Aquarium (tape)

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Aquarium at a concert in Mannheim, 2004
Aquarium at a concert in Mannheim, 2004
General information
Genre (s) Fusion , folk rock , blues rock , progressive rock , psychedelic rock , new wave , experimental rock , alternative rock , reggae , neofolk
founding 1972
Founding members
Boris Grebenschtschikow
Anatoly Gunizki
Current occupation
Boris Grebenschtschikow
Boris Rubekin
Oleg Shevkunov ("Oleg Schar")
Igor Timofeev
Andrei Surotdinov
Alexander Titov

Aquarium ( Russian Аквариум , transcribed Akwarium) is a Russian rock group founded in 1972 by Boris Grebenchtschikow , then a student of applied mathematics at Leningrad State University, and Anatoly "George" Gunitsky, then a playwright and poet in the style of absurdity . As pioneers of perestroika rock, together with the bands Kino and DDT, they are considered to be important exponents of newer Russian rock music .


During the 1970s and early 1980s rock 'n' roll was banned in the Soviet Union , only a few state-affiliated artists were an exception, which is why aquarium concerts usually took place in private apartments and were mostly played " unplugged " so as not to be played by To be betrayed to clairaudient neighbors and for technical reasons. Concerts of this kind were typical of the underground scene in the Soviet Union at that time. The limited space created an intimate atmosphere between the band and the audience, in which people were listening with bated breath. Recordings were then made using a simple cassette recorder. In this regard there was a similarity to the concept of the Russian bards , although Aquarium were far more influenced by Western music, in particular by the Beatles , Bob Dylan , David Bowie , Roxy Music , prog rock bands like Jethro Tull , King Crimson and also reggae , what As a result, her compositions were musically more complex and her texts covered a wide range of topics, including Grebenchtschikov's literacy in matters of Celtic and Indian culture.

Until 1987 Aquarium, some of whose members had received engineering training, recorded all of their albums in a self-built underground studio , which they disguised as a “club of young technicians”. For the recordings of the 1983 album Radio Afrika they secretly used a government mobile studio after they bribed a technician. Despite these adverse circumstances, the recording quality of their albums was relatively high, the albums released from 1980 to 1987 are considered by experts as their best.

In the wake of the glasnost , introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 , many Russian underground musicians came to the public, with Aquarium becoming one of the most popular music groups. They were now allowed to play in large concert halls, appeared on state television programs and contributed to the soundtracks of several films, such as " Assa " from 1988. In 1987 the recording of a first album ( Rawnodenstwije ) for the state record label Melodija ( Мелодия ) followed, which in the Soviet Union - published with an official backing catalog and legalized distribution - was a great success and sold over a million times within a few months. However, this album was also the last with the original line-up, and the band quickly broke up afterwards.

After the split, Grebenchtschikow released two albums in English (on "Radio Silence" and the later semi-officially released "Radio London") and went on tour with various backup bands. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, he released the Russki Albom (German: Russian album ) under the name "BG-Band" , a compilation of melancholy folk songs that were shaped by his travels throughout Russia and highlighted his Russian roots. With this band he released other albums, toured extensively throughout the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and performed in front of communities of Russian immigrants in Germany, Israel, and the United States.

Although Aquarium was particularly criticized by traditional fans because of the distance from their original style and constant line-up changes, the group still enjoys great success in Russia to this day, both old and new songs achieve a high airplay , the albums sell well and the group still goes on tour.

After the peat and forest fires in summer 2010, the group donated 60 percent of the download sales of their digitally re-edited album "Nascha schisn s totschki srenija derewjew" ("Our life from the perspective of the trees") with live recordings from 1987 for the victims this fire.

In 2017, the Yabloko collected signatures for a withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria under the name "Let's go home", a statement from Aquarium 's song This Train's on Fire .


The line-up of Aquarium is subject to strong fluctuation, which in the eyes of many fans makes the band a solo project by Grebenchtschikows. The current line-up is as follows:



