulrike Hövelmann: Pippifax about unisex. In: taz.de. July 6, 2002, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  22. Documentation - Symposium Gender Politics in Education and Society. (PDF) In: aulbremen.de. April 25, 2013, accessed March 7, 2020 .
  23. Christian Dohle: Kevin Trial: One judgment and many open questions. In: zeit.de. June 5, 2008, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  24. Annabel Trautwein: Short review: Kevin drawing. A tragedy in lines. In: taz.de. August 11, 2008, accessed March 11, 2020 .
  25. Julia Parohl: artist shows drawings from the process. In: RTLNord. October 29, 2013, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  26. Karina Skwirblies: Portraits from the courtroom . In: Weser Courier . Bremen August 8, 2008.
  27. The original text by Yolanda Feindura in an interview with Julia Parohl from October 2013 is shown again in the following source. The contribution was nominated for the Lower Saxony Media Prize 2014 in the volunteer sponsorship award category. Julia Parohl: artist shows drawings of the process. In: rtlnord.de. December 10, 2014, accessed March 10, 2020 .
  28. Yolanda Feindura: The process of drawing . I, II and III. Bremen 2008.
  29. Dr. Gabriele Treu: Final words on trauma. In: yumpu.com. September 24, 2010, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  30. See exhibition poster
  31. See exhibition sheet for the exhibition Last Words on Trauma 2010.
  32. Jan-Felix Jasch: work of art with swastika confiscated. In: Weser courier. December 16, 2016, accessed March 4, 2020 .
  33. a b Yolanda Feindura: Ad olFactum - A comic in 12 pictures . Bremen December 9, 2016, p. 9 .
  34. Yolanda Feindura: One Word Book. In: Website yolandafeindura-zeitlebens.de. Yolanda Feindura, accessed July 18, 2020 .
  35. Yolanda Feindura: The Inner World. In: website of Yolanda Feindura. Yolanda Feindura, accessed March 8, 2020 .
  36. hdp .: A miss turned out to be a direct hit . In: Badische Zeitung . Freiburg im Breisgau 1972.
  37. Christian Preisler: The color black . In: the daily newspaper, Bremen edition . March 2, 1991.
  38. Art with the photocopier . In: Weser courier . Bremen February 13, 1992.
  39. Martin von Schade: "I couldn't get Kevin's face out of my head" . In: BZ . Bremen October 10, 2013.