Aquarius dwarf galaxy

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Aquarius dwarf galaxy
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Image of the Aquarius dwarf galaxy by HST / WikiSky
Image of the Aquarius dwarf galaxy by HST / WikiSky
Constellation Aquarius
equinoxJ2000.0 , epoch : J2000.0
Right ascension 20 h 46 m 51.8 s
declination -12 ° 50 ′ 53 ″
Morphological type dIB (s) m  
Brightness  (visual) 14.0 mag
Angular expansion (2.2 × 1.1) ′
Physical data
Affiliation Local group  
Radial velocity (−141 ± 2) km / s  
distance (3,100,000 ± 160,000) ly /
(950,000 ± 50,000) pc
Discovery date 1959
Catalog names
PGC  65367 • DDO 210, AqrDIG

The Aquarius Dwarf (also briefly AqrDIG ) is an irregular dwarf galaxy in the constellation of Aquarius , first cataloged in the year 1959 by the screening of the DDO Survey .

One of its most characteristic properties is its blue shift , which occurs in only a few galaxies , synonymous with the fact that this galaxy is moving towards our Milky Way . The speed of the approach is 137 k m / s .

Lee et al. were able to finally identify AqrDIG as a member of the local group in 1999 . They measured the distance to (950 ± 50) k pc by determining the tip of the giant red branch of the dwarf galaxy. Approximately the same distance from the barycenter of the local group makes AqrDIG one of the isolated galaxies of this galaxy group and of intergalactic space.

Compared to other irregular dwarf galaxies, AqrDIG is relatively faint.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d NED
  2. ^ A b Sidney van den Bergh: Updated Information on the Local Group . In: The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific . 112, No. 770, April 2000, pp. 529-536. arxiv : astro-ph / 0001040 . bibcode : 2000PASP..112..529V . doi : 10.1086 / 316548 .
  3. Results for Andromeda VII . In: SIMBAD Astronomical Database . Retrieved March 6, 2010.