Aarand Roos

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Aarand Roos (born May 28, 1940 in Tartu ; † August 9, 2020 ) was an Estonian writer , Finnougrist and diplomat .


Roos left Estonia with his parents at the end of the German occupation in World War II and came to Sweden , where he enjoyed his schooling. In 1965 he graduated from the Estonian high school in Stockholm . He then studied Finno-Ugric Studies, Turkish Studies and Phonetics at the universities of Lund , Uppsala , Helsinki , Jyväskylä and Szeged . In 1980 he was at Lund University with a thesis on linguistic interference to Dr. phil. PhD.

From 1980 to 1982 Roos worked at Lund University, after which he was Estonian Consul in the USA from 1982 to 1995, based in New York City . In 1996 he returned to Estonia and worked in the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs until his retirement.


Roos made his debut in 1964 with the detective novel parody The Cow Murderer , which has been described as "the first Estonian pop novel". His poetry debut, which appeared a few years later, was praised for its linguistic form, which used all "possible and impossible forms of Estonian".

The author achieved the greatest success with his collection of novels, Esto-Atlantis (1974), in which six novellas set in different centuries create a “witty vision of the search for Estonia, the lost fatherland”: “Joke and truth, parody and tragedy are intertwined an imaginative literary creation. […] Estonian exile literature 'par excellence'. ”The author remained true to the visionary parodistic style in his The King of the Jews in Tallinn (1978), in which a parallel is drawn between Jesus and Kalevipoeg , the Estonian national hero.


  • 1998: Order of the State Coat of Arms (IV class)


  • Lehmatapja ('The Cow Killer'). Stockholm: Kirjastus Vaba Eesti 1964. 118 pp.
  • Tallermaa (' Playground '). Stockholm: Vaba Eesti 1968. 141 pp.
  • Grandma koli, oma voli ('your own stuff, your own power'). Lund: A. Roos 1969. 59 pp.
  • Esto-Atlantis . Stockholm: Välis-Eesti & EMP 1974. 292 pp.
  • Juutide kuningas Tallinnas ('The King of the Jews in Tallinn'). Rome: Maarjamaa 1978. 95 pp.
  • Rändamaie ('On Wandering'). Lund: sn 1982. 100 pp.
  • Saar, saare, saart. Ood Koipsi saarele ('The island, the island, the island. Ode to Koipsi '). Tallinn: Faatum 2003. 63 pp.
  • Haikumaania. Neljas kogu luuletusi ('Haikumanie. Fourth collection of poems'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2018. 93 pp.


  • Jumalaga, Kars yes Erzurum. Türgi eestlaste elu- ja ajalugu ('Farewell, Kars and Erzurum. Biography and history of the Estonians in Turkey'). Rome: Maarjamaa 1975. 175 pp.
  • Morfologiska tendenser vid språklig interferens med estniska som bas . Uppsala 1980. 207 pp. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Uralica et Altaica Upsaliensia 12)
  • Eesti keeleta eesti kirjandus? ('Estonian literature without an Estonian language?'), In: Tulimuld 3/1985, pp. 114–122.
  • + polema paradigma taieneb, in: Finsk-ugriska småskrifter 9 (1993), pp. 27-34.
  • Exile works - en estnisk mission . Lund 1999. 93 pp.


  • Usku peab olema ('Faith must be', collection of sermons ). Tallinn: Eesti Kristilik Ministri 1993. 353 pp.
  • Konsuli kõned 1982–1991 ('Speeches of a Consul'). Tallinn: S. Roos 1993. 155 pp.
  • Eesti kergejõustiku pool sajandit paguluses ('Half a century of Estonian athletics in exile'). Tallinn: A. Roos 1998. 167 pp.
  • Issanda loomaaed ja teisi legende ('The zoo of the Lord and other legends'). Tallinn: A. Roos 1999. 220 pp.

Literature on the author

  • Paul Reets: Naeratus teiseltpoolt lauda, ​​in: Mana 3/1965, pp. 60-61.
  • Elmar Pettai : Oma koli, oma voli, in: Tulimuld 3/1970, p. 150.
  • Hellar Grabbi: Esto-Atlantist ihaldes, in: Mana 42/1976, pp. 2-4.

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary
  2. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 472-473.
  3. Eesti kirjandus paguluses. XX sajandil. Toimetanud Piret Kruuspere. [Tallinn:] Eesti TA Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus 2008, p. 244.
  4. Elmar Pettai: Oma koli, oma voli, in: Tulimuld 3/1970, p. 150.
  5. Hellar Grabbi: Esto-Atlantist ihaldes, in: Mana 42/1976, p. 3.
  6. ^ Cornelius Hasselblatt : Kalevipoeg Studies. The Creation and Reception of an Epic. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society - SKS 2016, pp. 57–58. (Studia Fennica Folkloristica 21)