Arkadiusz Radwan

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Arkadiusz Benedykt Radwan (born April 2, 1976 ) is a Polish lawyer and attorney . He teaches at numerous universities, is the author of numerous scientific and popular scientific publications and is committed to charitable causes. Radwan completed his habilitation at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and is a professor at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas . He is Director of the Scientific Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna , President of the Allerhand Institute in Krakow, Co-Director of the Center for Company Law & Corporate Governance at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and Counsel of the Kubas - Kos - Gałkowski Law Office in Cracow. He is an expert in corporate law , corporate governance , comparative law , economic analysis of law , constitutional law and higher education . He is also active as a legal expert, u. a. for the European Commission, the European Parliament and a number of Polish ministries.


Radwan attended the III. General education Adam Mickiewicz Lyceum in Tarnów . After graduating from high school, he studied law at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In 2001 he finished his studies with the academic title “Mag. juris ”, he wrote his diploma thesis with Ireneusz Weiss. He also studied at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena , where he completed his Magister Legum (LLM) with Walter Bayer . He also completed a one-year degree in management and business administration at the Institute for Applied Economics at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and is a graduate of the School of German Law, a program run by the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the University of Heidelberg and the University of Mainz . In 2003 he did his doctorate under Wojciech Pyzioł with a dissertation on Prawo poboru w spółce akcyjnej w prawie polskim na tle porównawczym [Share subscription law in Polish law in a comparative perspective] at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. In 2016 he completed his habilitation at the Jagiellonian University on the basis of his previous scientific oeuvre and his habilitation thesis Ius dissidentium. Granice Konsensusu korporacyjnego i władzy większości w spółkach kapitałowych [ Ius dissidentium. The limits of corporate consensus and majority power in corporations ]. Radwan completed management courses at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and the Copenhagen Business School and was also a lecturer at the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute in Florence.

From 2004 to 2005 he was a Hauser Research Scholar with Joseph Weiler at the law faculty at New York University (NYU School of Law).

From 2006 to 2007 he worked as a post-doc at the graduate college at the Institute for Economic Analysis at the University of Hamburg , which at that time was headed by Hans-Bernd Schäfer. Before that he was a participant in the DFG graduate college at the University of Bonn . He worked as a post-doc at the Financial Law Institute at the University of Ghent with Christoph van der Elst. Research stays led him a. a. to the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, the Legal Center for European and International Cooperation (RIZ) at the University of Cologne and the Institute for Eastern European Law (EastLaw) at the University of Kiel .

Radwan first became a visiting professor and then a professor at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas . He is also visiting professor at Babes Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, where he was also appointed co-director of the Center for Company Law and Corporate Governance. He also teaches as part of the summer courses and LLM studies at the Free International University for Social Studies (LUISS) in Rome and gives lectures as a guest lecturer at numerous universities, among others. a., at the University of Macerata , at the Iwan Franko University in Lemberg , at the Academy for Political Economy in Tarnopol, at the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing and at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Pölten.

In Poland he taught at numerous universities, including the University of Social Sciences in Łódź, the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University in Cracow, the Jagiellonian University in Cracow , the University of Rzeszów and the University of Economics in Cracow .

Since 2015 he has been a member of the Advisory Board Center for European Company Law (CECL), an international academic network to which the universities in Leiden , Utrecht , Maastricht, Uppsala and Rome belong.

In the period from 2010 to 2014 and since 2016 he has been the European Parliament's expert on corporate law issues for the PE Legal Commission (JURI).

In 2014 he was appointed by the European Commission to the Informal Company Law Expert Group, an advisory body to the European Commission that worked from 2014 to 2017 and a. Developed a package of guidelines on the mobility of corporations and digitization in corporate law. Previously, in 2013, he was part of a team of experts developing guidelines for European one-person companies ( societas unius personae ), which operated on the basis of the former so-called Reflection Group.

From 2006 to 2007 he was involved in the preparation of a study on the proportionality of ownership and control in public companies on behalf of the European Commission (One Share, One Vote).

From 2013 to 2015 he was a member of a team to develop systemic solutions regarding the possibility of settling economic disputes, which was set up by the Polish Minister of Economic Affairs in cooperation with the Minister of Justice.

