Anger - of loving and dying

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Episode in the series Zorn
Original title About loving and dying
Country of production Germany
original language German
ARD Degeto and Filmkombinat Nordost
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 2 ( list )
First broadcast April 16, 2015 on Das Erste
Director Mark Schlichter
script Stephan Ludwig ,
Mark Schlichter
production Jens Körner
music Klaus Wagner
Jakob Ilja
camera Markus Hausen
cut Katja Dringenberg

←  Predecessor
Zorn - Death and Rain

Successor  →
Anger - Where there is no light

Zorn - About Loving and Dying is the second film from the German crime series Zorn . It goes back to a crime novel from the Zorn series by the author Stephan Ludwig . As in the first episode, Mark Schlichter directed again. Stephan Luca replaces Mišel Matičević as chief detective Claudius Zorn in the title role . Axel Ranisch continues to play Zorn's closest colleague Schröder. Katharina Nesytowa is again cast as Zorn's friend Malina and Alice Dwyer as public prosecutor Frieda Borck. The main guest roles are played by Merlin Rose , Saskia Rosendahl , Ben Münchow , Janosch Lencer , Christoph Grunert , Tom Quaas , Peter Sodann and Annekathrin Bürger .

The MDR television film director Jana Brandt announced the change of the title role that Mišel Matičević was "not available for other Zorn films due to other obligations and the resulting time problems". Stephan Luca is "with the range of his acting skills a wonderful cast for the loner Zorn". In the picture , however, it could be read that Matičević had refused another appearance “after disagreements”.


Zorn is on his way to the hospital to pick up his colleague Schröder, who has recovered from a knife attack in the first case and is being discharged. On his way there, he is cut by the young mountain biker Björn Grooth, who is out on his bike and turns to the city park. Only a short time later, Grooth's throat is cut there by a wire rope stretched across the path.

Schröder says in greeting that anger has changed. Public prosecutor Frieda Borck is also happy about Schröder's return. The duo is entrusted with the case of the dead cyclist. Anger finds it difficult to tell the mother of the 18-year-old what happened to her son. She tells Zorn that Björn has changed since he met Martha Haubold and her brother Eric. He was completely crazy about Martha. Only a little later, anger clashes with a young man who beats him up. Since he does not feel well, he forgets the appointment with his girlfriend Malina, who reacts angry and annoyed.

The other day Schröder Zorn tells that he had summoned Max Brandt and Udo Kempf. Just like the Haubold siblings, whom he had not yet reached, the two young men belonged to a clique and had a lot going for it. The four have known each other for a number of years, Grooth only joined them later. In Udo Kempf, Zorn recognizes the young person who had knocked him down the day before. Zorn doesn't believe that Kempf has anything to do with the crime, he is simply “too stupid” for that, Schröder is unsure about Brandt.

A conversation with Pastor Giese doesn't necessarily help Zorn either. The pastor, however, thinks that these are good children, no one is born a bad person, at most he is driven to do so. The next day the charred body of Udo Kempf is found on the diving platform in the north bath. Someone doused it with gasoline and then set it on fire; it was burned alive. When Zorn hears Martha Haubold, she tries to accuse him of attempting rape. Anger is outraged. Prosecutor Borck orders police protection for the Haubolds and Max Brandt.

Schröder speaks to Peter Brandt, Max's father, a teacher who retired early. At the same time, Malina puts an end to anger, no one treats her like a stupid child, including him. Zorn receives a call from Max Brandt, who sounds like a cry for help, he is called to the city park. There Max is dangling from a scaffold and Pastor Giese tinkers with a rope. Anger pushes the pastor down from the scaffolding during a scuffle. Brandt was lucky, Schröder told him the next morning that he would have a stiff neck for a while, but would get back on his feet. The pastor also survived the fall, but he is in a coma. When Schröder sifts through the pastor's laptop, he comes across countless files with child pornographic content. Zorn's suggestion that he should look through the files is rejected by the otherwise good-natured Schröder resolutely and emphatically. So anger has to do it itself. There are over 300 films on it, he tells the prosecutor, there are also a few hundred photos, children of all ages, the youngest is a few months old, he cannot watch it any further.

