Time for new music

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Zeit für Neue Musik is a festival for contemporary music in Bayreuth . It has been held annually in the Steingraeber house since 1988 . The artistic directors are the composers Professor Helmut Bieler and Wolfram Graf .


Logo Time for New Music 2010

In addition to the Bayreuth Festival, the city ​​of Bayreuth should have a podium for new music, which is what the music professor Helmut Bieler advocated. For his commitment he received the Friedrich Baur Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts .

Numerous composers had their works premiered in Bayreuth, such as Arash Safaian , Xaver Paul Thoma and Günter Mattitsch . Established contemporary composers from Bavaria are regularly presented in composer portraits, for example Horst Lohse , 2005, Wilhelm Killmayer , 2007, Dieter Salbert , 2008, Gordon Kampe , 2009 and Peter Michael Hamel , 2010.

Several well-known interpreters visited the Zeit für Neue Musik , such as the violinist Caspar René Hirschfeld , the Ensemble Sortisatio , the pianist Florian von Radowitz , the violin virtuoso Gertrud Schilde , the flautist Helmut W. Erdmann , the soprano Irene Kurka , the saxophonist Jan Schulte-Bunert , the Pegnitzschäfer sound concepts under the direction of Wilfried Krüger , the Italian violist Maurizio Barbetti , the pianist Siegfried Mauser and the Trio Corrado around Konrad Maria Engel .

In 2010 the entire concert series will be recorded by Audiotransit .

In addition to the Steingraeber House, the venues include Bayreuth churches, the University of Bayreuth and the Bayreuth Art Museum .

The sponsors of the music series are the city of Bayreuth, the piano manufacturer Steingraeber & Sons and the German Tonkünstlerverband .

Individual evidence

  1. Festivals in Bayreuth ( Memento from February 18, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Interview by Franzpeter Messmer with Helmut Bieler in the nmz
  3. Sönke Remmert: Dream visions from the "good old days" . North Bavarian Courier, June 18, 2008.
  4. Audiotransit homepage ( Memento of the original dated August 11, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.audiotransit.de

Web links