Alois Buchner

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Alois Buchner , also Aloys Buchner OSB (born March 23, 1783 in Murnau am Staffelsee , † August 29, 1869 in Passau ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian .


Buchner, a son of Joseph Buchner and Maria geb. Bessenbacher, received his education at the monastery school of the Beuerberg monastery and at the high school of the Benediktbeuern monastery . In 1799 he entered the Benedictine order . After the novitiate year in Rott am Inn monastery , he studied philosophy in Benediktbeuern and Munich from 1800 and then theology in Landshut from 1803 , where Johann Michael Sailer and Patritius Benedikt Zimmer in particular had a great influence on him. After the ordination on June 23, 1806 in Augsburg and the doctorate to Dr. theol. on September 13, 1806 he became a chaplain in Krumbach . In 1816 he became pastor and school inspector in Rieden am Forggensee . In 1818 he became a lecturer in dogmatics at the Royal Lyceum Dillingen . In 1824 he became a full professor for dogmatics and encyclopedia of theological sciences at the University of Würzburg . In 1827 he became a full professor for dogmatics at the LMU Munich . In 1838 he became cathedral capitular in Passau. From 1840 to 1857 he was rector of the Lyceum in Passau . In 1850 King Maximilian II Joseph awarded him the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Order of Merit of St. Michael .

In his textbooks on dogmatics, Buchner followed Zimmer without imitating his philosophical speculation .

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