Alban Leiblein

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Alban Alois Leiblein (born June 21, 1787 in Hardheim ; † July 28, 1857 in Waldshut ; Catholic) was a lawyer and official in the Baden state service since 1822 , comparable to today's district administrator . He was also a member of the Baden state parliament .


Alban Leiblein married Philippina Franziska, née von Schmidt from Seelbach, on 1817/18. From this marriage there were two children: Elisabeth (born January 2, 1819 in Sinsheim ) and Philipp Victor (born November 19, 1820 in Sinsheim), later bailiff at the Stühlingen district office .


From March 23, 1805 he studied law at the University of Heidelberg and became a legal intern on February 21, 1810. On May 13, 1812, he became the judicial administrator at the Princely Leiningen office in Mosbach , where he was also responsible for the auditing and central offices of the Lohrbach , Großeicholzheim and Binau offices . In 1814 he was also responsible for the march commissariat and in 1815 he became a legal trainee at the Sinsheim district office , then a lawyer there .


On October 10, 1822, Leiblein became an official assessor at the Gerlachsheim district office and in May 1825 temporary assistant at the Boxberg district office . On August 18, 1825, he became bailiff at the Buchen District Office and then from July 21, 1827 at the Gerlachsheim District Office. On January 9th, he was promoted to Oberamtmann and transferred to the district office of Ladenburg , in order to then become Oberamtmann at the Oberamt Bruchsal from May 19, 1836 . On April 16, he was appointed Privy Councilor 3rd class and on June 9, 1855, he was retired.

Political activity

In 1835, 1837, 1839/40 and 1841/42 he was a member of constituency 39 (Amt Boxberg) of the Baden Estates Assembly (7th to 10th electoral term). After that he was a member of constituency 40 until 1846 (offices of the Tauberbischofsheim and Gerlachsheim district offices ).


Web links


  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 378 .
  • Bernd Breitkopf: The old districts and their heads of office. The emergence of the districts and offices in what is today the district of Karlsruhe. Biographies of the senior officials and district administrators from 1803 to 1997 . Verlag Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher 1997, ISBN 3-929366-48-7 , p. 147.