Alois Kopp

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Alois Kopp (born June 26, 1827 in Ebikon ; † April 21, 1891 in Lucerne ) was a Swiss politician and judge . From 1851 to 1859 he was a member of the National Council and from 1871 to 1879 the Council of States . He was also a member of the government of the Canton of Lucerne and a federal judge .


The son of a farmer and butcher attended high school and the lyceum in Lucerne. From 1848 to 1851 he studied law at the universities of Zurich and Munich . After that, Kopp worked in Udligenswil as a clerk for the judicial district of Habsburg until 1860 . From 1860 to 1863 he was a lawyer in Ebikon, from 1863 to 1867 a judge at the Higher Court of the Canton of Lucerne and from 1867 to 1870 a lawyer in the city of Lucerne.

From 1848 to 1851 thus still during his studies, officiated Kopp as mayor of Ebikon. On the side of the Catholic Conservatives, he ran at the age of 24 in the National Council elections in 1851 and was elected in the Lucerne-Mitte constituency, which he represented for eight years. In 1854 he was elected to the Lucerne Grand Council . Together with Vinzenz Fischer and Philipp Anton von Segesser , Kopp was one of the leaders of the conservative opposition.

At the federal level, on the other hand, Kopp presented himself as a moderate federalist and dealt mainly with railway construction. The Grand Council elected him to the government council in 1870, in which he headed the education department. From 1871 to 1879 he represented the Canton of Lucerne in the Council of States. After all, from 1879 he was a federal judge , and he presided over the highest judicial authority in the country in 1887/88. In the years 1883 and 1890 he ran unsuccessfully as Federal Councilor .

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Individual evidence

  1. Urs Paul Engeler : Adolf Deucher . In: Urs Altermatt (Ed.): Das Bundesratslexikon . NZZ Libro , Zurich 2019, ISBN 978-3-03810-218-2 , p. 184-185 .