Alfred Wunderlich

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Alfred Wunderlich (born December 29, 1901 in Dresden ; † May 21, 1963 ) was a German politician and party functionary of the GDR block party NDPD .


Wunderlich was the son of a tanner. He attended elementary and secondary school. He graduated from a technical college in 1924 as a mechanical engineer. From 1925 to 1935 he worked as an engineer and manager in mechanical engineering companies. In 1933 he joined the NSDAP , after being convicted in December 1936 for infidelity by the Dresden District Court on May 18, 1937, he was expelled from the party. From 1935 he worked as an engineer in the ČSR .

After the Second World War , from 1946, Wunderlich was head of the planning department in the main administration of the publicly owned companies in Dresden, and from 1948 he was head of the planning and statistics department in the DWK's mechanical engineering main administration . In 1948 he was a co-founder of the NDP (later renamed NDPD) and until 1951 chairman of the Berlin State Association and from 1948 to 1963 a member of the NDPD main committee and its party executive. From October 1949 to 1950 he was State Secretary in the Ministry of Industry of the GDR and from November 1950 to 1958 State Secretary and Deputy Minister for Heavy Engineering. Then he was head of the mechanical engineering department of the GDR State Planning Commission until 1963 .

In 1954 he received the diploma for economics at the German Academy for Political Science and Law "Walter Ulbricht" . In 1954 he became the first chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Association of the Chamber of Technology (KdT). From 1955 to 1962 he was Vice President of the KdT, then an honorary member of the KdT Presidium. In 1955 he became a professor with a teaching position at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

From 1949 to 1958 he was a member of the NDPD parliamentary group in the People's Chamber .

Wunderlich died after a long and serious illness at the age of 61.



  • Harry Waibel : Servant of many masters. Former Nazi functionaries in the Soviet Zone / GDR. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main et al. 2011, ISBN 978-3-631-63542-1 .
  • Andreas Herbst (eds.), Winfried Ranke, Jürgen Winkler: This is how the GDR worked. Volume 3: Lexicon of functionaries (= rororo manual. Vol. 6350). Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-499-16350-0 , p. 380.
  • Handbook of the People's Chamber of the German Democratic Republic, 2nd electoral period, Kongress-Verlag Berlin, 1957, p. 382f.
  • Olaf Kappelt , Braunbuch DDR - Nazis in the GDR , Elisabeth Reichmann Verlag, Berlin 1981, p. 412f.

Individual evidence

  1. Investigative Committee of Freedom Jurists (Ed.): Former National Socialists in Pankow's Services , Berlin-Zehlendorf, [1960], p. 63.
  2. Neues Deutschland , December 8, 1962, p. 3.
  3. ^ Obituary notice in the Berliner Zeitung , May 26, 1963, p. 7.