While Martha Haubold lacks the courage to open her pulse bands with nail scissors, Schröder dips his arm almost up to the elbow in boiling water. During an evening meeting with Schröder, Zorn discovers that he is behaving strangely, but cannot get him to talk to him about it. When Zorn comes home, Martha is standing in front of his door, she is scared and asks him to stay the night. Zorn dismissed them with reference to the incident during the interrogation. After Zorn had looked at all of the child pornographic material, he explained to Schröder on another day that twelve of the films were over four years old with always the same children: Martha Haubold, Udo Kempf, Max Brandt and Eric Haubold. They were all abused as children.

Then Eric Haubold is found dead. Someone has most likely pushed him in depth. Traces of combat are found at the site of the crash. In addition, it turns out that Giese is innocent, the pictures were only played on his laptop two days ago, he was already in a coma, the date was backdated. Someone wanted to deliberately incriminate the pastor. Anger arrives too late in the hospital, Giese has been stabbed. A drawing can be created by the young police officer deployed in the hospital, which shows the wrong nurse. The similarity with Max Brandt is unmistakable. He has now brought Martha Haubold into his power and admits to her that he killed his former friends because he did not want to share them with the others, but wanted to have them for himself.

A search in Max's father's house allows Schröder to find a hidden door behind which horror is hidden: a room that was used to abuse children. Max wants to finish his work and take revenge on his father. It was his fault for everything, he bitterly pointed out, and stabbed him. Martha can make herself noticeable and is discovered by the allotment garden owner Kalze. When the returned Max can no longer find her, he is completely beside himself. Believing that she had fled to anger, he enters his apartment. After a short fight, he runs onto the roof of the skyscraper. Anger finds him standing there on the parapet. He calls Schröder, who switches immediately and is on his way. When Max confesses that he killed everyone because they bothered them, Zorn is stunned. The game with the pastor, who did not want to fasten the rope but wanted to loosen it, was particularly perfidious.

Max shows all his despair over what has happened and that no one can judge how bad it is. Schröder then reveals that he knew this very well, he was four or five when it started and eight when it ended, it was his uncle - and it was very bad. Even the pain of his burned hand did not help him to forget. He lives alone, he has no friends. Despite everything, Zorn and Schröder cannot prevent Max from falling into the depths. Schröder later asks Zorn that nobody knows what happened to him and that he wants it to stay that way. Zorn nods in agreement and says it is not true that he has no friends. “We don't have to talk about that either,” says Schröder with a smile.


Filming, production notes

Giebichenstein Castle, one of the filming locations

From October 8 to November 6, 2014, filming about love and dying took place at locations in Halle (Saale) and the surrounding area. Zorn drove past in Talstrasse on the way to the Presidium, Giebichenstein Castle is one of the crime scenes. The Ziegelwiese and the bridge to Peißnitz also appear in the film, as does Kirchstrasse, where the Grooth family lives. Martha Haubold lives in Fuchsbergstrasse and the Brandt family in Vogelherd. Zorn's apartment is on Wolfgang-Borchert-Strasse, the entrance area, elevator and staircase are on Bodestrasse. The scenes on the roof were filmed in the Bürgeramt Am Stadion and in the Halle-Messe. The first murder and other scenes were made in the heather. Filming also took place at the kolk tower. The film was made by the Northeast film combine on behalf of the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk and ARD Degeto .


Stephan Luca said in an interview that he was an absolute non-smoker in his private life, “but smoked two cigarette butts for the role before shooting”, after the first he was always “sick” and after the second he was “in anger 'Mode'. The role of Claudius Zorn challenges him "because this man is completely different" from himself. The role is "so interesting because 'Zorn' is a stimulating figure". "Sullen, screwed up." He gets upset about every little thing.


Publication, audience rating

The film, which was broadcast on April 16, 2015 on ARD Das Erste , had 4.09 million viewers. The market share was 12.8 percent.


The critics of TV Spielfilm pointed their thumbs up, gave one of three possible points for humor, ambition and eroticism, two for tension, and stated that “laconism and lightness combine in a surprisingly harmonious way”. Conclusion: "A revenge thriller with an unusual dramaturgy."