In 2015 he was appointed to the business law team set up by the Polish Minister of Economic Affairs.

From 2016 to 2017 he was a member of the team set up by the Polish Minister for Economic Development to prepare a draft law for a so-called simplified joint-stock company (Polish: Prosta Spółka Akcyjna ).

In 2016, the team of scientists, under his leadership, was awarded one of the three prizes in the context of the competition organized by the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the preparation of reform approaches for higher education. Subsequently, he was conceptually involved in the reform process.

Radwan also works as an expert on legal reform in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. In 2014, he headed a team that prepared a study for the European Union delegation in Kiev to evaluate the status quo and make recommendations for reforming Ukrainian company law with a view to adapting it to the acquis communautaire .

In the period from 2007 to 2010 he was the chief editor of the "Czasopismo Kwartalne Całego Prawa Handlowego, Upadłościowego oraz Rynku Kapitałowego". Since 2015 he has been a member of the scientific council of the bimonthly journal "European Company Law". Since 2018 he has been a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Głos Prawa - Przegląd Prawniczy Allerhanda".

Public work

Radwan is the initiator and co-founder of the Allerhand Institute (Maurycy Allerhand Institute for Advanced Legal Studies). For its establishment, he gathered the support of numerous Polish legal scholars and economists. The institute founders include a. Leszek Allerhand, Michał Bobrzyński, Grzegorz Domański, Adam Redzik, Wojciech Rogowski and Stanisław Sołtysiński. The open letter regarding the establishment of the Allerhand Institute was published in numerous legal journals, among others. a. published in: "Przegląd Prawa Handlowego", "Monitor Prawniczy", "Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego", "Palestra", "Rejent" and in "Czasopismo Kwartalne Całego Prawa Handlowego, Upadłościowego i Rynku Kapitałowego".

He also spoke out against the liquidation of the capital pillar (open pension funds) in the social security system in the course of the discussion on the pension reform in the period from 2013 to 2014.

When the city of Krakow tried to organize the Winter Olympics in 2022, he represented the city's opponents of this project in the legal dispute against the Lord Mayor of Krakow. He was the honorary judicial representative of Tomasz Leśniak from the organization “Krakow Against the Winter Olympic Games”, which spoke out against the holding of a campaign for the referendum in the spring of 2014 regarding the organization of the Winter Games in Krakow, arguing with incorrect information. The District Court in Kraków and, subsequently, the Court of Appeal in Kraków dismissed the lawsuit on formal grounds, but the court hearings received extensive coverage in local and Poland-wide media, which helped the public to understand the costs and the functioning of the Organizing Committee the Winter Olympics was fully informed. Finally, in a referendum in 2014, the people of Kraków voted against the organization of the Winter Olympics.

In 2016, together with Jacek Sokołowski, he worked out a compromise proposal that should make it possible to end the conflict over the constitutional court in Poland and to prevent the constitutional crisis from escalating. The related concept was presented publicly by the Allerhand Institute and found the approval of numerous NGOs as well as a number of political commentators, u. a. by Jan Rokita . Together with representatives of these organizations, he presented this proposal to President Andrzej Duda . However, this initiative ultimately had no influence on the further course of the changes in the Constitutional Court.

In 2018, during the crisis over the Supreme Court in Poland, he unsuccessfully applied for a judge's office in the civil chamber of the Supreme Court .

Radwan is also committed to the Polish-Jewish dialogue. He is an alumnus of the exchange program of the Dialogue Forum between the Nations as well as the study program Project Interchange, which is funded by the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

Among other things, he also deals with the protection of historical truth as well as legal instruments for the protection of historical truth against defamation and revisionism of the Holocaust . In the discussion on the three-part German television film “ Our Mothers, Our Fathers ”, which aroused controversy in Poland with regard to the portrayal of the soldiers of the Home Army , he presented a possibility that filmmakers could use on the basis of the laws on the protection of personal rights could be held liable in a Polish civil court.

He is also a founding member, former vice-president, council member and co-chair of the council of the Incubator of the Articles of Association - a registered association whose aim is to find a development-oriented constitutional solution for Poland.

