Adelheid von Heinsberg and Blankenburg

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Design drawing by Bernard van Orley for the tapestry with Heinrich I von Nassau-Siegen and Adelheid von Heinsberg and Blankenburg

Adelheid von Heinsberg and Blankenburg († after May 21, 1343 ) was a German noblewoman from the House of Sponheim and by marriage Countess von Nassau-Siegen .


The coat of arms of the Lords of Heinsberg
Siegen Castle

Adelheid was the daughter of Dietrich II von Heinsberg and Blankenburg and Johannas von Löwen , the daughter of Gottfried von Brabants , Herr von Gaasbeek and Herstal and Maria von Oudenaarde . Before 1302 she married Count Heinrich I of Nassau-Siegen (* around 1270, † between July 13 and August 14, 1343). She had three children with him:

  1. Agnes († October 29, 1316/18), ⚭ around 1314 Gerlach II of Limburg († April 2, 1355).
  2. Otto II. (* Around 1305; † December 1350 / January 1351), his father's successor as Count of Nassau-Siegen.
  3. Heinrich I (around 1307; † February 24, 1378 (1380?)), Successor of his father as Count of Nassau-Beilstein .

In 1290 Adelheid's husband, together with his brothers Emich and Johann, succeeded his father as Count of Nassau. After a long fratricidal struggle, the county of Nassau was divided among the three brothers in 1303. Heinrich received victories , the Ginsburg , Haiger and the rule of the Westerwald . In 1328 Heinrich inherited the property of his brother Johann ( Dillenburg , the Herborner Mark , the Kalenberger Zent and the Amt Löhnberg ) because his other brother Emich renounced his share of the inheritance:

'Aleydis uxor… Henrici comitis de Nassouwia' renounced the legacy of 'felicis recordationis… Walrami domini quondam de Blanckenberch fratris nostri' in favor of 'nostrum consanguineum… Theodericum dominum de Heymsbergh et de Blamckenberch militem filium quondam frini' , with permission from 'domini Henrici nostri mariti comitis prelibati nec non Ottonis militis primogeniti ac Henrici prepositi Spirensis nostrorum filiorum' , in a document dated March 8, 1333.

In 1336, Adelheid's sons Otto and Heinrich signed an agreement to partition the county of Nassau-Siegen . In 1339, however, the youngest son Heinrich married Imagina von Westerburg against the will of his father and brother . What Adelheid thought about marriage is not mentioned. Due to the marriage, the brothers quarreled. Otto made an alliance with Landgrave Hermann I of Hesse against Heinrich. At the mediation of Gerlach I. von Nassau and Dietrich III. An agreement was reached by Loon . A new partition agreement followed in 1341.

Adelheid is last mentioned in a document dated May 21, 1343. When she died and where she was buried is unknown.

Disputes between their grandchildren Johann I von Nassau-Siegen and Gottfried von Loen-Heinsberg because of claims on Heinsberg and Blankenberg led to sufficient satisfaction through assurances of monetary payments in 1363 and 1374. In the dispute over the rule of Heinsberg, their grandchildren Heinrich II and Reinhard could von Nassau-Beilstein received compensation payments in the form of an annual pension from Wilhelm II von Jülich in 1380. The Nassau-Beilstein house received this pension, 50 gold gulden from the blankenburg autumn bede for Heinrich and 50 gold gulden from customs at Ravenstein for Reinhard, until the latter went out.


  • E. Becker: Castle and City of Dillenburg. A walk through their history in the Middle Ages and modern times. Published for the commemoration of the city charter on September 20, 1344 . 2nd Edition. The City Council of Dillenburg, Dillenburg 1983.
  • AWE Dek: Genealogy van het Vorstenhuis Nassau . Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel 1970 (Dutch).
  • Michel Huberty, Alain Giraud, F. & B. Magdelaine: l'Allemagne Dynastique. Tome III Brunswick-Nassau-Schwarzbourg . Alain Giraud, Le Perreux 1981 (French).
  • Ernst Joachim:  Heinrich, Count of Nassau-Siegen . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 11, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1880, p. 548 f.
  • Ernst Joachim:  Johann I of Nassau-Dillenburg . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 14, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, p. 250 f.
  • Alfred Lück: Siegerland and Nederland . 2nd Edition. Siegerländer Heimatverein eV, Siegen 1981.
  • Fritz TrautzHeinrich I., Count of Nassau-Dillenburg. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 8, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1969, ISBN 3-428-00189-3 , p. 374 ( digitized version ).
  • AA Vorsterman van Oyen: Het vorstenhuis Oranje-Nassau. Van de vroegste tijden dead . AW Sijthoff & JL Beijers, Leiden & Utrecht 1882 (Dutch).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Cawley (Limburg, Heinsberg, Valkenburg).
  2. a b c d e f g Cawley (Nassau).
  3. a b c d e f Dek (1970).
  4. a b c d Trautz (1969).
  5. a b c Vorsterman van Oyen (1882).
  6. a b Becker (1983), p. 12.
  7. a b Huberty, et al. (1981).
  8. a b c Joachim (1880).
  9. Joachim (1881).