(2182) Semi-red

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(2182) Semired
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Orbit type Outer main belt
Asteroid family Themis family
Major semi-axis 3.131  AU
eccentricity 0.132
Perihelion - aphelion 2.717 AU - 3.546 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 2.259 °
Length of the ascending node 51.05 °
Argument of the periapsis 201.749 °
Time of passage of the perihelion 5th January 2015
Sidereal period 5.54 a
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 24.313 ± 0.098 km
Albedo 0.091 ± 0.016
Rotation period 8.328 h
Absolute brightness 11.6 mag
Explorer Goethe Link Observatory
Date of discovery March 21, 1953
Another name 1953 FH 1 ; 1937 KF; 1942 FN; 1953 GY; 1955 UT; 1972 TM 4 ; 1975 EU 1 ; 1975 EU 3 ; 1978 VB 8
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(2182) Semirot ( 1953 FH 1 ; 1937 KF ; 1942 FN ; 1953 GY ; 1955 UT ; 1972 TM 4 ; 1975 EU 1 ; 1975 EU 3 ; 1978 VB 8 ) is an asteroid of the main outer belt that was born on March 21, 1953 was discovered at the Goethe Link Observatory near Brooklyn (Indiana) ( IAU code 760) as part of the Indiana Asteroid Program . The asteroid belongs to the Themis family, a group of asteroids named after (24) Themis .


(2182) Semirot was named after Pierre Sémirot (1907–1972), who began to work at the Observatoire de Bordeaux in 1931 , was employed at the Paris Observatory during the Second World War and from 1947 to 1970 was President of the Observatoire de Bordeaux. As part of his activities on astrometry (positional astronomy) he worked with the American astronomer Paul Herget (the asteroid (1751) Herget was named after him) on the improvement of the “Bordeaux Zone” of the Carte du Ciel . The naming was suggested by Frank K. Edmondson .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lutz D. Schmadel : Dictionary of Minor Planet Names . Fifth Revised and Enlarged Edition. Ed .: Lutz D. Schmadel. 5th edition. Springer Verlag , Berlin , Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 978-3-540-29925-7 , pp. 177 (English, 992 pp., Link.springer.com [ONLINE; accessed on October 20, 2017] Original title: Dictionary of Minor Planet Names . First edition: Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1992): “Named in memory of Pierre Sémirot ( 1907–1972) ”