Rainer Tittelbach gave the film 4.5 out of 6 possible stars on his page and summarized: “Zorn, the unmotivated antihero of the cool MDR-Degeto crime surprise 2014, can prove itself as a series. With a wink of the eye, 'Zorn - Vom Lieben und Dieben' continues where the dark, melancholy opening episode 'Death and Rain' left off. At least from the plot; not quite cinematically. And the line-up with Stephan Luca (instead of Misel Maticevic) also means that there are fewer psychological nuances. If the old left a lot in the balance, the new anger breaks the emotions 1: 1. But Axel Ranisch is all the more present - as a kind of V-effect on two legs. And in the second half of the film, in the face of the night, suspense & style rock each other up. ”[…]“ Iconographically ”Luca is“ a good choice ”, but he lacks“ that Weltschmerz gesture, the Maticevic with one or two eyes -Look to generate “. [...] "If the two actors were women, a man would say: Stephan Luca is sexy, Misel Maticevic is erotic."

Tilmann P. Gangloff (tpg) rated the film on the website . The opening film of the series was "worth seeing because of the main actor Misel Maticevic". The good news is that the series continues, "the bad: without Maticevic". Gangloff said that one could have congratulated Stephan Luca, one of the “most cast comedy actors, on the successful change of roles, if his predecessor hadn't been of a different caliber”. "It takes more than just a multi-day beard to play the inner isolation that Matisevic embodied so magnificently." If you measure Luca by the role, however, “he does it well; worth seeing "is" he anyway, popular figure too ". In addition, the story is "again unusual". [...] And because Luca was “still accepted as Maticevic's successor” at the end, “From love and dying” is also a journey into dark human abysses that is well worth seeing ”.

The film service spoke briefly of a "solidly developed (television series) crime thriller about investigator Claudius Zorn and his 'weird' partner Schröder." The second case also describes "not only the investigation into the murder case, but a circle [e] also about interpersonal problems within the investigative team. - From 14. "

Timo Nöthling from stated that not only the main character for the second case in the series is new, "the approach to the new episode" is "completely different". [...] The new signing has "a not insignificant effect on the series, since Matičević is the undisputed more deserving actor, while the character Claudius Zorn loses some of its authenticity through Lucas' good looks". A “mistake” is “the new main actor, […] but not” - the book “had to be adapted accordingly, so that the dingy inspector is now better received by the women, while the“ first-time anger ”is I approached the female sex quite uncertainly ”. “With the more attractive, more self-assured anger”, “the protagonist also lost a few facets”. The director “refrains from experiments, the episode also places little value on a score that could give the series even more atmosphere in the future. After the disappointing first case ”, Stephan Ludwig“ has now found the right way to make the Degeto series more attractive and coherent ”. [...] The characters Zorn and Schröder are now being given “finally a depth” and “insight into their soul life” is offered.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. After a successful premiere: Zorn and Schröder are investigating again in Halle, see page
  2. Today Commissioner Zorn gets a new face In: Bild , April 15, 2015. Accessed on May 18, 2020.
  3. ^ Zorn - Vom Lieben und Dieben, TV-Film (series), ARD, Degeto, MDR, Krimi, Germany | Crew United. Retrieved May 18, 2020 .
  4. ^ Uwe Freitag: Halles Karte des Zorns In: Bild , October 17, 2014. Accessed on May 18, 2020.
  5. Lien Kaspari: From handsome to dirty inspector In: Bild , April 11, 2015. Accessed on May 18, 2020.
  6. ^ A b Rainer Tittelbach : Series “Zorn - Vom Lieben und Dieben”. Stephan Luca, Axel Ranisch, Stephan Ludwig, mediator. Only sexy instead of erotic see page Retrieved May 18, 2020.
  7. Jump up ↑ Zorn - Vom Lieben und DIE Short review on (including 15 film images). Retrieved May 18, 2020.
  8. ^ Tilmann P. Gangloff : Zorn: About love and death see page Retrieved May 18, 2020.
  9. Anger - About Loving and Dying. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed May 18, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  10. Tim Nöthling: "Zorn - Vom Lieben und Dieben" (rash 60 percent) , April 15, 2015, Retrieved May 18, 2020.