  • Sini Albom (Синий альбом, German: "Blue Album"; 1981)
  • Treugolnik (Треугольник, German: "triangle"; 1981)
  • Elektritschestvo. Istorija Akwariuma - Tom 2 (Электричество. История Аквариума - Том 2; German: Electricity. Aquariums history - Volume 2; 1981)
  • Acoustics. Istorija Akwariuma - Tom 1 (Акустика. История Аквариума - Том 1; Ger .: Akustik. Aquariums Geschichte - Volume 1; 1982)
  • Taboo (Табу; 1982)
  • Radio Africa (Радио Африка; 1983)
  • Ichtiologija (Ихтиология, German: "Ichthyologie"; 1984)
  • The Serebra (День Серебра, German: "Day of Silver"; 1984)
  • Deti Dekabrja (Дети Декабря, German: "December Children"; 1985)
  • Desjat strel (Десять стрел, German: "Ten Arrows"; 1986)
  • Rawnodenstwije (Равноденствие, German: "Equinox"; 1987)
  • Assa (1987)
  • Tschjornaja rosa - emblema hechali, krasnaja rosa - emblema ljubwi (Чёрная роза - эмблема печали, красная роза - эмблема любви, dt .: "black rose - emblem of love"; - 1990)
  • Dom pod swjosdnym nebom (Дом под звёздным небом, German: "House under the starry sky" 1990) - FIRST RELEASED IN 2000 UNDER NAME "Сделано на Мосфильме, (eng .: Made On Mosfilm;)
  • Archiv. Istorija Akwariuma - Tom 3 (Архив. История Аквариума - Том 3; German: Archives. Aquariums History - Volume 3; 1991)
  • Biblioteka Wawilona. Istorija Akwariuma - Tom 4 (Библиотека Вавилона. История Аквариума - Том 4; German: The Library of Babylon. Aquariums History - Volume 4; 1993)
  • Ljubimye Pesni Ramsesa IV (Любимые Песни Рамзеса IV, German: "Favorite songs of Ramses IV."; 1993)
  • Peski Peterburga (Пески Петербурга, German: "The Sands of Petersburg"; 1994)
  • Kostroma mon amour (Кострома Mon Amour; 1994)
  • Nawigator (Навигатор, German: "Navigator"; 1995)
  • Sneschny Lew (Снежный Лев, German: "Snow Lion"; 1996)
  • Giperboreja (Гиперборея, German: "Hyperborea"; 1997)
  • Bardo (1997; Aquarium incognito as Russko-Abissinski Orkestr, German Russian-Abyssinian Orchestra)
  • Art camera (Кунсткамера, German: "Kunstkammer"; 1998)
  • Ψ ("Psi"; 1999)
  • Pjatiugolny Grech (Пятиугольный грех, German "Pentagonal sin"; 2000; aquarium incognito as a terrarium)
  • Territorija (Территория, German: "Territorium"; 2000; compilation)
  • Sestra Chaos (Сестра Хаос, German: "Sister Chaos"; 2002)
  • Pesni Rybaka (Песни рыбака, German: "Fischerlieder"; 2003)
  • 50 BG (50 БГ; 2003)
  • ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM (2005)
  • Bespetschny Russki Brodjaga (Беспечный русский бродяга, German: "Carefree Russian vagabond"; 2006)
  • Loschad Belaja (Лошадь белая, German: "White Horse"; 2008)
  • Pushkinskaja, 10 (Пушкинская, 10; German: "Pushkinstrasse 10"; 2009)
  • Nascha schisn s totschki srenija derewjew (Наша жизнь с точки зрения деревьев; Eng. "Our life from the perspective of the trees"; 2010)
  • Arkhangelsk (Архангельск; Eng. "Arkhangelsk"; 2011)

Boris Grebenshikov - Борис Гребенщиков (known as BG / БГ)

  • Radio Silence (1989)
  • Radio London (1990)
  • Russki Albom (Русский Альбом, German: "Russian Album"; 1991)
  • Pisma kapitana Voronina (Письма капитана Воронина, German: "Captain Wowronin's letters"; 1993)
  • Pesni Alexandra Wertinskogo (Песни Александра Вертинского, German: "Alexander Wertinski's songs"; 1994)
  • Saduschewnye Pesni (Задушевные песни, German about "Emotional Songs"; 1994; / BG + Kwartet Anny Kareninoy /, German Anna-Karenina-Quartet)
  • Tschubchik (Чубчик; 1996)
  • Lilit (Лилит; 1997)
  • Прибежище / БГ + Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors / (1998)
  • Борис Гребенщиков и Deadушки / БГ + Deadушки / (1998)
  • Молитва и пост (1998)
  • Песни Булата Окуджавы (1999)
  • Переправа / BG + Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors / (2002)
  • Без слов (2004)

Web links

Commons : Aquarium  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. « Время вернуться домой » - Vremya vernut'sya domoy . In: Новая газета - Novaya Gazeta . July 1, 2017 (Russian, - time to go home).