Albert J. Anthony

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Albert J. Anthony , actually Albert Johann Anthony , also Albert Anthony (born October 23, 1901 in Hamburg , † August 11, 1947 in Rostock ) was a German internist and university professor.


Albert J. Anthony, son of the freight forwarder Johann Albert Anthony, finished his school career in Hamburg with a high school diploma and studied medicine at the universities of Hamburg , Rostock and Freiburg from 1920 to 1925 . He then completed his practical training in Hamburg and Freiburg until 1928. In the meantime, in 1926 at the University of Hamburg his promotion to Dr. med. with the dissertation on a case of late effects after subcutaneous paraffin injection . Anthony completed his habilitation in 1929 at the University of Hamburg with the habilitation thesis Studies on Lung Volume and Lung Ventilation . He worked as an assistant doctor from 1928 to 1932 in Hamburg, Paris , New York and Heidelberg .

At the beginning of the National Socialist era , he joined the NSDAP in 1933 and was also a member of the NSKK . From 1933 Anthony worked as a senior physician and in 1934 became deputy director of the I. Medical University Clinic Hamburg. From 1936 he was associate professor for internal medicine at the University of Hamburg. From there he moved to the University of Giessen in 1937 , where he also worked as an associate professor for internal medicine in 1939.

After the outbreak of the Second World War , he became director of the medical clinic of the Offenbach City Hospital in September 1939, and from March 1940 he was also a lecturer at the University of Frankfurt . Anthony was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1940 , where he was initially deployed in the Offenbach reserve hospital. From July 1940 on, Anthony was a consultant at the Air Force Sanitary Inspector in Berlin, where he was promoted to medical officer in July 1942. For the German Research Foundation he worked on the project The Influence of Short-Term Oxygen Breathing on the Hemoglobin Content and Erythrocyte Count in Human Blood . From October 26th to 27th, 1942, Anthony chaired the conference “Medical questions in distress at sea and winter distress” in Nuremberg , at which a lecture was also given about the “attempts at hypothermia” on people in the Dachau concentration camp . In the Air Force, Anthony was still deployed to Air Force Command I in Latvia and Estonia in 1944 and worked in the field of science and research at the Air Force Academy .

In October 1944 Anthony became a medical professor at the University of Rostock. After the end of the war, Anthony was in Soviet captivity, from which he was soon released. Then he worked in Rostock as a prison doctor . Because of his membership in the NSDAP, Anthony was dismissed from the professorship in 1946, but was to return to his post at Rostock University in 1947. However, this never happened because Anthony was shot by a burglar in his apartment and later succumbed to his serious injuries.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See the entry of Albert Johann Anthony's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. a b c d e Entry on Albert J. Anthony in the Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium
  3. a b c Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 17.
  4. Ernst Klee: Auschwitz, Nazi medicine and its victims. , Frankfurt am Main 1997, pp. 235, 238.