Anna Castelli Ferrieri

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Stool 4855 designed by Anna Castelli Ferrieri for Kartell

Anna Castelli Ferrieri (born August 6, 1920 in Milan , Italy ; † June 22, 2006 there ) was an Italian architect and chief designer at Kartell .


Castelli Ferrieri, daughter of a journalist and founder of Il Convegno magazine, met James Joyce , Thomas Mann and Luigi Pirandello at a young age . During her studies she had contact with Le Corbusier , but found her teacher in the Italian rationalist Franco Albini . From 1938 to 1943 she studied architecture with Franco Albini at the Milan Polytechnic and was one of the first architecture graduates there. She was a founding member of the Movimento di studi per l'architettura (MSA) in Milan.

In 1946 she was co-editor of the architecture magazine Casabella-Costruzioni in Milan and for five years Italian correspondent for the London magazine Architectural Design . In 1946 she founded her own office in Milan. During this time she was involved in urban planning, she built residential and hospitals, churches and industrial buildings. In 1952 she became a member of the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica. Together with Ignazio Gardella , she worked on architectural projects from 1959 to 1973. Its major works include the Kartell headquarters , Villa Via Marchiondi and the Alfa Romeo offices and factories . She remarked about her work as an architect: “You have a free choice. And that's why you have a huge responsibility. Nothing is less free than freedom. "

In 1949 her husband Giulio Castelli, a chemist who had studied with Nobel Prize winner Giulio Natta , founded the furniture manufacturer Kartell , which became a world leader in the design and manufacture of plastic furniture . As an architect, Castelli Ferrieri designed the Kartell building in Binasco in 1966 and became a design consultant, from 1976 to 1987 she was Art Director of Kartell, where she designed objects from ultra-modern plastic. It became known worldwide with the “Componibili” modular system. During her time at Kartell, she worked for other Italian companies: Arflex, Floordesign, Lanerossi, Giorgetti, Matrix, Matteo Grassi and Barovier & Toso.

In 1983 she organized the Esitere come Donna exhibition at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, an exhibition on the history of woman emancipation from the eighteenth century to the present day.

She was a lecturer in industrial design at the University of Milan from 1984 to 1986. She taught at the Domus Academy design school until 1992 and was co-founder and chairwoman of the Society for Industrial Design (ADI) in 1956 . Her designs have received numerous international awards, including the Compasso d'Oro , the most important Italian award for industrial design. For the exhibition 4: 3 - 50 Years of Italian and German Design in the Kunsthalle Bonn in 2000, she created separate designs.

Castelli Ferrieri, along with Pier and Achille Castiglioni , Gae Aulenti , Ettore Sottsass and Joe Colombo , was one of the most important designers of the Italian post-war period thanks to their simple, matter-of-fact style . Some of her work can be seen in New York in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art and the Center Georges-Pompidou in Paris.

Works (selection)

  • 1949–1955 Villa Via Marchiondi, Milan (Italy)
  • 1966 Kartell building, Binasco (Italy)
  • 1966 round plastic tables 4993/94 for Kartell (with Ignazio Gardella)
  • 1967 Rectangular container elements 4970/84 made of ABS plastic
  • 1969 Componibili modular system
  • 1976 Plastic salad servers
  • 1979 stool 4822/44
  • 1979 stacking chair No. 4870
  • 1981 plastic armchair 4855
  • 1982 Square plastic table No. 4300
  • 1985 plastic chair 4870
  • 1986 plastic chair 4873 (all for Kartell)
  • 1990 Segnale sofa (for Arflex)
  • 1993 cutlery Hannah (for Sambonet)
  • 1994 Contralto table (for Ycami)
  • 1996 Segnale cutlery (for Sambonet)
  • 1997 Glas Goto (for Barovier & Toso)


  • 1947 gold medal at the Triennale , Milan
  • 1950 gold medal at the Triennale , Milan
  • 1973 German Federal Prize Good Form for their stacking elements 4970
  • 1979 Product Design Award, New York
  • 1979 Compasso d'Oro for the Atelier Centrokappa, which she runs
  • 1984 Product Design Award, New York
  • 1983 ID Annual Design Award, USA
  • 1987 Compasso d'Oro for their stacking chair 4870 developed for Kartell
  • 1994 Compasso d'Oro for her Hannah metal cutlery designed for Sambonet
  • 1999 the "Kölner Klopfer" of the students of the Cologne International School of Design KISD


  • Charlotte Fiell; Peter Fiell (Ed.): Design of the 20th Century , Taschen, Cologne 2012, ISBN 978-3-8365-4107-7 , p. 147
  • Verena von Koskull: Anna Castelli Ferrieri: The rational beauty of plastic. In: Britta Jürgs (Hrsg.): From salt shakers to automobiles: Designers , Aviva Verlag, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-932338-16-2 , p. 155
  • Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany GmbH (Ed.): 4: 3 50 years of Italian and German design , exhibition catalog with designs by Castelli Ferrieri, Hatje Cantz, Bonn 2000, ISBN 978-3-7757-0914-9

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Verena von Koskull: Anna Castelli Ferrieri: The rational beauty of plastic . In: Britta Jürgs (Hrsg.): From salt shakers to automobiles: Designers , p. 155, Aviva Verlag, Berlin 2002, ISBN 3-932338-16-2 .
  2. Exhibition catalog with designs by Castelli Ferrieri, accessed on March 25, 2015
  3.¶m.idSource=FR_O-edac50814d3464674153ddcca32803d Work by Castouelli Ferrieri, accessed on March 25, 2015 in the Pompidelli Ferrierges collection