Émile Yelle

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Émile Yelle PSS (born April 4, 1893 in Saint-Rémi-de-Napierville , Canada , † December 21, 1947 in Montreal ) was a Canadian religious and Roman Catholic coadjutor archbishop of Saint-Boniface .


Émile Yelle attended school in his hometown from 1898 to 1906, the Collège Commercial Saint-Rémi from 1906 to 1908 and the Episcopal Boys' College in Joliette from 1908 to 1914 . He joined the Sulpizian religious order in 1914 and studied Catholic theology at the Montreal seminary from 1914 to 1917 . Yelle received on 15 July 1917 in the Church of St-Jean-Baptiste by the Archbishop of Montreal , Paul Bruchesi , the sacrament of Holy Orders . He was then sent to the Pontifical Canadian College in Rome for further studies . 1919 Émile Yelle at was the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in the subject philosophy doctorate .

From 1920 Yelle taught dogmatics , liturgy and church history at the seminary in Montreal. In 1927 he became regens of the Montreal seminary. Yelle was commissioned in 1931 to establish a theological faculty at the University of Montreal .

On July 21, 1933, Pope Pius XI appointed him . the Titular Archbishop of Arcadiopolis in Europe and Koadjutorerzbischof of Saint-Boniface. The Koadjutorerzbischof Montreal, Georges Gauthier , gave him on 21 September of the same year in the Basilica of Notre-Dame Basilica , the episcopal ordination ; Co- consecrators were the Vicar Apostolic of Keewatin , Ovid Charlebois OMI , and the Bishop of Joliette , Joseph Arthur Papineau .

Émile Yelle resigned on May 24, 1941 as coadjutor archbishop of Saint-Boniface. He spent his retirement at the Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal , where he died on December 21, 1947. His grave is in the crypt of the chapel of the Montreal seminary.

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