Albrecht of Stetten

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Albrecht von Stetten (baptized April 17, 1736 in Augsburg ; † December 3, 1817 there ) was the first mayor of Augsburg in 1806 after the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire.

Albrecht von Stetten was a member of the Stetten patrician family , which provided several city administrators in Augsburg as early as the 17th and 18th centuries.

Even with the mediatization , in this case the annexation of Augsburg to Bavaria, the political activities of the patrician family in Augsburg did not end. In 1806 Albrecht von Stetten, the brother of Paul von Stetten (1731-1808), who had hardly emerged until then , was appointed as one of two mayors.


Individual evidence

  1. Stetten. Retrieved August 29, 2020 .

Web links

  • Albrecht of Stetten . Entry in the family tree database of the German nobility. Online at