Alois Gmür

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Alois Gmür (2011)

Alois Gmür (born April 3, 1955 in Einsiedeln , legal resident in Amden ) is a Swiss politician ( CVP ).


Gmür was from 1986 to 2000 in the district council of Einsiedeln and from 2000 to 2004 district manager. From 2004 to 2011 he was a member of the Cantonal Council of the Canton of Schwyz . Gmür has been a member of the National Council since the parliamentary elections in 2011 and is a member of the Finance Commission and the Security Policy Commission of the National Council.

The master brewer and part owner of the Rosengarten brewery in Einsiedeln is president of the IG of the independent small and medium-sized breweries in Switzerland. Since 2017 he has been President of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Scout Foundation, the purpose of which is to support the work of the Swiss Scout Movement .


Gmür is a major in the Swiss Army . He is married and has five children. He is a member of the 2013 founded at the initiative of beverage manufacturers lobby group for sweet drinks IG soft drinks .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. directory trustees on
  2. Rundschau : Süsse Macht - The Sugar Lobby in Parliament In: , March 7, 2018, accessed on March 8, 2018.