Andronikos Komnenos (son of Alexios I)

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Andronikos Komnenos ( medium Greek Ἀνδρόνικος Κομνηνός * 18th September 1091 in Constantinople Opel , † 1130 or 1131 in Asia Minor ), nicknamed Porphyrogennetos , was a Byzantine prince of the dynasty of Comnenus .

Andronikos was the second eldest son of Emperor Alexios I and Irene Dukaina and thus a younger brother of the future Emperor John II. His sister Anna Komnena called him her favorite brother. In 1116, Andronikos, who by then at the latest had the high dignity of sebastokrator (vice-emperor), was involved as a young military leader in the battle of Philomelion against the Seljuks sultan Malik Shah I , which was victorious for Byzantium . Together with John II and the Megas Domestikos Johannes Axuch, he destroyed the Pechenegs who had penetrated the Byzantine theme of Paristrion from the north over the Danube in a battle near Beroia in 1122 .

Andronikos Komnenos died in a severe storm in Asia Minor in 1130 or 1131. His body was transported by ship to Constantinople by Irene Dukaina and the emperor Nikephoros Bryennios .



  • Κωνσταντίνος Βαρζός: Η Γενεαλογία των Κομνηνών (= Βυζαντινά Κείμενα και Μελέται. Τ. 20α , ZDB ID 420491-8 ). Τόμος Α '. Κέντρο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών - ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη 1984, pp. 229-237 No. 35, digitized version (PDF; 264 MB) .
  • Божидар Ферјанчић: Севастократори у Византији . In: Зборник радова Византолошког института 11, 1968, ISSN  0584-9888 , pp. 141-192, there pp. 152f ( digitized version ).
  • Matoula Kouroupou, Jean-François Vannier: Commémoraisons des Comnènes dans le typikon liturgique du monastère du Christ Philanthrope (Ms. Panaghia Kamariotissa 29) . In: Revue des Études byzantines 63, 2005, pp. 41–69.
  • Basile Skoulatos: Les Personnages Byzantins de l'Alexiade. Analysis Prosopographique et Synthèse (= Recueil de Travaux d'Histoire et de Philologie. Sér. 6, Vol. 20, ZDB -ID 437846-5 ). Nauwelaerts, Louvain-la-Neuve 1980, No. 12 (also: Louvain, Universität, Dissertation, 1978).

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