Angela Piskernik

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Angela Piskernik

Angela Piskernik (born August 27, 1886 in Lobnig near Bad Eisenkappel , Carinthia ; † December 23, 1967 in Ljubljana ) was an Austrian-Yugoslav botanist and conservationist.

Live and act

Piskernik attended the Ursuline teacher training college in Klagenfurt and a grammar school in Graz . She received her doctorate in 1914 at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna with a doctoral thesis in botany. Hans Molisch was one of her academic teachers . She then worked in the Botanical Department of the State Museum in Ljubljana and taught natural history at several high schools.

Since her studies she has been advocating women's rights and the rights of the Slovenian ethnic group in Carinthia. After the referendum on October 10, 1920 , she became involved in the “Club of Carinthian Slovenes in Ljubljana” and became its vice-president.

When a friend was active as a resistance fighter, she was arrested by the National Socialists in 1943 and taken to the Ravensbrück concentration camp . There she wrote a collection of recipes that interned women told each other. The writer Maja Haderlap , who also comes from Bad Eisenkappel, mentions in the novel Engel des Vergessens her contribution to the preservation and publication of poems by the Slovenian Katharina Miklav, a fellow prisoner.

In 1945 she was appointed director of the Natural History Museum in Ljubljana. In the field of nature conservation, she campaigned for the renewal and preservation of the Juliana Alpine Botanical Garden and the establishment of the Triglav National Park in Slovenia . It was inspired by the ideas of the Italian conservationist Renzo Videsott .

In the 1960s she was Yugoslavia's delegate to the International Alpine Protection Commission CIPRA . In 1966 she proposed the creation of a cross-border nature park together with Austria in the Steiner Alps and the Karawanken , but this was not realized. This area is now part of the European Green Belt , a chain of nature reserves along the former Iron Curtain . Your suggestion served as a stimulus for the establishment of the Karawanken Geopark .

In July 2015, the Klagenfurt Greens demanded that a street or a square be named after Angela Piskernik.

Publications (selection)

  • The plasma compounds in mosses. (1914), Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 3/4, pp. 107–120 (= dissertation, note)
  • About the action of fluorescent dyes on the germination of the seeds. (1921), session reports of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna, mathematical and natural science class, vol. 130, dept. 1, 6/7, pp. 189–214
  • The Triglav National Park in the Julian Alps. (1964), Naturschutzparke 34, pp. 1-6
  • Jugoslovansko-Avstrijski visokogorski park (predlog za zavarovanje) (with a German summary: To create a Yugoslav-Austrian park in the high mountainous border area ). (1965) Varstvo narave 4, pp. 7-15
  • Nature conservation in Yugoslavia. (1967), Yearbook of the Association for the Protection of Alpine Plants and Animals, 32nd year, pp. 118-131
  • Decades of efforts to create the Triglav National Park. In: Festschrift for the award of the Van Tienhoven Prize by the FVS Foundation in Hamburg. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (1967), pp. 33–45


  • Helmut Gams , Karl Kolar: Angela Piskernik †. Nature & Land: Journal of the Austrian Nature Conservation Union. Vol. 54 (1968), p. 44.
  • Helena Verdel , Traude Kogoj: The hundred most important women in Eastern Europe. Wieser, Klagenfurt 2003, ISBN 3-85129-421-1 , pp. 211-214.
  • Tina Bahovec: On the role of Slovenian women in the era of nationalization. In: Tina Bahovec (Hrsg.): Elites and becoming a nation. The role of the elites in the nationalization of the Carinthian Slovenes. Hermagoras, Klagenfurt-Ljubljana-Wien 2003, ISBN 3-85013-917-4 , pp. 345-385.
  • Janez Stergar, Igor Žunkovič: The botanist Angela Piskernik (1886-1967), the first Slovene doctor of philosophy at the University of Vienna. In: Petra Kramberger, Irena Samide, Tanja Žigon (eds.): Women who study; are dangerous. Selected portraits of Slovenian women of intelligence. Knjigarna Filozofska facultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana 2018, ISBN 978-961-06-0112-8 , pp. 57–86.


  • Kuharska knjiga dr. Angele Piskernik ( The cookbook by Dr. Angela Piskernik , with German subtitles), documentary by Amir Muratović, 50 minutes, Slovenian TV , 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Film screening The Cookbook by Dr. Angela Piskernik , Slovenian Science Institute in Vienna, 2013, accessed on November 8, 2013.
  2. Rosina Katz-Logar: Angela Piskernik and her cookbook from the concentration camp. In: Small newspaper . December 22, 2012. Retrieved January 28, 2017.
  3. Jože Košnjek: Wooden masks in Malborghett ( Memento from February 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Sosed / Nachbar, Internet portal and newspaper for Upper Carniola and Carinthia. May 9, 2012, accessed on January 21, 2014.
  4. Maja Haderlap : Angel of oblivion. Novel. Wallstein, Göttingen 2011, ISBN 978-3-8353-0953-1 .
  5. Wilhelm Baum (Ed.): Goodbye over the stars! Na svidenje nad zvezdami! Letters from resistance and persecution under the Nazi regime in Carinthia. Kitab, Klagenfurt-Wien 2012, ISBN 978-3-902585-83-7 , pp. 240–244.
  6. The “glorious” 50s and 60s: a playground for scientists. CIPRA, accessed May 8, 2014.
  7. ^ Helfried Patz: Between Laibach and Stein: The Alpine Commission. Nature & Land: Journal of the Austrian Nature Conservation Union. 53: 69-74 (1967).
  8. Peter Skoberne, Michael Getzner and Hanns Kirchmeir (2012): Analysis of the natural conditions in the Karawanken area. Project report, Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, accessed on January 24, 2014.
  9. ^ Name the street after the Carinthian botanist Die Grünen Klagenfurt, accessed on August 26, 2015.