Vicariate Apostolic Pilcomayo

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Vicariate Apostolic Pilcomayo

Map of the Vicariate Apostolic Pilcomayo
Basic data
Country Paraguay
Apostolic Vicar Lucio Alfert OMI
Vicar General Miguel Fritz OMI
founding 1950
surface 125,000 km²
Parishes 6 (2014 / AP 2015 )
Residents 89,000 (2014 / AP 2015 )
Catholics 41,400 (2014 / AP 2015 )
proportion of 46.5%
Diocesan priest 3 (2014 / AP 2015 )
Religious priest 8 (2014 / AP 2015 )
Catholics per priest 3,764
Friars 12 (2014 / AP 2015 )
Religious sisters 20 (2014 / AP 2015 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Spanish
cathedral Santa Maria
Santa Maria Cathedral in Mariscal Estigarribia

The Apostolic Vicariate of Pilcomayo ( lat. : Apostolicus Vicariatus Pilcomayoënsis , span. : Vicariato Apostolico de Pilcomayo ) is in Paraguay located Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate based in Mariscal Estigarribia .


The Apostolic Vicariate Pilcomayo was founded on February 12, 1925 by Pope Pius XI. established from the cession of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Chaco as the Apostolic Prefecture Pilcomayo . On May 1, 1929, the Apostolic Prefecture Pilcomayo gave parts of its territory to the establishment of the Diocese of Concepción y Chaco .

The Apostolic Prefecture of Pilcomayo was elevated to the Apostolic Vicariate on July 14, 1950. On June 28, 1980, the Vicariate Apostolic Pilcomayo gave parts of its territory to the establishment of the Diocese of Benjamin Aceval .

The church of San Miguel on the premises of the Paraguayan Air Force initially served as the cathedral . In it is the grave of the popular missionary and vicar apostolic Pa'i Puku . In 2000 the new St. Mary's Cathedral was consecrated.

Ordinaries of Pilcomayo

Apostolic Prefects

Vicars Apostolic

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. consecrated on September 8, 2000 ( )