In 2013 and 2015 he was named one of the 50 most influential lawyers in Poland by the newspaper “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.

Publications (selection)

  • Ius dissidentium. Granice Konsensusu korporacyjnego i władzy większości w spółkach kapitałowych. Warszawa 2016, (CH Beck Verlag, Series: Instytucje Prawa Prywatnego)
  • Prawo poboru w spółce akcyjnej. Warszawa 2004 (CH Beck Verlag, series: Prawo Gospodarcze i Handlowe)
  • Prawda historyczna a odpowiedzialność prawna za jej negowanie lub zniekształcenie. Warszawa 2018, (CH Beck Verlag), (together with: M. Berent)
  • Plus ratio quam vis consuetudinis. Reforma nauki i akademii w Ustawie 2.0. 2nd edition, Kraków 2017, (Oficyna Allerhanda), ISBN 978-83-63515-24-9 , (ebook) ISBN 978-83-63515-25-6 , (editor)
  • Legal Aspects of Executive Remuneration in Polish Listed Companies. In: Ch. Van der Elst (Ed.): Executive Directors' Compensation in Comparative Corporate Perspective. Kluwer Law International 2015, pp. 299–324 (together with: T. Regucki)
  • Company Law in Poland: Between Autonomous Development and Legal Transplants. In: Ch. Jessel-Holst, R. Kulms, A. Trunk (Eds.): Private Law in Eastern Europe. Tübingen 2010, pp. 445–494 (together with: K. Oplustil)
  • Cross-Border Mergers - Experiences from Poland. In: T. Papadopoulos (Ed.): Cross-border Mergers Directive: EU perspectives and national experiences. Springer 2018 (in press), (with: A. Mucha)
  • Z problematyki ograniczeń zbywalności udziałów w spółce z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością. In: A. Olejniczak, M. Orlicki, J. Pokrzywniak (eds.): Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Profesora Andrzeja Kocha. Poznań 2017, pp. 409–443
  • Brexit - prawne następstwa i prawnicze spekulacje (book review: M. Kramme, Ch. Baldus, M. Schmidt-Kessel (eds.): Brexit and the legal consequences. Baden-Baden 2017), "Forum Prawnicze", no 2 (40) / 2017, pp. 92–109
  • Powództwo o rozwiązanie spółki z oo (art. 271 pt 1 KSH) - skuteczny instrument rozwiązywania konfliktów korporacyjnych czy "słabe ogniwo" w systemie ochrony mniejszości? In: B. Jelonek-Jarco, R. Kos, J. Zawadzka (eds.): Usus Magister Est Optimus. Rozprawy prawnicze ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kubasowi. Warszawa 2016, pp. 435–458
  • Przymusowy wykup akcji drobnych akcjonariuszy w świetle stanowiska Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. In: Kodeks spółek handlowych po 5 latach. Wrocław 2006, pp. 574-593
  • Sens i nonsense kapitału zakładowego - przyczynek do ekonomicznej analizy ochrony wierzycieli spółek kapitałowych. In: M. Cejmer, J. Napierała, T. Sójka (eds.): Europejskie prawo spółek. Volume II: Instytucje prawne dyrektywy kapitałowej. Volume 2, Zakamycze 2005, pp. 23-100
  • Reforma polskiego prawa spółek “w działaniu” - o potrzebie utworzenia wyspecjalizowanych sądów korporacyjnych. Zeszyty Prawnicze, no. 4/2018 pp. 153–205
  • Advocatus populi i advocatus diaboli - o prawie, argumentach i strategiach stron negocjujących Brexit. Politeja, Heft 4 (49) / 2017, pp. 231–271 (together with : H.-B. Schäfer)
  • Brexit Poker - Who Has The Better Cards In The Exit Negotiations? Wirtschaftsdienst, 10/2016, pp. 763–768 (together with: H.-B. Schäfer)
  • Long tradition and short memory of Polish constitutionalism - a contribution to understanding the constitutional crisis of 2015-16. Bucerius Law Journal, issue. 1/2016, pp. 1–6
  • Chess-boxing around the Rule of Law: Polish Constitutionalism at Trial. Palestra, issue 3/2016, pp. 7-19
  • The Possibilities for and Barriers to Sustainable Companies in Polish Company Law. ICCLJ (International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, IALS & Cameron May), Vol. 11, 2015, Issue 01, pp. 59-104 (together with: T. Regucki)
  • Ukrainian Corporate Law: Model for Others, or in Need of a Model? (editorial), European Company Law (EuCL), Kluwer Law International, Vol. 12, 2015, Issue 05, pp. 215–216
  • Reforming Corporate Governance for turbulent times: financial crisis, sovereign debt crisis and News Corp. scandal - perpetual endeavors and new challenges. EuCL, Kluwer Law International, Vol. 9, 2012, Issue 05, pp. 260–262
  • Zaskarżanie uchwał walnego zgromadzenia akcjonariuszy. Reformy w Europie i wnioski dla polskiego ustawodawcy. "Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego", issue 2/2009, pp. 437–493 (together with: Ł. Gorywoda)
  • European Private Company and the Regulatory Landscape in the EU - An Introductory Note. European Business Law Review (EBLR), Kluwer Law International, Vol. 18, 2007, Issue 4, pp. 769-771
  • European Private Company - a view from the New Europe (Position of the “Expert Group 10+”). EBLR, Kluwer Law International, Vol. 18, 2007, Issue 4, pp. 772-779 (together with: E. Buttigieg, RN Catana, A. Glezl, B. Havel, M. Kauppi, T. Klauberg, I. Martinkute , M. Patakyova, A. Vutt)
  • Non ex regula ius sumatur, czyli o kilku prawdach zagrożonych / Non ex regula ius sumatur or abort a few endangered truths (edytorial), "Czasopismo Kwartalne Całego Prawa Handlowego, Upadłościowego oraz Rynku Kapitałowego" (HUK7), p. 3–15 (bilingual PL / EN)
  • 25 thoughts on European Company Law in the EU of 25th EBLR, Kluwer Law International, Vol. 17, 2006, Issue 4, pp. 1169–1179
  • Obowiązki informacyjne zarządu a ochrona akcjonariuszy w związku z uchwaleniem i wykorzystaniem kapitału docelowego. Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego, issue 1/2005, pp. 217-257
  • Szantaż korporacyjny i sposoby jego ograniczania de lege lata i de lege ferenda. “Przegląd Prawa Handlowego”, issue 11/2003, pp. 21-27
  • Aktuellna i przyszła regulacja przymusowego wykup akcji drobnych akcjonariuszy w polskim i europejskim prawie spółek. “Przegląd Legislacyjny”, issue 6/2003, pp. 29–56

