Albert Cramer

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Albert Cramer (born May 22, 1943 in Warstein ; † November 20, 2012 there ) was a German entrepreneur and owner of the Warsteiner Brewery .


Albert Cramer grew up with three sisters in Warstein in the Sauerland and after graduating from high school at the Jesuit Aloisius College in Bad Godesberg, studied business administration at the University of Cologne . There he became a member of the KDStV Rheno-Bavaria Cologne in the Cartell Association of Catholic German Student Associations . After completing his studies, he initially worked for the management consultancy Kienbaum and in 1968 he was integrated into the family business by his father Paul Cramer and his nephew Claus, and he is the eighth generation of the Cramer Group.

He had been the sole owner of the Warsteiner Group since 1985 when he took over his father's shares and bought his cousin's shares (DM 200 million), and in the 1990s he expanded the Haus Cramer Group into a leading large brewery in Germany. In addition to the Warsteiner Brewery founded in 1753 , one of the most successful private breweries in Germany, the Paderborn brewery (Paderborner, Isenbeck, Weissenburg), the Herford brewery and a stake in the König Ludwig Schlossbrauerei Kaltenberg (König Ludwig Dunkel, König Ludwig Weissbier), and over Shares in the private brewery Frankenheim in Düsseldorf to the group. He increased the annual output from 1968 with 300,000 to over 6 million hectoliters in 2012 with an annual turnover of more than 520 million euros, with around 2300 employees, with sales companies in the USA, Italy, Argentina and the Netherlands. The Welcome hotel chain also belonged to the group .

Cramer was a passionate balloonist and participant in the Montgolfiaden . In 1996 he founded the Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade . With marketing in Formula 1 he made the Warsteiner brand internationally known from 1990; in addition, he promoted international skiing and horse riding. His nickname was "AC".

The avowed Catholic Cramer was involved in many charitable activities, especially in his homeland in the Sauerland . Among other things, he founded the Paul Cramer Foundation named after his father and supported Catholic parishes in Warstein and the Archdiocese of Paderborn as well as international children's aid projects such as the construction of several SOS Children's Villages and other Third World institutions in South America and Africa.

He died of cancer . Cramer left three daughters from his first marriage to Marianne ("Nanni"), of whom his youngest daughter Catharina succeeded.


  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (May 17, 1979)
  • Federal Cross of Merit, 1st Class (December 10, 1984)
  • Citizen Prize 2012 from the Warstein Community Foundation

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Guido Brandenburg: Warsteiner boss dead. He was the king of beers. In: BILD from November 21, 2012 ( online )
  2. ^ A b Hans-Albert Limbrock: Death of Albert Cramer a shock for Warstein - the brewery owner was popular. In: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung of November 21, 2012 ( online )
  3. a b c Reinhold Großelohmann: Warstein (er) mourns Albert Cramer. In: Soester Anzeiger from November 21, 2012 ( online )
  4. a b mourning for Warsteiner brewery boss Albert Cramer. on , accessed on November 21, 2012
  5. ^ Christian Keun, Anne Klesse: The premium beer brewer. In: Manager-Magazin from April 20, 2004 ( online )
  6. a b Information from the Office of the Federal President
  7. ^ "Citizens' Prize" unanimously awarded to Albert Cramer. In: Soester Anzeiger from October 25, 2012 ( online )