Annemarie Pieper

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Annemarie Pieper (born January 8, 1941 in Düsseldorf ) is a German philosopher .


Pieper first studied foreign languages ​​at the interpreting institute from 1960 , then philosophy, English and German at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken , where she received her doctorate in philosophy under Hermann Krings through Søren Kierkegaard in 1967 . She then continued to work at Béla von Brandenstein in Saarbrücken , but left the university because of Karl-Heinz Ilting's misogynistic attitude . As the second woman after Hedwig Conrad-Martius , she qualified as a professor in 1972 for philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München with the thesis The category of ethics. An analysis of moral judgment . She remained there until 1981 as a university lecturer and professor (C2) for philosophy and worked as an editor on the Schelling Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . She also earned extra income through translations, e.g. B. an American catechism . According to her information, appointments failed for a long time because of her gender. From 1981 to 2001 she was a full professor of philosophy at the University of Basel on the chair of Karl Jaspers , for a few years she was the only professor. There she worked under Jeanne Hersch on the board of trustees of the Karl Jaspers Foundation, which published writings from his estate.

Pieper is known to a larger audience in Switzerland through radio and television broadcasts. On Swiss television she presented the show Sternstunde Philosophie .

Annemarie Pieper's main focus is on ethics , feminist philosophy and existential philosophy . Your introduction to ethics is one of the standard works in the subject.

Pieper is also co-editor of the critical complete edition of Friedrich Nietzsche's letters and the yearbook of the Nietzsche Society , Nietzsche Research .

In 2013 she received the Dr. Margrit Egnér Foundation .

Fonts (selection)

Philosophical writings

  • History and eternity with Sören Kierkegaard. The key problem of pseudonymous writings (= monographs on philosophical research. Vol. 55). Hain, Meisenheim 1968.
  • Linguistic analytical ethics and practical freedom. The problem of ethics as an autonomous science. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1973, ISBN 3-17-001546-X .
  • Pragmatic and ethical justification of norms (= practical philosophy. 9). Alber, Freiburg im Breisgau 1979, ISBN 3-495-47407-2 .
  • Albert Camus (= Beck series. Vol. 507). Beck, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-406-08507-5 .
  • Ethics and morals. An introduction to practical philosophy. Beck, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-406-30877-5 .
  • "A rope tied between animal and superman". Philosophical explanations of Nietzsche's first “Zarathustra”. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1990, ISBN 3-608-91065-4 ; updated new edition under the title: "A rope, knotted between animal and superman". Philosophical explanations of Nietzsche's “Also sprach Zarathustra” from 1883. Schwabe, Basel 2010, ISBN 978-3-7965-2682-4 .
  • Introduction to Ethics. Francke, Tübingen 1991; 6th, revised and updated edition 2007, ISBN 978-3-7720-8237-5 .
  • Good and bad (= Beck series. Vol. 2077). Beck, Munich 1997; 3rd, revised edition 2008, ISBN 978-3-406-41877-8 .
  • Revolt of the disused sex. Introduction to Feminist Ethics. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, ISBN 3-451-04231-2 .
  • with Urs Thurnherr : What should philosophers read? Schmidt, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-503-03079-4 .
  • Think for yourself. Incitement to philosophize (= Reclams Universal Library . Vol. 1585). Reclam, Leipzig 1997; 5th edition 2002, ISBN 3-379-01585-7 .
  • Are there feminist ethics? Fink, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7705-3320-8 (Fink), ISBN 3-8252-2034-6 (UTB).
  • Søren Kierkegaard (= Beck series. Vol. 556). Beck, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-406-41956-9 .
  • Hit and miss. The art of living well. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2001; dtv, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-423-30872-9 .


As editor

As a translator


  • Monika Hofmann-Riedinger, Urs Thurnherr (ed.): Recognition. A philosophical propaedeutic. Festschrift for Annemarie Pieper. Alber, Freiburg im Breisgau 2001, ISBN 3-495-47943-0 .

Web links

supporting documents

  1. a b A. Pieper: Detours to Philosophy , in: C. u. M. Hauskeller: "What holds the world together at its core ..." 34 Paths to Philosophy , Hamburg 1996, p. 119