Individual evidence

  1. Dėstytojai. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  2. a b team. Retrieved November 29, 2019 (German).
  3. a b dr hab. prof. VMU Arkadiusz Radwan, LL.M. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  4. ^ Arkadiusz Radwan - Wydział Prawa i Administracji - Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  5. ^ Past Hauser Research Scholars | NYU School of Law. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  6. ^ Past Hauser Research Scholars | NYU School of Law. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  7. ^ Center for European Company Law: Advisory Board. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  8. ZARZĄDZENIE MINISTRA GOSPODARKI z dnia 23 września 2013 r. w sprawie powołania Zespołu do spraw systemowych rozwiązań w zakresie polubownych metod rozwiązywania sporów gospodarczych, ułatwiających wykonywanie działalności gospodarczej - Tekst pierwotnyaplych. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  9. ZARZĄDZENIE MINISTRA GOSPODARKI z dnia 29 maja 2015 r. w sprawie powołania Zespołu do spraw Prawa Gospodarczego - Tekst pierwotny - Baza aktów prawnych - - portal księgowych. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  10. Instytut Allerhanda - Workshop in Kiev. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  11. Czytelnia - Czasopismo Kwartalne całego Prawa handlowego, Upadłościowego oraz Rynku Kapitałowego. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  12. ^ European Company Law - Kluwer Law Online. Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  13. Redakcja - Głos Prawa. Retrieved November 29, 2019 (pl-PL).